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'Grey' is dying


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Your kindness and sensitivity was surely a blessing in her life. I am so sorry you are all hurting right now, it is so sad to see them decline and suffer. Your vet has been good to all of you and I am glad you had support during this painful time.

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So sorry for your loss :`(


a tribute if I may, "Free bird"

This song was sung at my friends funeral and now every time I hear it I think of him and all the sunshine he brought to me and everyone who knew him. I hope it can do the same for you

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Thank you all for the wonderful messages. It surely helps. I will forward this link to my wife for her to know that the 'greyforum' community cares....


Let me try to post some recent pictures of 'grey'. All of us will miss her...


There is a picture clicked while 'grey' was guarding my 9yr old son while he sleeps....














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i am so, sorry. Just so sorry. You totally made the right choice.


I'm still praying for you guys.


Thank you for the pictures. How totally awesome she put her head under your son's cheek to guard him. I'm so glad that she knew your love for the time she was here. Just know that she is flying and her feet and legs are working and she'll be super excited to see you again :)


Hang in there. again, you made the right choice.

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You did the kindest thing you could do for her and she was a very pretty girl especially snuggling up to your son, I would forever remember her like that, thanks so much for sharing those pictures with us as I know you are heartbroken right now.

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Guest jules420_91

My family & I are all so sorry for your loss. My heart is breaking for you. Greys are such amazing friends to us. I so hope one day there is adequate treatment for this horrible disease. Better yet a vaccination. She was a beautiful girl. Thank you for sharing those precious pics with us. I wish there were words to express our sympathy.


Julie, Greg, Pat, Tarzie & Louie

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It is just the sweetest caring thing for you to post photos for us while we share a small bit of your loss. Thank you so much. She will forever be a part of your hearts and your lives. Our thoughts and prayers are with you while your whole family adjusts to this wrenching loss.

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I understand what this is like. I lost an 11 month old cat to an incurable disease, and it was not for lack of trying to save him... I took him for many doctor and specialist visits, but there just was no known cure. We had to make the decision to let him go too. Only had him 6 months and it might as well been forever....believe me, you're not alone. Grey will always have a spot in your heart that will never be replaced, but time will lessen the pain and make you ready to open your heart up again. *hugs*

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A message from my Wife.....


Thank you very much for all your support & prayers..as of now it’s really hard to get by…when I come home from office..she’s no longer there to greet me. When we get up in the morning we no longer hear her whistling for attention to get out of the cage. It felt like a big whole was punched thru my chest. I don’t know what’s more painful…waiting for your beloved to go in peace in a natural way…or watch the whole process while the doctor is putting her to eternal sleep & then later on having to explain to your 9 yr old son that his beloved pet is gone.


That fateful morning (29 March) I called up the clinic to ask her status, the assistant said there has been some improvement as she still responds to feeding, that statement got me more confused as we are already considering putting her to sleep the night before when we saw that the other leg gave in too & that doctors said that was the end stage. The assistant told me that Grey’s doctor just came in that morning & she wanted to speak to us to give the latest update, I said I’d rather have them call my husband as I could not come up with any decision, so the doctor did spoke to my husband & said Grey’s not getting any better infact she’s getting worse by the minute, there’s no use to wait to put her to sleep till end of my office hours, it will defeat the purpose of getting her out of misery so I decided to go immediately to the clinic. I don’t want Grey to think that we just left her some place to die. I wanted her to see that I’m there till the very end even though I’ll be putting myself into heart wrenching situation, on my way to the clinic I’m convincing myself not to cry but as soon as I got there & the minute the doctor utter the 1st word tears began pouring & it’s just non stop.


Every body in the clinic felt my pain, no need for me to say anything & if so it’s really hard to speak & cry your heart out at the same time, the doctor presented me Grey…she’s just lying there breathing heavily feathers fluffed, no strength to even raise her head. She just nibbles my finger perhaps for the last time, the doctor reassured me that I’m doing the right thing though at the back of my head I’m thinking maybe it would be less painful if her time would come at that very moment, but no we really have to do it…more tears roll down…as the doctor leaves the room for the preparation I took every moment to let her feel our love, caressing endlessly.


The final moment arrives, the doctor has the syringe with her assistant holding her, at that moment she chirped with all she could, she maybe wondering what’s happening, I caressed her even more to assure her everything will be alright, simultaneously she closes her eyes while the fluid goes thru, she goes to sleep…I asked the doctor “is that it” she nodded so I hushed Grey to sleep while the doctor checks for heartbeat, there’s no more……I thought that she will gradually drift away, I didn’t think she’ll be gone in an instant. I hoped I could still hold her close while she slowly fades away but instead I’m just holding her lifeless body…I cried even more.


After a while I decided to compose myself as I still need to go back to the office, how to work I don’t know…I went out of the doctor’s clinic leaving her to their care as they will arrange her cremation & into the reception hall to pay the bill, I ask the receptionist to give my thanks to the doctor & left. As I went out of the clinic it’s as if I’m stepping into an empty world…gotta shake it off & move on no matter how hard & painful it is.


I’m sorry if I had to tell it in detail but I got to share it somehow to relieve what I’m feeling right now…..when we’re really sad I just remind myself that we love her so much & she’s in the hands of the Lord, the best place she could ever be. Grey…you’ll be truly missed

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Thank you Morana, danmcq, Malikah, Buttaxi (thanks for the tribute

), judygram, TitaniumPhoenix, Zoom, Birdnut, katana600, Greywings, Jingles, Eshana, Jayd, reggieroo, Shelly Yokum, hammco, dhorje, Talon, MarcusCAG, luvparrots, jules420_91 (Julie, Greg, Pat Tarzie & Louie) & Vamppire, for the condolences, wishes & prayers...


Going through your messages definitely helps us in the healing process.....


Grey's Family

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I'm sitting here at a seminar, trying hard not to cry.


Thank you for sharing the details. you made the right decision. I take the chirps as telling you, it's ok mom, i'm going to be ok and you be ok too. I love you. That's what I take those chirps to be. Still praying for you guys.



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I cannot read that message from your wife without crying my eyes out, it is so sad but it shows the love you all had for Grey and even though it had the tears flowing it makes me happy that she was so loved and cherished, even though her life was cut so short she was blessed and now you are left with the memories which you will always remember, you all touched her life as much as she touched yours. If posting this helps with the healing process then we are glad to be of some comfort to you.

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So sad, such a difficult post to read, but I thank you for sharing with your family. We love each and every bird like it is our own. You are not alone in your pain. Each and every one of us are feeling it as we read what you went thru. I can hardly type, the tears are following so fast a........:(. Bless you, you did the right thing and the fact that you ran immediately tom the clinic to be there for Grey speaks volumes about the kind of loving parents you were to Grey.


May you one day soon find it in your heart to give that love to another lucky bird.

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It really will heal but it hurts so much right now. Reading your words so heartfelt flowed through the web and into all of our hearts, sharing your tears from across the seas. Am sending you back an attempt at comfort and hugs for healing from Texas and our hearts here.

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I cried too as I read it. But I also thought how lucky Grey was to be so well loved, and how lucky you were to love her. Sometimes it helps to measure the success of a life by its quality, not its quantity. Grey lived a full and happy life, even though it was short.

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Goodness, I am crying at work. A heart wrenching story. I am glad you were with her at the end. These stories torture me with thought of how I would handle my baby in a situation like this. It would not be good. You know you really love a pet when you are afraid for either one of you to pass on. Myself for the fact that I don't think anyone on the planet will ever love my baby as much as I do, and Issac for these very reasons. I hope you all find comfort in the fact that she is in a better place now.

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