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Sully's favorite movie is.... Wall.e?


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So, Sully and I are sitting here watching Wall.e, waiting for my husband to come home from work. I don't know how many of you have actually seen it, but when Wall.e and Eva start talking to each other, with their adorable little robot talk, Sully finds it HILARIOUS. He chuckles and fluffs his feather out and mimicks them speaking!!!


Craziest thing I have ever seen! He goes Wall.e?? EVA!!!!!!! Whoareyou?


So cute :)

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That is a cute movie. Isn't it as entertaining to watch and listen to our greys reactions to scenes in movies as it is watching the movie itself?


It's as if at times they are experiencing the same roller coaster of emotions as we are in real-time. Although I don't personally laugh with some gets blown away, but sometimes Dayo finds it funny as hell... Maybe he's thinking "Humans are so stupid" just look at them kill each other, soon we will rule the world, not them. :P

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That is a cute movie. Isn't it as entertaining to watch and listen to our greys reactions to scenes in movies as it is watching the movie itself?


It's as if at times they are experiencing the same roller coaster of emotions as we are in real-time. Although I don't personally laugh with some gets blown away, but sometimes Dayo finds it funny as hell... Maybe he's thinking "Humans are so stupid" just look at them kill each other, soon we will rule the world, not them. :P


LOL- Sully thinks it's the funniest thing when one of the cats runs into his cage.

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I've not seen that movie but will have to check it out. Z loves watching movies with me and always responds appropriately. In heavy action scenes, he will yell or say, "Watch out!" If it's a sad scene, he'll say "Awww" or "Oh, my!" One of my favorite responses he has is when someone survives some sort of attack and he says very relieved, "Whew!" It always makes me giggle. The most difficult is watching comedies with canned laughter as he joins in with his old crazy lady high pitched laughter. My daughter loves watching DVD's of the show Friends and Z laughs and laughs.

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