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Tell people not to try and take her from your hand. :)


She obviously does not wish to be moved. Start teaching people that wish to interact with her in how to read body language she displays. Parrots do not act like puppies that love everyone.

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We all need to develop respect for the birds wants and wishes among those we bring into our birds lives. Respect means not forcing an unwanted action before the bird is ready. To also understand that may never happen and that is ok too. People can look and learn with out invading your birds space, they can talk or sing or dance and gain interaction that way. Clean hands are required if your bird is willing to step up for them as disease is something we all wish to avoid. Greys are naturally wary of new things and new people so allow your bird the right to adjust and accept new people at her own speed and you will develop a braver more confidant companion.

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I took Beau out with me today while shopping at the bird store and the pet store. Everyone was so impressed to see a bird on a harness and in a store, and a million people (or so it seemed) wanted to reach out and touch him in some way or another. I was very quick to say "Please don't reach for him, he doesn't know you!" At one point I think there were three store employees standing there gawking at this CAG riding on the handle of the cart as we walked down the aisle looking at toys. Beau is quite used to this type of outing, and most of the time it's as if he's not there, but today was totally different. Kids were kind enough to ask if they could "pet" him, and again I instructed, no, he doesn't know you. The kids were better mannered than the adults.



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I take my bird to work with me a lot. Sydney goes to nursing homes and the residents love her. The staff goes bonkers and they always want to touch her or make her step up. It drives me nuts!! No matter how many times I tell them she doesn't want to be touched, the still go for it. I think they think it's a Jack Hanna show and can't resist. Makes for a fun day for me always looking out for her. I feel like a mother hawk protecting her young. :)

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