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Ruby the X-rated parrot!


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I don't know if any of you have seen this bird yet, but my wife and I find her absolutely hilarious!!! her name is ruby and this guy in england owns her, and all she does is curse with english curse words, the guys got about 36 videos of the bird, and its obvious that this guy loves his bird very much... very funny stuff ya'll should check it out.. http://www.youtube.com/user/nickchp

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Everybody is entitled to opinions. I honestly hope all birds are as lucky as to have the time and dedication devoted to them, as ruby does. I stated there is cursing in the videos, so people who chose to look could look and those who would be offended could decline.

Sorry if i offend anyone but i thought this would really show just what a large vocabulary a grey can have when met with as much devotion as her owner clearly has to her.

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I agree with Judy... I think it is extremely tacky to teach birds curse words. We try very hard to make sure we don't say anything "four lettered" in front of Makena. We won't even watch R rated movies with him in the room! I would be devastated to hear something dirty come out of such a sweet bird's mouth. Our out bursts have turned into "shoot" or "oh know" or "darn it". I guess it makes us look a little classier too :P! Plus it prepares us for having children!


I am not offended at all by the post. That is another persons decision to teach their bird those words. I on the other hand plan to do my best to keep my little Makena rated G ;)!

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Well, here's my opinion although no one asked. I shut the video off after 1/2 way through!! :angry: It's very sad, that such a sweet intelligent bird is saying such filth like that. He is much smarter than that!

Any grey can easily say over 2000 words. It's not that hard to teach them, so teaching them to swear has no credibility in my book. We don't allow any swearing in my home because Talon will be smarter than to talk like a dumb uneducated human being. :angry:

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Guest briansmum

i agree, i wouldn't teach brian to swear and if he picked one up i wouldn't enforce it. but i have watched the ruby videos (i have watched every video of greys on you tube) and she does far more than just swear, her owner loves her to tiny little bits, she get's loads of attention and he takes her out in her adventure pack every day. he is a typical cockney (london) guy and it's his nature to swear. if you watch ruby her favourite phrase is "hello darlin" and she loves her daddy.


i am not justifying the bad language, i am just reassuring you all that dispite her dirty mouth she is a very happy healty loved grey.


believe me i have seen far worse which i will not go into. this is a family forum and some things, like this aren't really suitable.

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Yep, I agree with all other Forum Members.


CD or Talon, maybe it would be a good idea to just delete this post? I don't think we want new users that are interested in our forum to think we allow this type of thing here.


No offense directed at you Staggy, but I'm certain you understand. :-)

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Ok, Ok, I'll probably step on toes. It's cute I mean the coversation. Ruby is another intelligent bird like Marv Breaks It Down. I saw Ruby's other videos besides the cussing one. This guy has a very tight bond w/ the bird. You can tell love is there. I can agree its funny but in no way in heck Alcazar will be taught cussing words. I just hope he doesnt pick up my sons word when he makes a mistake or drops something. My sosn says s--t. I say, shoot so hopefully he'll think Sean is saying shoot. I already had a talk w/ Sean about watching that word.Sean doesnt swear in front of daycare kids so hopefully he can control it.The kids leave before he gets home most of the time any way. However this is a family forum. So you gotta do what you gotta do.

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xxbeccyxx wrote:

i . he is a typical cockney (london) guy and it's his nature to swear.



Sorry beccy have to disagree on that point,my husband is a Londoner born & breed In the east-end, I myself was born & raised in london, we may talk in cockney slang ( rhyming words )But i can assure you it's not every cockneys nature to swear, they have a choice on what comes out of their mouths !Regardless of what colour, race etc you are, there is no excuse for teaching a grey foul language.


Back to the video The owner my well love Ruby,but teaching filthy language is totally irresponsible on his part.

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Guest briansmum

oh no sweety, i'm sorry i was stereotyping and i am very sorry. i didn't mean it to be offensive, it was a slip of the finger and what was intended to be a light hearted comment at what was turning into a sour situation has come across very wrong on my part. please accept my appologies.

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Dan wrote:


CD or Talon, maybe it would be a good idea to just delete this post? I don't think we want new users that are interested in our forum to think we allow this type of thing here.


Although this thread appears to be getting a little heated. I do not want to delete it at this time.


Yes, the fact that that bird has been not only taught, but encouraged to speak such foul language is insulting to those of us that have greys.


But I feel this thread should be kept. I would rather it be used as a teaching tool, so that new, perhaps, younger grey owners will read this, and actually see what their grey will pick up, if they are not careful with their vocabulary. I like to think that with all the replies from our respectable members that were made, it will only serve to help another grey in a positive way.


I also believe that a healthy debate can be a good thing. I don't believe in censorship here over a link that one can choose, or not choose to open. The title of the thread gives fair warning to all.


So for the time being, this thread will stay. I don't mean to offend anyone, but we should all be allowed the freedom to express our opinions and ideas, and to share things in a respectable way. I feel this thread was started with the best intentions at hand.



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Guest Monique

I didn't watch the video but I agree with most everyone else. We try very hard to NEVER swear in front of our birds. In fact this has probably given us cleaner mouths than if we didn't have them!! Not that we are cusballs (not at ALL) but we definitely fling a choice word on occasion.


I also agree that we should not delete the post. Unless a post explicitly is potentially very harmful to someone, it is my opinion that we shouldn't censor people's posts. We can all learn from one another even though our opinions may differ.

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I sincerley appologise if anything in this thread has caused any offense to anyone here..that is the absolute last think that i wanted. I found the video and had wanted to share it with other people who loved greys.I had NO idea it would start such a debate between people. To people who are offended by the cussing, i am sorry. I do however feel that in alot of the other videos there is a sincere trust and mutual love between this gentleman and his bird that is so refreshing to see.

once again i appologise, and if it will make people feel better then i dont mind if this post is taken down.

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Allright, you asked for it, I don't mind watching these kind of videos, they are actually funny but this is a family forum so therefore I object to this kind of link put here for any potential kids that happen to click on it and watch.


I do object to the language being taught the greys, I would never intentionally teach Josey those kind of words, not that she is never exposed to cussing, she is but so far has not uttered any of it. And I do object to the link being here on site for young kids to hear that, this is a G-rated forum.


Children are exposed to this kind of language almost everywhere anymore and it is my opinion that it should not be here.


Staggy, I have nothing personal against you, so don't take offense but I just think it has no place here on this forum.


Thats my story and opinion and I am sticking to it.

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I am new to the forum. I just registered, but have been checking it out for somtime now. I have a 4 month old CAG (my first), and my question is...if this is strictly a family forum, then where are the "adult" african grey forums? I would hate to join a forum that pulled posts because the link to them might be offensive to someone. I think you guys are arguing taste. I have seen the videos before and I find them funny. I would love to have a relationship like the guy in the video with my grey, Otis. Thanks for reading my first post. I certainly hope my opinion doesn't get deleted ;)

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Staggy, you just thought it was cool. No harm no fowl. I guess you know for the next time. I seen them months ago and thought they were too much, but you should enjoy what you want. You really got your butt burned on this one. We are on an AG site but there are some real hawks out there.





Keep posting Staggy

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Toni wrote:

I just hope he doesnt pick up my sons word when he makes a mistake or drops something. My sosn says s--t. I say, shoot so hopefully he'll think Sean is saying shoot.


LOL Toni - Our youngest Grandson son say's that and a few other "Choice" words at times that he has picked up.


Obviously, they have no idea what they mean, but say them in reaction to things mimicking their parents reactions to things gone wrong :-)


It's impossible to turn off a 24/7 recording device, be it Grey or Human. ;-)

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Guest Monique

Don't worry about the post. I am sorry if anyone made you feel bad for posting it - you should not feel bad for sharing something with us and expressing your opinions.


As stated before, debate is healthy.


In my opinion, if a child is allowed into rooms such as this with free-flowing text and other adults that isn't specifically geared towards children then the parent should expect they will encounter things such as the post.

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well i think as he advised the posted as x-rated then it is up to you weather to watch it or not i have bben following ruby for a good few months now and find all the videos to put a smile on my face and he shows lots of love and dedication to ruby my grey says a few curse words that i taught her and find it acceptible and for those that do not i think you may need to come down from your high horse alittle

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dareuk wrote:

well my grey says a few curse words that i taught her and find it acceptable and for those that do not i think you may need to come down from your high horse alittle


It's not a case of us coming down from our high horses !

You choose to teach your grey bad language, that's your personal choice. My personal opinion which i am entitled to have is that i personally dont see the point in teaching a parrot to swear , what does it achieve ? I think it is totally irresponsible.

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Please don't take offensive to this thread. Yes this is a family forum, however "family" meaning we treat each other as such. This thread clearly states that it is x-rated. In comparison to R-rated movies it really is R rated. This thread and the posts WILL NOT be deleted.

Please everyone, take a step back, take a deep breath and don't post in this thread if you find it offensive.


This is not a child or adult forum. This is a"family" forum where all are welcome, and ALL opinions are welcome. We don't have to agree on the "tastes" of others.


As I stated in my earlier post we do not censor posts unless they are offensive to our members.<br><br>Post edited by: Talon, at: 2007/09/05 21:07

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