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Ruby the X-rated parrot!


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LOL...good joke.


I'm with pretty much everyone here and think that teaching a bird to say four letter words like Ruby does says something about the person teaching them. I didn't watch the video posted here but I have seen many of the videos before and I must say that even with my nasty mouth I was shocked when I heard Ruby say some of the words she was saying. I watched a video of just the guy that owns her and I guess he got a lot of hate mail for his videos and he went on to say that her living situation after he passes has already been arranged with someone that wants her…so this does show some responsibility on his part. I never cuss around my Grey and I won't even leave the radio or TV on a station that may say things that I don't want the bird to say. He seems to like the political talk radio right now so the only thing I need to worry about is him becoming a republican. :laugh: As for removing the post I say it should stay. I do think this debate is healthy and shows just how most people feel about this type of language. As for “young eyes and ears” on the forum, it is the parents responsibility to know what their kids are looking at. I’m only 22 and have no human kids but if/when I do I would not let them on the computer without my supervision. I believe that giving kids free range on the Internet would be more irresponsible than teaching cuss words.


I have a video here that I think EVERYONE would like. It’s on the parrot Einstein doing a routine. For anyone that’s a real prude there is a fart noise… http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=6142198543063636013&q=african+grey&total=2512&start=0&num=10&so=0&type=search&plindex=5

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I have that on my Myspace page...I got my grey to learn the lazer beam noise Einstein does in this bit. I'm going to try to teach him the whole thing.


I think that this shows a happy parrot that gets loves and attention...I would pride myself having a relationship with my bird the way the trainer and Einstein are togeather rather than Ruby and her owner.

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Guest briansmum

brian has just learnt the laser beam noise too, except he only manages to get out two "pew"'s :lol: and he's just learning to do it when i say "brian, do a laser!

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Mines doing the whole noise but I can't for the life of me get him to do anything on command. I tried to get him to do the noise for my sister and her husband but it ended up just being me going "pew pew pew peeewwww" all night. :laugh: I'm sure that was fun for them to hear.

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Hahah…Yeah, I should teach him some of that too. I'm going to be going to school soon to become a Sheriff officer so I should teach him to say "SPREAD EM' PUNK", "License and registration please”, and “Do you know how fast you were going?”


Thanks for the Karma!!!

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If I get him to talk like that I would have to take him on ride alongs with me..LOL! :laugh: I'd let him talk into the megaphone!


Oh oh oh oh...The Miranda Rights!!!:woohoo: That would be something having a bird tell you that you have the Right to remain silent!!!! LOL

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For sure...Just what Dan and I thought up in 10 minutes to teach a bird would be so much funnier than a bird that talks like Ruby! I can't remember who it was but someone here tought their bird to say "ABCD...I". I would be laughing at that much harder than a four letter word. Plus this kind of stuff shows creativity not ignorance. B)

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Man, I wish my grey would say more. It hasn't been long enough yet but he seems like he will be a closet talker. He now says a few things but never when anyone is in the room. My daughter is working to teach him to say "you have bad breath" when ever she makes kissing noises at him. She thinks it will be hilarious because everyone that meets him, goes up and talks right to his face and makes kissing sounds. Her hope is that he will one day just blurt out "you have bad breath" to someone.

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I wonder if anyone actually took alook at the videos and saw the VAST array of other words Ruby can say? such as...

-Hello gorgeous Nick

-Hello baby

-Can i come out?

-Can i go for a walk


-Sherry dear?

-You're not funny

-You're not getting anymore food

-Night Night sausage


This is all in addition to afew various cuss words. This bird shows the intelligence of all of our greys and their potential. Although i may not personally use language as colorful as Ruby's, i appreciate what an amazing vocabulary she has learnt!

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That owner of Ruby, has other Youtube video's that have no cussing and I have watched those. I was never compelled or interested to watching the "X-Rated" video that he was kind enough to lable, so those of us who find no humor or interest in that sort of entertainment would not waste our time clicking on it only to find ourselves turning it off at first cuus word.


The problem with a mixture of leaven with the dough, is it ferments (Spoils) the entire dough batch.


Kind of like a Fly in the ointment, if you will.


You are right though, Ruby does have a very good vocabulary. :-)

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Yes, I have seen almost if not all of the videos posted of Ruby and her owner and I do know that she says much more then just vulgar words. However, you did not start this post with one of the videos of her just saying "Bonjour" you posted one of the X-rated videos and you said "all this bird does is curse in English curse words"...you did not say "check out the adorable things this bird says in-between the cursing." And like Dan said, her vulgarity spoiled the pot.

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