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Ruby the X-rated parrot!


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I dont agree with the vulgarity, but I also do not agree that because she knows a bunch of curse words she's a ruined bird. I have not watched all the videos, but just because someone taught the bird vulgar language (and maybe encourages it) at some points in the birds life does not necessarily equate to a negligent owner. The owner that teaches nothing but curse words may be a more loving, caring, patient good owner than any of us. Probably not, but my point is we dont know enough simply from watching the video. However, such vocab truly could make it challenging if/when the bird ever need to be rehomed, cared for etc. But thats not the birds fault and hopefully people would see past that.


In addition, I would not write off this bird as a spoiled dough batch simply because it was conditioned to use foul language. That is not the birds fault at all. In fact, my budgie learned a whole bunch of offensive phrases when I lived in dorms/appts in college. Honestly everyone thought it was a hoot at that stage in our lives when the tiny little bird would bust out with "Go F yourself" at the right time in converstations etc. Dont get me wrong, I disagree with teaching the bird such extensive vulgarity and have previously stated we are making a concerted effort to prevent Kip from picking any up, but clearly that is not the whole picture here.<br><br>Post edited by: dblhelix, at: 2007/09/14 03:25

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I'm not saying the bird is no good. I agree with what dblhelix said, she did not learn it on her own so she is not the one to blame. I do think that the owner is the UK equivalent to the U.S.'s white trash for teaching the bird to say some of the things it says. He did get some respect back from me when I watched the video of just him where he says that he has a home set up for her in the unfortunate case of his demise and that the person taking her is OK with her language…but how many people do that…not many I bet. When I say the cussing spoiled the pot I wasn't saying that the bird itself was trash, but that the bad overweights the good when it comes to her language.


If I was going to get a rehomed bird and it had the personality I was looking for and we "hit it off" I would take it in a heart-beat regardless of a few cuss words. I don't think that a bird should be pushed to the side because of things like language but not everyone feels that way and that is why I do not agree that it's ok to teach your bird that stuff.



Staggy, I have read all your posts...if you were to read my post CLEARLY I said that your FIRST post did not say one word about her other language...you only posted the video because of her cussing and that is why I think the argument that has now started that she say so much more is...well...frankly stupid. If you were posting a video for us to watch a loved bird I have seen Utube videos of a beatboxing Grey that I'm sure is very much loved as well and is just as entertaining if not more.


As for it being funny, I did chuckle at a few of her vulgarities for the shock value but for the most part I didn't find it that funny. I would MUCH rather hear a bird ask for a nut cognitively then call someone a c*******er for not giving it a nut. That’s just my opinion and people don't have to agree with me but judging from how many posts on here are NOT PRO cussing, most people do.<br><br>Post edited by: BMustee, at: 2007/09/14 17:08

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BMustee wrote:

That’s just my opinion and people don't have to agree with me but judging from how many posts on here are NOT PRO cussing, most people do.<br><br>Post edited by: BMustee, at: 2007/09/14 17:08



There are a lot more members of this forum that have NOT posted on this topic than those that have. For you to claim MOST would at the very least mean that MOST of the members of the forums were to at least post on this topic. I haven; counted, but I am pretty certain that less than 10% of the membership to this forum has even read this post. Sadly, your premise does not hold up.

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Ok this is a family forum. Where's the love? This topic has people out of sorts is there a way we can lock this topic? I mean everryone has their own opinion. So most people this most people that. People dont mind people do mind , people dont have to watch it to like cussing or not. Its their opinion. Ruby does get the love, Ruby does say other things. Thats it case closed. I wish this topic go away. Its getting ridiculous. Just show the love. Okay got that off my mind. Im out .......

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You are Dogmatic in wanting to carry on a debate, aren't you?


Using the number of Posts from individual Members is the one and only way to obtain data to substantiate the "majority" opinion of a Topic.


Your wanting to use the "unknown" vote of non-posters is severely flawed, unless you go strictly by percentage of the votes cast by those whom posted.


Based on the Percentage of Votes for non-cussing, the pro-cussing lose by a landslide.


Sadly, your premise does not hold up.....

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danmcq wrote:



You are Dogmatic in wanting to carry on a debate, aren't you?


Using the number of Posts from individual Members is the one and only way to obtain data to substantiate the "majority" opinion of a Topic.


Your wanting to use the "unknown" vote of non-posters is severely flawed, unless you go strictly by percentage of the votes cast by those whom posted.


Based on the Percentage of Votes for non-cussing, the pro-cussing lose by a landslide.


Sadly, your premise does not hold up.....


We aren't talking about an election we are talking about "most". The only way to know what most are thinking is to ask them. And even then that data could be flawed since we would have to determine the education, etc. at the time of the asking. If we could somehow determine that not posting equals not caring then we could say the majority of the members don't care about a subject, but that would probably be faulty logic, unless everyone agreed to it up front. The only premise I established was one of numbers, and I am using base 10. If there are 300 members and only 100 have read the post, we cannot determine how most of the forum feels regarding a subject. Perhaps I am missing something, but these "most" certainly seems to hold up.

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Dan is correct, the only votes that are counted are the votes that are made. If you don't vote for president in the election then your opintion does not effect the outcome. I didn't have anything better to do so I decided to do a recount to put it to rest once and for all...plus I'm from Florida and we have to recount all our elections anyways.


I read through all the posts and counted everyone once that made it clear if they were pro or con cussing...there was a couple that were not clear so I didn't count them due to the "hanging chad" rule.


4 yes to bird cussing

9 no to bird cussing


This is well over 50% of the "voters" and that is good enough for a political election. Now, just incase you bring up the Electorial College I have used Karma points as the votes for that seeing as though they are from the entire forum and not just this topic. Your side only has 30 total...I did not bother counting the "yes" side due to the fact that Danmcq has 151 alone.


I'm going to say that not only lets the dead dog lie, but puts it in the ground as well.

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Truth of the matter is you can make statistics read however you want to, it isn't very difficult and is used by marketing types constantly to disguise the truth... Lastly you can't call those whom haven't posted here into a discussion about this thread as it does not affect them. Its the equivalent of us saying the majority didn't vote for bush because all those people in canada didn't vote for him... well they don't live here... much as the "other" members who haven't posted here, don't "live" here so to speak

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Yes, I agree that a cooling off period for this thread would be a good idea. However the Locking Thread Mechanism is still in the process of being "fixed". So until that time, let's all please be cordial here. And if you don't like this thread......DON'T POST IN IT ANYMORE!

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