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Judy hits 3000 posts!!!


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Judy hit 3000 posts tonight and I wanted to be the first to congratulate her!! I'm sorry Judy, but I don't have a banner or something cool like that but this is what I do have. Judy, you are one of the most loved people on this forum, and for good reason. You are the most caring and loving person, you give everyone you talk to a confidence boost, and always always ALWAYS the first to jump in and help when anyone has a question. More than that you are a great friend, whether sharing insite on something or just shooting the breeze, you have the most awe inspiring sense of humor...I am VERY honored to know you and call you friend! We all love you very much Judy and look forward to many many more posts from you. THANK YOU!!!



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Well thank you Josh, but it is no big deal, I just like to talk I guess, not that I have the greatest information to share but that I just like to share what I do have and that is my wit and a good time.


I do appreciate each and every one on this forum and the love shown me and everyone here is simply astounding. No where else have I encountered such love and admiration for people we have never met in person.


You say the nicest things, Josh, and I never tire of hearing these kind of comments, especially from a man, kind of makes me feel all warm and snuggly inside. You have matched me sometimes with the smart wit but deep inside you really do care and so do I.


I am the honored one to have you for a friend and I love you very much for that, you have made me very happy and I am glad I have been priviledged to know you, you are a real gem and so smart for so young an age.


You are going to make some woman very happy some day, too bad I am not 30 or 35 years younger or I would be after you myself.

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