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Baby finally home


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Hello all, finally brought the baby home and am all wound up with him or her (bella or guido) depending on the sex, going to vet tomorrow. I know I havent been on for a while had some medical stuff going on. I am good now, then I had the grandbabies for a week. They keep me very busy. So I am well everyone went home and all if finally quiet here ( YAY ). My little grey is adjusting fine. Because of missing toes tips (bitten off at birth) he/she cant really step up and feel secure moving around so we are doing the shoulder thing. It can climb very well around the cage with the assistance of the beak. I will post some pics soon. Miss you all and just wanted to post an up date

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Well congrats, Brenda, the baby is home and doing fine, this is great news. And I hope you are doing ok now and into the future as well.


I'm sure your baby will do the best he can missing the toes, since he never had them to know of, he will adjust and get around fairly well in spite of his loss. They can be amazing creatures and you are finding out that.


We have missed you too, but glad you are back and looking forward to seeing pictures of that new baby.

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I still think about those toes, it reminds me of Zooky's plight which is so sad. Brenda you are doing a fine job of taking this baby that is not perfect and giving it a loving home. You have such a big heart and I think a lot of you and hope all goes well and keep us informed, we want to know.:)

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Brends, God has saved a speical place for the few people like you. All my life I have given money and time to the people and children who have not had the gift that most of us have. To be in good health means the most, and to have all the part intact is sometimes overlooked. I know this oh so well.


Lots of good luck for you.




I am proud to have meet your Acquaintance!

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Oh Miltie, I am Sooooo happy and excited for you!!!


Thanks for getting photos of your new CAG so quickly. We'll look forward to all the stories you will have to tell of him/her as it grows. :-)


Also, I am sorry to hear about the turmoil you were going through. It's really good to have you back again with Baby Grey at Home!!!

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