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Do you read to your Grey?


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I was just wondering if any of you read to your Grey and if you think it helps with learning? I have to read alot for school and my children also need reading time, so I have been trying to include Kenya. We all know reading helps the language ability of humans do you think it helps with Greys?:confused:

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I read an article in Bird Talk today that suggested reading to your bird. I've never thought about it before, but I think my Sully would love it. I'm going to read him a short article tomorrow morning and see what he does. I think it would do nothing but benefit, and even if they aren't interested in us reading to them, I bet they will love the extra attention :)

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I can imagine they would like the attention and it would make them feel included in an activity, but I can't see how it would be helpful on the learning/language side of things.... since the words you are saying have nothing to do with whats actually going on in the room at the moment. They might pick up a phrase you say that they liked, but it would have no context. I think it would be like someone sitting and reading a book to us in another language we don't know. We have no way to figure out what those words mean with no translation and no situation/context/visuals to draw from.

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  Zoom said:
I bought some baby board books to use for mixed media art projects, but never got around to it. I'm going to read them to Simon and see what he thinks.


Sorry to change the subject but that cat is HUGGGGGEEEEEEEEE =)

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That's Duncan. He's a Norwegian Forest Cat. When that picture was taken, shortly after I adopted him, he weighed about 25 pounds. In the 3 years since then, he has lost about seven pounds. He was just diagnosed this week with kidney disease...which explains the weight loss. He's still a big cat, but I understand he will become emaciated as the disease progresses. It's kind of hard to imagine Duncan being emaciated.

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I read to Marcus and Beaker. Sometimes, like if it's a long passage, Beaker will yell at me as if he wants me to stop ;) but lately I've been trying to show them both (but especially Marcus) those few children's picture books I own. The print is larger and I try to run my fingers along the words as I read them, and Marcus will usually pay attention for at least a few pages.

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