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Embarrassed to Post Pictures.......


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OK, I've been looking through lots of pictures on this forum and I want to know if you guys all pull out the brand new toys for pictures? Everyone has such pretty toys and cages and they look like bird rooms from magazines.


Rebel's toys, even her newest shiniest toys look like they have been run over by the lawn mower, and I don't really consider her destructive. Perhaps I should change that opinion!


How do you keep everything so neat and new looking??


I found her sitting on her "atom" type toy, something she never does, so I ran to get the camera and when I looked at the pictures, it looks like I stuffed her in a frayed yarn ball!!!


My Poor Birdie!!!

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so it sounds like your bird actually uses her toys....lol

i cycle my toys around alot. as for the cage, i am a bit OCD so i am always cleaning it. you should post pix anyway, i can't speak for the rest of the forums but i would love to see your babies.

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Oh please, don't worry about what your pics look like. We love all pictures! We don't judge others, we're usually jealous!! I have 5 birds and also work, so I am not able to keep my birds cages spotless every day. Just join. In the fun here and don't be afraid to post pictures.

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Ha! Ha! Oh, I can so identify. My toy wrecking crew includes a cockatoo and several conures. The conures bite off any small bits, and the cockatoo methodically unties all the knots and deconstructs the toy into a pile of toy parts at the bottom of the cage. Because of the expense of buying toys, I try to salvage any toy parts I can and toss them into a basket. Then I put together new toys from this recycled toy "boneyard." I have to say the toys look pretty ratty most of the time.


I was at our bird store yesterday and noted a small bird toy with play money tied all around on it. I commented that they might as well just go ahead and make the toys out of money!!

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I love your post. Yes, I do tend to take more pictures when we have a fresh set up with new toys, especially with a new bird coming in. I also have photoshop so I can certainly remove "ratty" toys, LOL. Not that I do, but I could. Every bird is beautiful and they do have favored toys that are beat up, or run over with the lawnmower/can opener. There are also days when I think my house is a total wreck, but something funny happens with the kids or birds and I take a photo and later looking at the happy picture, I come to realize that when I am in the middle of it, all I see is the mess and work waiting for me. When I look back, I remember all the times I put the dusting and sweeping aside to make happy memories, and that serves me much better.

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No one should be embarrassed to post their pictures here for we all have been guilty of not having the cleanest cage at all times and if a toy looks ragged then it means it was played with and enjoyed, we would love to see some of your pictures so post away.


My Poor Birdie!!!

You do not have a poor birdie, you have the richest one in your eyes!

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I will say this, my Congo Cooper loves to shred and attempt to destory everything he can get his hands on... he can put a hole in a tshirt faster than you can blink. Dexter my Timneh loves to shred on rope, and that's about it.


I will offer this little tip, I bought some "alleged" indestructible teething rings from target a pack of 44


http://www.google.com/products/catalog?rlz=1T4TSNA_en___US360&q=bright+starts+lots+of+links&um=1&ie=UTF-8&cid=14231563463041025910&sa=X&ei=yz2WTa-WLPLbiAKKm-D1CA&ved=0CDgQ8gIwAg# They work great because the bird can get a nice grip on an individual, or you can link them together in different patterns in the cage (hanging down, or a chain like design). When one of them decides to go for a lamp shade or a piece of furniture, I give them one of these as a positive alternative... thus sparing any hard feelings :-)


give them a go... I think I paid 44 for $4

Edited by bran
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Rebel has those rings all over her cage and her playstand. It's the rope stuff that gets Blasted!! Guess I'll have to go get her a new one, there is about an inch left that she hasn't shredded to bits.....


My Yarn Ball Baby!!





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awww what a cutie :D


I wouldn't feel embarrassed if I were you , I have a really old ugly chair that the bf uses for his computer chair and it is also a chew toy for Rorschach. The cats had also used it as a scratching post despite the fact they have 2 other scratching posts that were designed for that purpose lol This chair is ripped to shreds and I am completely ok with having this ugly chair in my home because it makes the animals happy. Rorschach's toys get destroyed pretty quickly so the ones that can be broken quickly are usually removed or , if possible, used as foot toys. We also offer him anything he can destroy or shred so we always have a happy mess anywhere he is lol

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  Aly~ said:
OK, I've been looking through lots of pictures on this forum and I want to know if you guys all pull out the brand new toys for pictures? Everyone has such pretty toys and cages and they look like bird rooms from magazines.


Rebel's toys, even her newest shiniest toys look like they have been run over by the lawn mower, and I don't really consider her destructive. Perhaps I should change that opinion!


How do you keep everything so neat and new looking??


I found her sitting on her "atom" type toy, something she never does, so I ran to get the camera and when I looked at the pictures, it looks like I stuffed her in a frayed yarn ball!!!


My Poor Birdie!!!


Hehe, that mental image: "it looks like I stuffed her in a frayed yarn ball!!!" Just love that! :)


Marcus' toys get pretty beat-up looking pretty quickly. At this point we can afford maybe one new, big wooden toy to hang in his cage per month (his plastic one is ageing quite well by comparison, and he has no interest in his shreddable toys). He just rips that thing to shreds, and since he's kind of lost interest in his foot toys for the time being, that big wooden chew toy gets even more banged-up. But that's okay. I'm more self-conscious about the bird poop on the floor than a beat-up bird toy! That gets cleaned up after it's dried, it just seems to smear into the rug when it's still wet, yuck! I know if anyone saw the bird room on bad days though before I get to cleaning (especially if sweet potato was served recently), they'd be a little skeeved out if they aren't bird people, little messes and dried food and pulverized pellets and feathers everywhere...

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  MarcusCAG said:
But that's okay. I'm more self-conscious about the bird poop on the floor than a beat-up bird toy! That gets cleaned up after it's dried, it just seems to smear into the rug when it's still wet, yuck! I know if anyone saw the bird room on bad days though before I get to cleaning (especially if sweet potato was served recently), they'd be a little skeeved out if they aren't bird people, little messes and dried food and pulverized pellets and feathers everywhere...


The bird poop is definitely an embarrassing part for me too. Even if you clean it everyday you will find it somewhere lol walk in it, lean in it, sit in it, find it on your clothes. I am very glad it doesn't have a smell haha

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Uh, I am glad Zak doesn't poop everywhere. He learned that he is supposed to go on his t-perches, then he does his business and comes back. Very rarely he poops somewhere else. I really do not fancy that :-P And bout the toys....he prefers shreddable toys so if one isn't available at the moment, he finds himself one...- see the paper towel role above him?...that won't be there for much longer.. ;-)




PS: Uh! Sorry for the big picture:-S

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What a cutie and I am not sure if the roll would be safe from any of our fids lol looks like Zak is going to have a blast ripping that apart!


I considered potty training Rorschach but I have read the cons to it about how they may hold it until they can get to their designated spot. Usually if he is hanging with me and I notice his little squat I will pick him up and move him to the top of his cage but I am not with him all day so his mess is usually during the day when he spends it hanging with his daddy

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I remove him from there before he shreds it;-) He used to do it while I wasn't looking but now I am extra careful.

About pooping... I never had any problem with Zak holding it in. He prefers to poop outside his cage but he wont hesitate to poop in it if he doesn't have a choice (e.g. when I go to work). And when sitting on the sofa or on my shoulder, if he doesn't go by himself and I see his squat, I'll put him where he's supposed to go and say: you poop here Zak. Poop Zako poop. Good boy. It sounds kinda retarded when translated to English;-P And every time he goes by himself on a designated place and I see him, I say: Poop Zako poop. Good boy. And that's it;-)

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I pretty much do the same thing when I place Rorschach on his perch I will tell him to poop and then tell him he is a good boy. He will not fly to his perch to do his business though, I am sure after taking him there over time he may get the hint.

It's good to know they will still go inside the cage when you are not home, that would be my only fear really.

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The natural environment of a parrot's home is going to be tattered, messy and pooped upon. I will have a friend over, or one of my family members will tell me "he pooped on you". I look and say "Yep. It surely can't be mine clear up there on my arm" LOL. A little poop, a little mess, all in a day of parrot pleasure.

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  katana600 said:
The natural environment of a parrot's home is going to be tattered, messy and pooped upon. I will have a friend over, or one of my family members will tell me "he pooped on you". I look and say "Yep. It surely can't be mine clear up there on my arm" LOL. A little poop, a little mess, all in a day of parrot pleasure.


I couldn't agree more. ;) My parents and other extended family were over once and I was fussing around in the kitchen, and after an hour or so my mom was like, "You know you've had that feather on your skirt all evening." I looked down and shrugged, it was perfectly normal to me, but apparently it needed to be removed in everyone elses' eyes!

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