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I make my own everyday food for my parrots, and pellets are just an "if you don't like the menu you can eat pellets" thing in my home. A supplemental more or less. I prefer fresh veggies for my little friends.


This is what I do for Rorschach, he gets good food I make him every day like this morning was a mash of carrots, broccoli, coli flour, red yellow and orange peppers all mixed into a scrambled egg. Later I will probably give his some carrot, corn and green beans not sure if I will go with pasta or rice yet. We use fresh and frozen veggies and we usually will cut up the fresh and freeze it... as you all know produce can spoil pretty quickly so it's more convenient then trying to get to a grocery store every day.


Right now we have been getting Kaytee Gourmet Parrot Food and I am not entirely sure if this is bad due to the amount of seed in it and other possible chemicals . Rorschach doesn't seem to have any health issues and his droppings are perfect ,some days may be watery depending on the veggies or fruit I give him but I am sure that is normal.


I would prefer not feeding him anything with coloring or unwanted chemicals but you have to work with what you have. The reason I brought up the Fruit Blend was because I can get it locally and it is affordable. I will definitely check the next time I'm there to see if they have something more natural.


Thanks to everyone who has responded I am loving all your feedback and the information provided.

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I have always fed Josey the Harrisons pellets and she readily eats them, I have avoided the ones colored up for I have always hesitated about what they use to color them up.

Lori, why do you say that a lot of the members here do not like www.drsfostersmith.com? I order from them on a regular basis.


Hi Judy~ I didn't say "a lot", I said "some", but now that I think about it, it might have been over at Avian Avenue. A number of members expressed dissatisfaction with the site over the potentially harmful toys they carry and how they won't publish reviews warning others about the dangers of the toy, etc.

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I used to feed the Zupreem fruitblend. My vet said it was fine and not to get excited about the dyes. But I just didn't like feeding the dyed food when there were other options. So I have moved over to a combination of Harrisons, Zupreem Natural, and Roudybush for their pellets. I put out a variety of pellet types and sizes always available at several feeding stations, as I have birds of all sizes that are loose in the bird room for most of the day. I'd just rather stay away from the dyes, if I can.

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I had the coloured Zupreem to start with way back when we just had Billy to convert him but he was actually scared of them ha ha :D


My three have a combination of Harrisons, Zupreem Natural, TOPS and Hagen and eat all of them. I too feel better knowing there's no colours in their food :)

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This is what I do for Rorschach, he gets good food I make him every day like this morning was a mash of carrots, broccoli, coli flour, red yellow and orange peppers all mixed into a scrambled egg. Later I will probably give his some carrot, corn and green beans not sure if I will go with pasta or rice yet. We use fresh and frozen veggies and we usually will cut up the fresh and freeze it... as you all know produce can spoil pretty quickly so it's more convenient then trying to get to a grocery store every day.


Right now we have been getting Kaytee Gourmet Parrot Food and I am not entirely sure if this is bad due to the amount of seed in it and other possible chemicals . Rorschach doesn't seem to have any health issues and his droppings are perfect ,some days may be watery depending on the veggies or fruit I give him but I am sure that is normal.


I would prefer not feeding him anything with coloring or unwanted chemicals but you have to work with what you have. The reason I brought up the Fruit Blend was because I can get it locally and it is affordable. I will definitely check the next time I'm there to see if they have something more natural.


Thanks to everyone who has responded I am loving all your feedback and the information provided.

Thank you every one for the Grey't post's...Your diet is good....Rice needs to be cooked, basmatic or brown is the best.Some raw pastas,[rotini] is good for your fids. Orzo pastas cooked is really good for them. Scrambled eggs a couple times a week is ok, corn has no value, it is just a filler but it is good as a treat. Beans and rice are very important part of our Grey's diet, they form a complete protein.. Royal large horn bill [no-sunflower seed] and Volksman sunflower-less are great seed mixes. Our fids need their seeds!!


Other Parrots:

A diet for a Grey is not the same as for a Amazon or Macaw etc...A grey need higher protein and fat content than a Zon. Example, a Zon needs less fat, more seeds and fruit, less nuts. A Grey is a "lean" parrot, and a Zon is a fat parrot. What do macaws eat in the wild? They find seeds, nuts, some plants, berries and fruit. They even find small amounts of meat. Because Macaws need a lot of fat & oil in their diet, adding mixed nuts can provide their required fat. Brazil nuts almonds, pecans, walnuts, filberts and macadamia nuts are all good for your them.

Pasta, beans (cooked), sweet potatoes, (cooked) and brown or wild rice are great foods to keep your macaws diet balanced. Other "people food" such as scrambled eggs, french toast, spaghetti, crackers & bagels are ok to feed too. Rule of thumb; if the food is good for you and nutricious for you, it is safe to feed your macaw.

Since most big birds love their fruits, you can feed them apple, banana, blueberries, cantaloupe, cherries (without the pit), coconut, grapefruit, kiwi, melons, mango, oranges, papaya, peaches, pears, pineapple, plums, raspberries & strawberries. Leave the skin on the bananas or orange (but wash them) because they like to "Shell" the fruit. Veggies that are good for your bird include asparagus, broccoli, Brussels sprouts, cabbage, corn, cucumber, kale, peas, peppers, potato, pumpkin, spinach, sprouts, squash, tomato & zucchini.


Since we no longer are able to take in rescues and rehomes, our personal birds are down to 13. Of this there are 6 different diets we prepare daily. Research and learn what you type of food your fid should eat, read labels, and use you brains in deciding "What"you shouldfeed or not feed your true companion...

Thank you....

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@Butttaxi- I know its easier to buy food from the pet store or from your vet or breeder and it seems like you're saving money b/c of shipping but a lot of websites are so much cheaper than the store/vet/breeder that even if you add shipping costs, it comes out less or even. And with a website you have a heck of lot more variety in what pellet you choose.


When Took was brought home, she was given the colorful fruit pellets. She never ate them at all (she was also on seed mix which was her favorite, she doesn't get that at all now except on very rare occasions- like super late night at work. I need to leave something I know she will eat). Now I feed her Harrison's b/c its considered one of the best. She doesn;t love it but like you and luvparrots, its her back-up in case she decides she hates her other food that day. But Took, the little rascel, will only eat it softened in smaller pieces (harrison's advises not to change the form but I do as it suits Took's needs).

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