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In memory of oliver


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On the 2nd of september,it was about 7.30 and i went to my balcony and i picked up my budgie's cage and my canary's cage.It was going dark and i couldn't see oliver.But i could only just about see half of his little body.When i put them on my table,I knew there was somthing wronge with oliver.So i put my dog in the next room because i will try and get oliver.So i got oliver out and he seemed to be very week and when we get him out on a weekend for a little fly.He was very scared.But when i got him out he didn't budge.So he sat on my knee.Then his little eyes shut he stiffend up.So i said "goodbye oliver sleep well i will see you soon" . " god bless your soul".So then i wanted to berried him.This is a little poem for all the birds what have passed away.



My little birds are so sweet

Perhaps, it's true their not so neat

What such joy

they bring each day

One look at their sweet faces

erases any traces

of sadness away

Little angels in disguise

Who could doubt that they are wise

How do you correct the little creature

When their antics resemble a comedy feature

With a will so strong, I admire

Independence they desire

When dinner is over , the day is gone

Tomorrow will begin with a soft sweet song

This endless love I must relate

Is truly an act of heavens' fate


Sorry about the spelling im not that well to be honest

Thank you


greyloverxxx<br><br>Post edited by: greylover, at: 2007/09/04 16:06

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With your wings held high

You put a smile on my face

With all your might

You always left your trace

Never did I see you frown

For your smile was never upside down

Why is it that you loved me so

was I part of your soul

You were always by my side

And although you are no longer on my shoulder

I can still feel your presence

Your fluff warming my heart

I will always miss you

And I know the favor will be returned some day

For when I see you once again

It will be in the sky where

You will once again hold your wings up high


There are some lovely poems.:( :(

just like this one

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Oh Greylover, I am so saddened to hear hear this.


Thank you for posting the great Poem.


Please know your loss has affected us all, as I am certain others will be posting also.


You take care my friend and know you are in our thoughts and prayers.

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Thank you danmcq.That was really thoughfull of you.Thank you a lot. It has put a smile on me face.


I knew when my friend found oliver he was not in a good condision.I feel so sorry for oliver.I feel like it is all my fault {Feel-bad-0002006A}{Feel-bad-00020072}<br><br>Post edited by: greylover, at: 2007/09/04 16:33

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I'm sorry for your loss grelover. Take strength knowing that you provided the best home possible for the little one. It of course is not your fault. This is part of the natural cycle and it is often the best flowers that are picked.


We are thinking of you.




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I am so sorry for your loss, greylover, and it is not your fault, it is so natural to blame yourself, but know that he is in peace now. You are in my thoughts and prayers now and I hope you find some peace in them.


What a lovely poem, and the tears now fill my eyes but know that you are not alone, you have us here to help you in your time of need.

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