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Timnah vs red tailed


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Hello all, this is my first participation at your nice forum, i am an Agapornis Roseicollis breeder, i used to have an African grey parrot as a pet, now i want to get a new one, i would like to ask do the Timnah (the black tailed) african grey is less smart then red tailed ? actually i was trying to get one, but the dealer keep advice me to get red tailed as its more smart, is there any difference ? any researches ? thanks.

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When it comes to intelligence they say they are both very smart and equal in that part. They say the TAG is more easy going than the CAG.

I have a CAG who is very easy going and out going. Witch grey do you like.

Some one will chime in about the TAG. Both are great birds and would make for a great family member when properly cared for and socialised.

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The last thing why people usually choose either a CAG or TAG has nothing to do with intelligence. Both are very smart and about the only difference between the two has to do with slight changes of personality and reactions to everyday situations. Each has a unique personality. Many people have only a TAG and other people only have a CAG and other people have both living in one house and the last thing they talk about is comparing intelligence. One is slightly smaller. The feather color is slightly different. They have a totally different personality than lovebirds. More than likely, the reason your breeder told you to get a CAG instead of a TAG is because he probably didn't have or doesn't breed TAGs but he does have CAGs

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I have a TAG, Ana Grey, and she is loving and caring and talks up a storm. I chose a TAG because she was smaller than a CAG and this was my first parrot. I am getting a CAG in the future, but because I love greys and just want both. Choose your grey for its personality not its coloring. They are all different just like people.

Edited by luvparrots
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More than likely, the reason your breeder told you to get a CAG instead of a TAG is because he probably didn't have or doesn't breed TAGs but he does have CAGs

Exactly, that's what i thought, so that i needed to your opinions, thanks for you all.

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Time for me to chime in. My first experience with greys was with the CAG, I fell in love when the little guy jumped right out of the brooder and into my heart. I loved his color, I loved his personality and everything about him. When I lost him and got his brother, it seemed like the CAG was meant to be for me. Then I lost him too. When I read about a little TAG looking for a new home, I wondered if it would be okay. I wondered if I would be wistful for another CAG and that a TAG was "second best" in my situation. Within hours of meeting Gilbert, the distinction between TAG and CAG just disappeared. As many would tell you, it is about the individual bird. I just learned that my preferences had nothing to do with reality, just preconceived notions and what I thought I "might" like. Follow your heart, trust your instincts and do what you think is best for you personally. Of course my experience is very limited over a short period of time, nothing in research would prepare me for the immersion into the grey world and CAG and TAG are just labels that biologists put on these birds based on the geograpical location of their origin and a visible difference in their stature and color. I could no more say one is more preferable than the other than I could choose my favorite daughter. There is no favorite, there are just unique differences and individual traits that make me love them as though each of them is my most favorite in the moment. LOL. So, no help here I guess. I think both CAGs and TAGs are mesmerizing and delightful characters each in his own right.

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You can get a Tag, Cag, Cockatiel, Parekeet, Lovebird, McCaw, Robin, Blue Jay, or even a Hummingbird.....just get a bird you feel good about and all will be ok.............Some birds cuddle, talk, look cool and some dont! Ha hahahaha I just got lucky with my TAG cause me and him hit it off pretty good, and now he will prob outlive me!

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We did research, we're open to both. But when we saw Jasper (TAG) we fell in love right then and we both looked at each other and promptly put a deposit down.


He also talks up a storm and is very smart... to smart for his own good! haha...


Good luck :)

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