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Question about Bonding


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Hi! I'm new here so please take it easy on me :)


My wife and I are buying a newly weaned CAG and I was wondering if I spend more time with it than my wife does will it be more likely to bond to me? also if it does bond to me...will it hate my wife? like I don't totally understand the "one person bird" phrase....will it HATE and attack everyone else? or will they also be able to hold, teach and play with it as well?

Also...what is a Fid? lol is that short for "flying kid?" srry i'm a noob I guess lol

anyways thanx so much

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Hey Deucypher :D


the "one person bird" means your bird will choose its favorite person despite who spends more time with him/her. Rorschach our CAG has chosen me as his favorite even though David (bf) is home with him all day every day. He does spend time with Rorschach but as soon as I came home he would fly to mommy. There are times when Rorschach would get nasty to David when I was around but with a lot of time and Patience Rorschach loves David just as much as he loves me.


Fid is a feathered Kid



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Hi Deucypher and welcome to the forum.

All greys are differant and they can pick one person or the family. Some greys my pick a person even if they are not the care taker. Our grey Corky loves me my wife and our son and any body thats comes into our home that will give her attention. She has always been the center of attraction in our house and she eats it up.

A fid is a feathered kid and after you have one for a time you will understand.

Both you and your wife take an active part in bring her up. She may pick one person and except the other or she could pick the family.

A grey is like a two year old child that will be with you for ever and ever and ever and ever.

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welcome into our grey family, with time u get to really feel the meaning of a fid...lol

A fid is also a kid who never grows... For years and years he stays as akid... LoL


Each grey has his own personality, there is never a fixed rule. My grey Kookie just loves attention and would like anyone who gives it to him, or gives him an almond... He sometimes walks to my guests and stays on the floor near there feet checking them out, if he likes the person he starts nibelling at his or her shoes trying to get them to pick him up. He says Kookie come here Kookie come here meaning he wants to be lifted up by them. If he doesnt like the person he will say see you bye bye and goes back to his playtree. Some greys like different people but pick a favourite and some dont. You will have to be patient and develop trust. In time you get to understand his personality. Believe me you will even get to understand him by the look in his eyes...

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Hi Deucypher, who knows why a grey chooses who he/she does like. My Ana Grey, a TAG, is bonded to me, I can do anything with her and she comes back for more. She also likes my 21-year old grandson, who comes over a couple of times a month and flies to him for attention whenever he shows up. My 11-year old grandson is also a favorite whose shoulder is Ana Grey's favorite perch when he comes around. Both of my grandsons are very gentle souls so I believe Ana Grey sees this in them and is drawn to it. It does not matter who feeds, who cleans, or who gives treats, a grey loves whom a grey loves for his/her own reasons.

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It won't matter as long as you both love your grey. My husband is Took's favorite but as soon as I come home, she flies off of him and spends time with me- throughout the whole evening a bystander would think i'm the favorite but it's not me, its him. When we are both home all day its more obvious and they cuddle more, but otherwise, it makes no difference.


You just don't want to be that hated, not trusted person so always treat your grey with respect and give it space if it needs some.

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people told us that ruby would bond to one or the other more. my husband and i have equally spent time with her and i wouldn't say she prefers one over the other. we also socialize her around other people and now she will easily go to new people she meets.

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Greetings and welcome!! Our kids tried to be fids once when they jumped off the garage roof, flapping their arms LOL...what everyone has said is true. Remember, traumatic or untrustworthy experiences can help push your Grey away from you and toward someone else. They will decide on their own no matter how much attention or pampering anyone gives them. It is more chemical...bonding (in proper terms) with a human is actually accepting a human as their flock leader. A Grey can vacillate back and forth a few times before settling on the chosen one. Bonding with a human is a sexual bond with them which includes regurgitating, not being able to touch the Grey anywhere but on the head and in extreme cases, having the Grey defend the human against all others. Some signs are panting, drooped wings, regurgitation, biting of said human when excited and excitability. If your fid shows this attitude, say I love you and thank you and walk away without touching. Return shortly with a treat (distraction), leave and then come back at a later time after the condition passes.

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They choose and there is really nothing that you can do about it. You can, however, expose them to many people and circumstances so they get comfortable with many people, but there will always be a favorite person. My bird picked me but he still kisses my husband. The more you expose Greys to other people and situations the better it is for them. If I had dominated my time with Brutus I am quite sure he would be protective of me at the exclusion of anyone else, but because my husband has taken an active roll in trying to assimilate, my husband gets lots of acceptance most of the time.

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Our Moussa is a year old, so may be a little young to really know how he's going to end up relating to us. Right now he seems to have a slight preference for me. But he also readily goes to my husband and is friendly with him. My husband spends a good bit of time hanging out with Moussa when I'm away from home. I think it's important for all members of the household to spend time with the bird, interact and handle it, and participate in the bird's care. That can help minimize the chances that the bird will become so fixated on one person that others cannot handle it. But then it's up to the bird to choose who it may become smitten with. Ah, the mysteries of love! :)

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It should also be noted that it is not unusual for them to change their preferences at sometime in the future for whatever reason, my Josey is bonded to me with limited handling by my hubby but at some future time she could change that preference for me to him.

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Well just picked her up today, so far i've given her scritches and have coaxed her to step up with some millet :) the breeder said she didn't step up well but she did it pretty quickly when I had millet for her :) my wife is a little scared to scritch her or have her step up yet hehe here's some pics i've taken so far..dunno why they are sideways, i took them with my phone and the quality isn't all that good. i'll upload more once we get some with the good camera :)




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Yep, I think I may have already experienced this...I think, this morning when I took her out of her cage her wings were apart a little bit and she was pretty excited and was biting a little harder than her gental beaking she was doing yesterday. but now she steps up without a problem and seemed VERY anxious to come to my hands, even coming off her playtop [being a little clumsey] and stretched out her foot and beak further towards me than I had thought possible lol

once she got on my hand and did the wing thing and was beaking roughly anywhere she could I did as you said and am now waiting to go back to her...she seems content preening her wings on the playtop right now.


funny thing this morning...I gave her a millet branch and she was eating it...accidently dropped onto the top of her cage so when I heard her "humph" sound I went back to get it for her again...she did this three times...but on the third time I put it in her dish, she picked it up by the end and I SWEAR she AIMED it to fall between the bars on the top of the cage...I think she's training me...yea probably not too interesting but I found it mindblowing lol


Greetings and welcome!! Our kids tried to be fids once when they jumped off the garage roof, flapping their arms LOL...what everyone has said is true. Remember, traumatic or untrustworthy experiences can help push your Grey away from you and toward someone else. They will decide on their own no matter how much attention or pampering anyone gives them. It is more chemical...bonding (in proper terms) with a human is actually accepting a human as their flock leader. A Grey can vacillate back and forth a few times before settling on the chosen one. Bonding with a human is a sexual bond with them which includes regurgitating, not being able to touch the Grey anywhere but on the head and in extreme cases, having the Grey defend the human against all others. Some signs are panting, drooped wings, regurgitation, biting of said human when excited and excitability. If your fid shows this attitude, say I love you and thank you and walk away without touching. Return shortly with a treat (distraction), leave and then come back at a later time after the condition passes.
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