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Mood Swing?


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I have a question has any body experience with their CAG mood swing? For example lately when I go to pick up Sunny from his cage he doesn’t want me to pick him up. Today he bit my finger and made it bleed he was really aggressive all his feathers fluffed out (danger). I left him alone for a while when I was stepping out of the room he started to whistle (call me) wanted attention. So I went back to the cage and he allowed me to pick him up just like if nothing ever happened this is bugging me out. As I am writing this he is on my shoulder. Does anyone have a suggestion? Do they sell mood swing pills? Thanks in advance….

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Sometimes I notice this behavior with Kookie if he has just woke up, as if he is still in his dream world and hasn't fully regained his reality... LOL

A couple of minutes later, he gets back to be his joyous self...



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My six month old female does the same thing (but no hard bites). If she acts naughty I tell her goodbye and leave her on her cage playpen, and she will immediately whistle for me. I will come back every few minutes and eventually she turns sweet again and wants to step up and come with me. Who knows why? Maybe it's a mood swing, hormonal fluctuations, or demon possession! ;)

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Hey Dan have you experienced something like this?


Yes, everyday and different times of the day. I always pay attention to his body language. As you experienced, when I open the door to let him out I ask "Want Out" and if that foot does not lift as I move my arm into the cage I go slowly and before striking range I ask again. If the foot still is not up I just leave the door open and walk away. He will then mosey out on his own in a minute or two. The same is true during the day. If he is sitting somewhere and I ask or tell him where we are going to like the office, if I see any body language other than the foot left I just tell him am going and as I walk away 50 percent of the time he will just fly to my shoulder as I walk or he will make this chirp that means he wants to come and I go back and the foot goes up instantly as I approach. I leave it up tp him whether he wants to do something I ask. Unless of course it's a must go and then I will force a step up on to the back of my clench fist in case he decides to bite which does no damage and he steps up as I force it under his belly.

Edited by danmcq
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I some times think it`s their way of saying to you who is in charge. Because YOU WILL come back.


You are right Ray, they like to be the master of their domain and its their way of saying they decide and not us when they come out or if they come out of their cage.


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