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To Fail or Not to Fail... homemade toys

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So today on my lunch break I decided to hit up the dollar store for some things Rorschach could destroy. I picked up little whiffle balls, willow balls, straws and yarn thinking I could somehow create some sort of toy lol well I truly failed. It has to be the ugliest thing I have ever seen in my life.


Normally I am a pretty creative person but I guess it’s only with pencil or paint because this is not very nice at all lol I guess I really won’t know until I give it to him. I am still at work and by the time I get home he will be in bed.


I guess I shouldn’t down myself yet, Rorschach might love it and in that case it was a success.


I will update you all tomorrow if he likes it.

Edited by Butttaxi
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He might surprise you and love it, sometimes the things we think they would love they ignore and things we don't think they would like they love to pieces so hopefully he will be grateful for your efforts, I like it and I haven't even seen it yet.

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I hope yours don't do you like mine did me, totally hurt my feelings. I made Roy and Prince both a toy, looked weird, but ok lets try this. Prince loved his and give me kisses while I hung it in his cage. Roy I took out and put on the play gym then hung it in his cage and took him back to his cage he sat on the door and looked at this and screamed and screamed until I had to take it down. So I was going to trade the toys between the two of them even thou they were almost identical, Prince would not have it. He just hissed and hisses

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Oh my I guess you just never know lol


I know how much he loves to destroy things and I have not been able to get to a pet shop in a few weeks because it's in the next town so I have been finding anything around the house I could give him to keep him busy like toilet paper rolls and yesterday I found a plush penguin that he happily removed the eyes from. So I am hoping this is a big hit because the last toy I bought him was a swing with lots of dangly string to rip apart and so far he just likes to swing in it. I was glad he enjoyed the swing but not very stimulating.

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Well he played with it for about 5 seconds until I ran and got the camera then he was like eff that I am comin out with you lol so now he is chewing my clothes because the foot toys are not as interesting... gtg give this guy a bath

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