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Night-time Voices


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Macky (short for Mackenzie), is our 5 year old male african grey. Often times at night, we hear him whispering or talking softly to himself as he's falling asleep. My husband and I call it night-time voices as he seems to say all the things he normally says, only at a lower volume. He does this while we are watching tv at night. Not after all the lights are out, and it's quiet. I was just wondering if anyone else has an african grey that does this. :P

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Yes, Gilbert is doing the same thing. First I tell him goodnight and turn the lights down low. He stays talkative but turns it to the lowest volume so I almost can't hear him. My bedroom is right around the corner from him but he still kept softly talking while the house was completely dark. I was surprised to hear him because usually when it is dark they are silent. I have noticed that the dimmer the lights, the softer he talks. He just can't seem to get enough of his day that he would talk into the darkness.

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Oh I love the beak grinding!! They look so cute all fluffed up and they kinda look like an egg if you look at them front on. CLosing their eyes with every grind

Rorschach does the quiet chatter in the morning if one of us is still in bed. At night he will chat but in his normal volume and he also has been known to have a mid-night snack lol I heard him the other night and was a bit confused because he should have been asleep so I had a peek and sure enough he was at his dish chowing down lol

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"Listen"....to what your fids are saying...you can learn a lot about their emotions and their mental state by what they say, what they repeat and how they say it. If your companion is a re-home or a rescue, you can learn about his past and previous home as they vent themselves in time. Eventually, they will no longer say the things that bother them. Most talking birds have this trait, especially Greys.

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As we know I am still impatiently waiting for a CAG but Roy will talk really low, most of the time I can't make it out, but sometimes I hear him say Roy shut up, stop it, and its kind of sad, because his voice is much different. He will sometimes say wanna go nite, hahaha wanna go nite hahaha

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Their laughing is hilarious I remember one night I was watching a movie and a phone rang, Rorschach usually will say hello when he hears a phone ring but this was priceless... Phone on the movie rang... Rorschach: "Hello....what??? HAHAHAHAH!" I was in tears because it sounded like he was actually responding to someone on the phone and whatever it was they said must have been funny hahaha

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