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Dear people who DON'T have birds...


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Dear People who live across the apartment complex who DON'T have birds,


Please do not walk by my apartment and stare into my windows trying to figure out what is making that "annoying noise". I assure you, I am not harboring an alien in my apartment! My birds do not bother you, and I'm not sorry they "annoy" you when you're taking your daily stroll around my building. My neighbors adore my birds, and if they can listen to them all day (and call to ask what is wrong with them if they are quiet for a few hours)- You can certainly deal with it for the 15 seconds you can hear them while you're standing on the corner talking about your kids soccer games. I don't complain when your kids scream, unsupervised, in the streets at the bugs flying around- don't complain when my birds are learning to talk or tweeting themselves to sleep...And don't worry-- they aren't going to fly out of my windows, and land upon your freshly bleached, perfectly styled hair :cool:


Also, please do not ask if I can "shut them up" because, No- I can't... and even if I could, I wouldn't because I would rather listen to them all day than YOU. ;)



Sorry for the rant- but it's better to share on here than actually say it to them, I suppose. :P

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I forget sometimes how it is in the city or in large neighborhoods where people live close to one another as I live out in the country and do not have this problem, no one looks in my windows except for maybe a deer or two and none of my neighbors can even hear my birds even with the windows open.

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We live in town, and you can hear our birds from outside, but not very much. Fortunately, the only neighbors that are really close to our house are very nice. Also, they have chickens in their back yard. We don't complain about the chickens, and they don't complain about the parrots. Actually, we think the chickens are cool. :-)


We haven't had a problem with people looking in windows. Fortunately, someone would have to very brazenly intrude within our yard fence to do so. But we have often wondered if we might some day be visited by the Georgetown Police to investigate a potential "grow operation" in one room of our house that sometimes glows with full-spectrum lighting in the evening!

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I live in the country. I have one neighbor close by, but she knows I have birds, loves to come over and see them, but never says anything about the noise. I many times in the winter when the windows are closed, go outside and walk to the barn to feed the horses, and I can hear them soooo loudly!! Especially when all 3 of them get going.....I am shocked at how loud they are thru the closed windows, and at the same time, GLAD I don't live near many people, for sure I would get complaints that would set me off!

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If you want to hear noise my neighbor has donkeys and their pasture is between his house and my house but we live in the country and thats better than hearing police cars and firetrucks and buses and delivery trucks and the list goes on and on and on.

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We live in the sububrbs of Baltimore, and it's crazy how many people live here... I'm from Texas, so this kind of sucks, lol. We will be moving out to a house in the country in the next few years... and we can't wait. Ugh... It's so annoying.


The worst part is that most of the people who do this, are afraid of birds... They call me the "bird lady" like it's an insult... which it's not- I'm proud of it! (I'm 24, so the only part that weirds me out is the "lady" part lol)... I only have four birds- two of which are small! lol people are goofy! Can't wait to get out to the country and build an enclosed outdoor area for the flock and let them outside to chit chat ALL DAY!!

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Ray, I agree, I can't wait to get away from all the city noise. The worse is the rude neighbors that crank up the stereo in the middle of the night, a train whose driver is horn happy at 3am like clock work.

Then the cops that run through the yard shooting. I am getting out of the city life as soon as school is out.

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teehee we live in an apartment building but luckily we are upstairs so no one can actually look in our windows but we did have neighbors complain to our landlady about the bird, they claimed that we had several birds and they were waking them up. We have one bird, he isn't THAT loud and he has a bed time so he isn't up all hours of the night annoying other people in the building. My landlady of course sided with me and those people were eventually evicted for their own noise issues and lack of paying rent. I could understand if they worked nights and needed to sleep during the day but they didn't work at all, they just smoked weed all the time and took naps and at night would run in and out of the apartment slamming doors and fighting and they had the nerve to complain about my single funny bird...pfft I hope karma gets them and every seagull poops on their heads lol

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I used to live in Manhattan-I miss the constant noise. In one apartment I was on the top floor (only 6 floors) on top of the C train, I could hear the train in my top floor apartment on a quiet night and feel it everytime in bed- I loved it. My first apartment was ground floor in Greenwich Village facing the street- I had to move in under a year because of all the noise from nightlife (I need my sleep). My last Manhattan apartment faced a courtyard (top floor, 6th as well) and in the spring/summer with the windows open I would lay in bed listening to random conversations, listening to people laughing, listening to people arguing- I love it all. Sirens were there but you don't "hear" those sounds, it just blended in and created a comforting blanket of sound. Now I wake every time a loud car or motorcycle passes! It's easier with more sounds and more neighbors!

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This is so cute.... believe me the thing I miss the most when I go abroad is Kookie's chattering.... I have his voice recorded on my mobile so that I can listen to him when Im away.... my friends think Im crazy.... but nothing makes me smile like his whistling and chit chatter....

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Oh goodness, it is hard to think of neighbors complaining about the very sounds that set my heart aflutter in a good way. We don't have close neighbors and live in a quiet neighborhood. But.... my grown daughters who moved back in to finish college will complain sometimes about the birds waking them early on the weekends. It is one thing to bristle at some of the abrasive things that our birds will do, it does get annoying when it is bedtime and someone wants a second almond, but entirely another when it is happy sounds greeting my day that make me so happy. If someone slams a door, or comes grumbling down the stairs, I remind them that the birds came to keep me company and the sounds they make are delightful to me. The complaining, on the other hand, not so much, not pleasant at all. So, wear earplugs or get up earlier and enjoy my morning delights with me. I also like to remind them of how many times they wakened me from my restful sleep and I didn't come stomping in to take care of them either. While I am at my rant, I can't wait until they have homes and families of their own and I am going to visit and make messes and leave them and I am going to be a curmudgeon for a house guest. LOL. Of course, first I will make copies of their keys so they can't lock me out. Hahahahahahaa. As for frowning neighbors, suggest they go to the hardware store and get those noise cancelling headsets, it might improve their looks as well as their attitude. Okay, then try being really sweet and nice "Oh, I know honey it is hard to get used to the happy chatter of our birds, but you will eventually get used to it. I know it must be hard, I have been working really hard on ignoring you and still I keep on trying."

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I live on a cul-de-sac and if my neighbors can't hear my birds when they are outside the only thing drowning them out is the C-5 that just flew overhead. I can hear my conures when I get out of the car after pulling into the driveway. Sterling (U2) starts before I make it to the porch. Morgan calls "MOM, MOM, MOM, MOM, MOM" non-stop until I make it to my office to tell him hello from the minute he hears my voice coming into the house greeting Sterling. Best alarm system I've ever had. As far as my neighbors go - who cares - I don't listen to hear what they are doing and I don't care that they hear my birds. On a beautiful day I open the windows - to share the beautiful noise! Tell your neighbors who are staring in your windows that they are "peeping toms" and they have been officially warned!



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My neighbour goes into her backyard in the hope to see my bird peeking through the window. If she does catch sight of Cleo, she will start whistling at the bird, in the hope to entice her to whistle back. Apparently she also talks to my dog through the window next to the front door when I am out and the dog is guarding.

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I forget sometimes how it is in the city or in large neighborhoods where people live close to one another as I live out in the country and do not have this problem, no one looks in my windows except for maybe a deer or two and none of my neighbors can even hear my birds even with the windows open.


if you own a sun conure and no one can hear them, your neighbors are not close lol

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