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Newbie in wheelchair needs advice - congo v timneh


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Hi this is Newbie in Wheelchair.


Thanks to all those who replied to my previous post, and as a result I decided that I am def going to purchase an African Grey. However, I have just been reading an interesting article:


Congos and Timnehs Is There A Difference by Jane Hallander.



Anyway she surmises that perhaps Congo African Greys have more phobias and problems than Timnehs due to possible differences between their domestic habitat and their natural habitat. Does anyone have any experience or reasoned opinion on this topic? Was was going to buy a Congo because they are the most common in the UK but perhaps I should go for a Timneh - all opinions welcome.


Thanks again in advance.



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This all depends on what you want in a bird. It also depends on how it is treated and raised. If you get one from a baby, you will grow together. Some say that TAG are not as nippy, but I know some CAG that doesn't bite much either. I personally want a Congo, I think they are better talkers, even thou its not a guarantee either will talk. I would go to a breeder and handle them both, and just see which one appeals to you, and which one prefers you.

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When you talk CAG or TAG the only differance is size. They are both equal and each are great talkers and each is smart. Some say the TAG is more layed back but that is more IMO than facks. Eather or is a good choice. And yes if the bird prefers you that`s a good choise

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Not sure you read the article but to be honest it does make some very credible and interesting claims. Anyway I'm hoping our whole family will get on with our baby male CAG when he arrives - I can't wait!

Thank you though as Jayd states your post is helpful.

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Hi Inky, I have both a tag and a cag. They are2 months apart, and their differences are pretty text book. My tag is not a phobic as my cag is. There are many differences which I have posted numerous times here. I wil say that these 2 birds are my only experience with a tag and cag.

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I have a TAG and she is fearless. I don't have to worry about new toys scaring her or loud noises or colors or any of the things I hear about CAGs being afraid of. Ana Grey is very independent and can play by herself, no problem. I believe it is the way a parrot is raised and the way he/she is cared for that determines the personality of a parrot. Just like a dog or cat. If you build trust with your parrot and give he/her no reason to fear or be leery of you, how can you go wrong. Choose the parrot that appeals to you, in my opinion, that is what you should do.

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