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Milly is sick


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i had her at the vets this morning because i noticed runny poops and she is not eating and she is very quite.He gave her injection of antibiotics and gave me some to bring home for 4 days... He said she is really under the weather.


He told me to keep syringe feeding her until she eats again herself... and to put her in something warm. i explain about the brooder i had and he told me put her in that... i have the temp very low but she probably be nice and snug in there.


He thinks she could have caught a chill when i had her out on the harness...He said even tho it was a nice day there could have been still a breeze


He couldn't say if she will be ok or not


She drank some water on her own a while ago and was playing with a pen top for a minute but is now gone back to being quite... I'm really worried please say prayers for her and for George incase he could have caught something :(

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How old is Milly now?


A slight breeze or cold will not make them sick. If the vet gave antibiotics, it indicates he suspects a bacterial infection. Did the vet do any tests to check?


I hope this pases soon. If your baby is sick, the brooder temp should actually be raised.

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He didn't say anything about a bacterial infection and didnt do any tests. he is not an avian vet. and the only avian vet in the country is on holidays... I am looking for somewhere that will do test on both Milly and George this weekend to make sure he has not caught what she has

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If I may say so, please try and give both your birds some plain yogurt 3-4 times a day. Mountain Dairy is an extremely good brand as is Activa. You can also get probiotics or acidophilus. Especially for Millie who is on antibiotics. The antibiotics destroy the beneficial bacterial in their stomach and intestinal tract and if it is not replaced, can lead to serious secondary complications. You can ask a vet up to your family doctor regarding the benefits. If they won't eat the plain, find a flavored yogurt with the least amount of sugar and high in bacterial count. 1/2 teaspoon a day is great. After they are well, 1/2 tsp a week is good for them (including yourself). Good food to supplement this right now is a well-cooked bean (black-eyed peas) and well-cooked brown or basmati rice, warmed to 109 degrees and fed by spoon. This is a complete protein and the cooked rice is well tolerated by ailing birds. Please keep us informed...thanks..


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I would also offer some unsweetened Coconut juice it works like gatorade for birds or even people, it is safe enough that live were saved using coconut juice for IV fluids.

Here is some information about Coconut Water:


'It's a natural isotonic beverage, with the same level of electrolytic balance as we have in our blood. It's the fluid of life, so to speak.'


During the Pacific War of 1941-45, both sides in the conflict regularly used coconut water - siphoned directly from the nut - to give emergency plasma transfusions to wounded soldiers..


Most coconut water is still consumed fresh in tropical coastal areas - once exposed to air, the liquid rapidly loses most of its organoleptic and nutritional characteristics, and begins to ferment.

Edited by Greywings
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I would also offer some unsweetened Coconut juice it works like gatorade for birds or even people, it is safe enough that live were saved using coconut juice for IV fluids.

Here is some information about Coconut Water:


'It's a natural isotonic beverage, with the same level of electrolytic balance as we have in our blood. It's the fluid of life, so to speak.'


During the Pacific War of 1941-45, both sides in the conflict regularly used coconut water - siphoned directly from the nut - to give emergency plasma transfusions to wounded soldiers..


Most coconut water is still consumed fresh in tropical coastal areas - once exposed to air, the liquid rapidly loses most of its organoleptic and nutritional characteristics, and begins to ferment.


Thanks Jill, learn something new every day.

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Ok I got to another vet today She thinks id a yeast infection in the crop... Her weight is fine at 450 grams.

I'm to keep giving her the daily dose of antibiotics that my vet gave me yesterday and I also got some drops for the yeast infection and some pro-biotics to perk her up a bit.


She is very sick still and some food even came up when we were in the vets and on the way home another bit came back up. I have to keep hand feeding her and i bought some birdie bread to bake to see will see eat that ina day or two...


I'm still really worried but hopefully by Friday she should have picked up an bit. fingers crossed!

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Let Milly eat what ever she wants, seed, pellets, veggies, bird bread, etc...Her food should be as solid as possible, If a Grey is given to much liquid, there poop becomes runny, this is because the more liquid they eat the less nutrient's/food is absorbed into there system. Please clean everything with the Apple Cider Vinegar and put a couple of drops in each water change, this is done for yeast infections.....

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I am so sorry for your loss, I guess Milly was sicker than she seemed and her life was cut too short but she is pain free and flying over the Rainbow Bridge now, I know you miss her terribly and she will always hold a special place in your heart now and forever, again so sorry about Milly.

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from reading up on her symptoms and how she died and speaking to the vet it sounds like she had a yeast or bacterial infection which lead to sour crop... I was on the phone to the vet when she fell asleep but it happened so quick there was nothing anyone could do... I miss her terribly :(

Edited by Georgiesmum
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I had not been online for a couple of days and missed your posts. I am so very sorry for your devastating loss. I know you were doing everything possible for her and I hope it gives you some small solace to know she was in loving hands. It is such a shock to see a vibrant healthy bird take a sudden turn in illness. I don't know what to say except you are in our thoughts and prayers in good times and in bad.

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