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Hello everyone! My name is Ronda, I am married and have two children but if you look at my profile you will see all that lol. I am here to find out about getting a Timneh vs. Congo. So far I think the Timneh is the best for us. I have read that it is more of the family bird out of the two. If anyone can give me some hints and suggestions on what to look for when getting a new little one I would greatly appreciate it. I don't want one that isn't weaned that's for sure. I found a couple of breeders on-line and there is one imparticular that has really caught my interest on how much info they give you on their place and what they do to care for thier birds. We don't have any breeders near us. So my only option unless one of the breeders I contacted in Ohio give me a call is to order one and have it shipped. Please give me any feedback as we are new to this breeder option and have heard horror stories on bird fairs and pet shops. Thank you!!!

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Hello Ronda, and welcome to the family of grey owners. I am glad you joined and looking forward to hearing more about you and your family.


In my opinion, there is not a lot of difference between the Cag and the Tag except the Tag is smaller, has darker grey feathers, the beak is horn colored instead of black and the tail is a darker maroon versus the red tail of the Cag. The Tag may tend to be more outgoing and less likely to bond with only one person, but I am no expert on Tags.


You certainly want to get a weaned one, only people who have experience doing that should ever hand feed a baby grey.


Some of the members have bought their greys and have had them shipped from various places, some risks involved but I think they got theirs ok. Just be sure to ask a lot of questions and get some references.


I think you will like it here, we are a family and we like to help in any way we can.

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Hi Rhonda, and Welcome. Judy has said it all. I had my tag shipped from Fl to MA. Things went fine, so I wouldn't worry about it, if that's the only option you have. It is nerve wracking, but it was well worth it for us. Good luck, and any questions, feel free to ask.

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Guest Monique

Hi Ronda!! Welcome to the forum!! TAGs are known for being less "neurotic" (for lack of a better term) and less likely to bond to one human. This is widely reported but whether or not it is true I cannot tell you. We've had greys for about 13 years. First 2 CAGs of which we lost both of them, and almost decided to no longer have a Grey because it was so hard when our one died last year ... but then this year we got a TAG. So far I cannot tell a lot of difference other than looks. Mainly each bird has a different personality just like people.


Are you looking at the Hartman Aviary in Ohio? They will generally let people visit and it would probably be a good place to learn loads even if you do not decide to purchase a bird from them. I do not know them personally I only found their site because of the Aviator Harness ... and then vouched to myself I want to go there some summer and see all their birdies on one of their open weekends :).


Also - if you find a breeder you really like be sure and pick up the phone. Not everyone corresponds by e-mail. And some people only reply to phone calls, not e-mails because they get so many e-mails 90% of which are just people surfing the internet and casually sending questions out vs. being really interested. In contrast, someone who takes the time and money to place the phone call shows more serious interest.


I hope you enjoy it on the forum and I look forward to getting to know you and your future Grey!!! :)

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Hello Ronda and welcome to the group. I have both Tag & Cag love them both. It seems to me that the Cag is more of a one person bird as for the Tag they seem to go to any one who will give them attention. They are both big sucks and will win your heart, just remember that they can give you a good bite if provoked. Good luck on your choice.

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Thank you all for such a warm welcome!! I have a breeder that is contacting me right now actually and she has four timneh's, 3 males & one female. They are all soo cute! They were born in May and one in June. If we decide to go with this couple that is selling them which they have answered soo many questions for me already, I don't know which one to pick lol. It's soo hard to see in just pictures. But thanks again for the welcome! Look forward to talking to everyone for I'm sure I'll have a ton of questions and not to mention pictures to share!! Talk at ya'll later!

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