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Timmy let me scratch him!!!


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Well, next week is his 6 month anniv with us and this evening he recieved his first real scratch to the neck/head!!! I was rubbing his beak as usual and he kinda leaned in so I went in for the kill and scratched the back of his head and neck and I saw his eyes roll around and close, it felt good to him...I could tell I was his first!!!!!!! HAHAHAHAHAHAHA


For real tho, I was finally able to touch him without getting a band-aid! My wife saw all this happen and (as a non-bird person) she was happy and thought it was cute!


...........Just another day in the life of a positive rehome (from a BAD old home)

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There is nothing quite as magical as the sweet surrender of trust at the moment when your little guy closed his eyes and allowed himself to feel his devotion to you. It is such a tribute to your time spent earning his acceptance. Congratulations on finding Timmy's sweet spot. Thanks for sharing your time with us.

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That is great news! Congratulations!!


I've had Z for 2 years and was able to rub his head while out of the cage for the first time just last week. He'll let me do it in between the bars of the cage but that was it. It 's such a great feeling. Hopefully, both of ours will be asking for regular head rubs soon!

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tonight timmy wasnt 100% into it at first, but after a few mins he was pushing against my hand for more!!! he seems to like to be scratched behind/below the eyes, but he wants to see what im doing or he will pull away and click his beak. ill continue to offer and go from there...that little joker has taught me patience!

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