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Why I have not been here a lot.


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My mother-in-law has been bed ridden for over a year now.

Wednesday she slipped into a coma and she died this morning.

I have been popping in twice a day but only to check on Other Birds room and make sure it is running smooth.

I well be doing that this week also. Soon things well smooth out around here and things well be back to normal again.

Thank you for your patience.

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Guest Monique

Tari, I am so sorry for your loss. It does not matter if you have any forewarning or not it is always difficult. Take care of you and your family.

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Tari, I knew something was up when I pm'd you the other day. I am so sorry for the loss of your mother-in-law. Please give my condolences to your husband as well. Don't worry about us here, we will be here for you, and will keep an eye on things as well. You just take care of yourself and your family. :(

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