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What a difference REAL sunshine makes!


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Brutus had been acting out, and I attributed it to teenage angst. He ALWAYs gets an hour of Full Spectrum Light everyday, but on days where the weather is nice he goes outside to get the real deal. The weather had not allowed any outside excursions in quite awhile. Anyway, we have had two glorious sunny spring days here and both our birds went outside (in cages, of course, because of resident Sharp-Shinned Hawks).

Brutus is like another bird now! The new Brutus is sweet and mellow, but still full of energy!

Coincidence, maybe, but I noticed the mood-altering power of sunshine last year, as well. I am putting my money on Mr. Sun! Just wanted to share. My Vet says they make more Vitamin D with sunshine which acts as a mood hormone, as well as, a vitamin.

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Nothing like being outdoors. :)


They make small cages you can take your bird out in if you cannot get their large living cage out with them in it. They will love it and hawks will not be a worry. We have tons of hawks here too and just roll the cages out through our patio doors. Excursions are always in a small travel cage of pak-o-bird.

Edited by danmcq
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It's so grey't to be able to ask and be answered by such caring people. Your baby need's 4-8 hr's a day [minimum] of "Full Spectrum UVB" daily. Sun is still the best...D3 is given to animals as well as humans to help conquer depression..Our Grey's assimilates very little D3 through food or supplements, that's why sunlight[15min's] or 4-8 hr's indoor UVB] is so important..

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I have a good friend who converted a foldaway full sized baby stroller to an enclosed wheeled transport that holds her bird with an adjustable roof for rain or Sun protection. She keeps wipes, water, treats and her birds leash underneath the seat where a built in basket is. This way her bird goes where she goes on the weekends to dog agility shows or picnics with the Grand kids. She just added a screen wired caging to the portion the baby would sit in, it lifts off and clips on securely. Her bird loves getting to go for walks safely ensconced in her chariot.

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My birdies were outside in their cages this weekend, and they loved it. My prince was chatting up a storm. He would say Hi and Hello to everything that moved, and Roy said How are ya, and it was so cute, not to mention, my floor were clean for more than 5 seconds with them outside.

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You all have some great ideas on getting our birds into the sun. It is something I have wondered about. The way our glass is coated in the house and car, it blocks the UV rays. I can't get any houseplants to grow and my transition eyeglasses do not darken while sitting in bright sunshine. I know that is wonderful for the floors and furniture not to fade, but our birds need something more. We do have an enclosed screen porch and even if it is not in bright sunshine, I am sure it is better than not getting any natural light, so I will strive for fifteen minutes to a half hour out there with them every day. Thanks for the encouragement and ideas. We do have hawks too, we have a mating pair right outside the windows but neither of our birds seem the slightest bit concerned. I will still be extra careful, stay outside with them and maybe soaking up a few rays will work wonders for me to perk up and be a little nicer and less hormonal too. LOL.

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Dee - Even if it is not full direct sunlight, the reflected UV hitting Gilbert will be more in 15 minutes than any bird light set-up could ever deliver. Interior bird lighting (barring commercial industry as in poultry farms) is barely enough output to make enough difference to get them through the winter months. Gilbert will enjoy it out there while getting fresh air, sunlight and good chat sessions as you talk about the trees, birds, sounds etc. He will look forward to it and ask to "Go Outside" after a while. :)

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Nothing like being outdoors. :)


They make small cages you can take your bird out in if you cannot get their large living cage out with them in it. They will love it and hawks will not be a worry. We have tons of hawks here too and just roll the cages out through our patio doors. Excursions are always in a small travel cage of pak-o-bird.


I've been looking into travel cages for the boys as we might be moving later this year, but we haven't purchased anything yet. Marcus and Beaker have their cages situated near the one window in their room, and the windows are old--from the seventies--and the two of them often sit in the sunlight that comes through the screen. I figure they get a little sunlight that way, at least, but I do think it would be nice to take them outside and let them really experience being 'out of doors' with us sometimes.

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Timmy's color and feathers look ALOT better since hes been outside with us for the past 3 weekends....sunlight is the trick! He seems more mellow and loves to chill on the outdoor perch on the patio while we are playing with kids in the yard or doing yardwork.

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