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Police shot my doggie

Shelly Yokum

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I had a doberman, for nearly 7 years. I got him from a baby and he was part of the family. While watching tv with my son, I heard barking, then someone running through my yard. I got up and went to the door, as I turned the knob I heard 2 shots. I opened the door and an officer was running out of my gate.

Saw my doggie struggle to get into his dog house and blood everywhere. The office thought he was getting attacked, the dog only jumped on him for he never met a stranger. He wasn't mean in the least.

Austin keeps crying for Rocco for we all loved him.

The dog suffered and you could hear his pain. I will never get that sound out of my head. He was in our yard, and on a trolly to follow the city law. I feel he had no right, but the officer claims self defense.

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I am so sorry this has happened, it looks like to me the officer could have taken some other action besides taking the dog's life but it is their discretion to use such force if necessary, probably just the fact that the dog was a doberman factored in his demise, how sad the officer made this decision.

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So, so sorry to hear this. As Judygram said him being a Doberman probably was a huge factor. I have owned Rotties for almost 30 yrs and just being the breed they are they are immediately suspected of "being mean". How terribly sad, my thoughts are with you.

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I agree that the breed was the major if not the only reason he was shot. He was the biggest baby you would ever meet. He didn't know how to be mean. I am lost for words at this point. The officers sergeant came by today and offered me another dog, I declined. I have a lawyer now, because he was wrong to shoot or even pull a gun in a housing development and the criminal was unarmed. He was suppose to have used a stun gun in this situation. He clams he was attacked by my dog, but no torn clothes, no blood, no teeth marks. He jumped on the officer and the criminal for attention.

Thank you all so much, but I just had to share this awful story.

My little hasn't stopped crying and asking about Rocco, so for those who pray keep my little boy in your prayers. He is scared of police now, because we saw him shoot him, but a second too late. Thank you all so much once again.

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I'm glad you got a lawyer. Nothing can fix the damage done, but you can be sure if the cops are offering you another dog, it's because they know they screwed up. As for your little boy, that's an awful thing for a child to witness. Watch for signs of trauma.

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  Elvenking said:
Anyone can be a police man, that's why the majority are morons. Sorry...I can site too many examples like this.


I have to agree with Elvenking, the cops around here were once jock bullies in high school and I remember a lot of my friends being roughed up by cops when we were teens.

I have also seen other videos on cops busting into someones house for a drug raid and shot the dog in front of the family. The cops had the wrong house, the people were not drug dealers at all.


I am sorry to hear about your dog I hope the cops actually get what they deserve

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This is such a tragedy, and I am so sad for your family, and especially your little boy. I know everyone is devastated about this.


However, I have to disagree with the blanket judgment on cops. My husband is a cop, and he is not a moron, but the gentlest, kindest person I have ever met.

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birdnut, this is just a stereo type. I am learning more and more. This cop just wanted to shoot. The dog didn't attack, and was over 2ft away from the cop when he was shot. No torn clothes, no blood, except for the dogs.


I agree that it sounds like your precious dog died needlessly. I am so, so sorry. This is just an awful thing to have happen.

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It is unimaginable to be in your situation. It is always hard to say goodbye to a beloved pet without the trauma that was involved. As time passes you will have a chance to sit quietly with all the best memories Rocco had with your family. I am so sorry for your loss.

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You all are the sweetest people I feel as if I know everyone who has posted. Imagine the people you have never met, and chances are that you never will, can be there when you need them the most. I thank everyone of you so much. It really means a lot to know that some people actually care.

I am hurt and sick, He died a slow painfully way. There is no cause for what has happened. In this situation the cop was to use the least amount of force. I am sorry to say 2 shots is not the lease amount of force. He never touch the cop or burglar. I am just now getting myself back together from all this. Its not the same, I still get up every day to go feed him, and catch myself with a plate of left over food, that he would enjoy. My son still says bye Rocco, as he gets on the school bus. My son is to scared to sleep a lone. He gets in the fetal position and screams when he hears a siren or loud noise.

I have to move now, just too many memories. and in this town an animal is considered property, I am sorry, my car is property, it don't love me or wag its tail when it sees me.

I do have a lawyer, but he says I will be lucky if it's not thrown out of court. So wish me luck as i take on the police.

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I think you should take your son to a counselor right away. This is a very traumatic event in a little boy's life. I'm so sorry this happened. Yeah, a stun gun or pepper spray would have been sufficient. Rest in peace sweet Rocco.

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