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A Reminder

Ray P

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Cricket has always been able to melt my heart and is a walking contradiction of a amazon and a reminder that a background does not always tell the out come of a rehomed amzon.


I have to remind myself that her background almost stoped me form taking her and how much I would have missed had I not taken her.


I don`t have to remind myself of the joy she has brought me in the 2 years plus that she has been with us and the big part of the family she has become.


I do understand that it`s not what you get but what you make of of the relationship and to bring around a sad zon to a happy zon and to feel a conection between the two of you and enjoy your time together.


This little green bird has made me understand more about myself in 2 years than I did in all my life.


If I were asked if I think some one should take a amazon I would say only if you want to change your life for the better. Look inside your self and you may see a zon.

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Having never thought of owning or being owned by a 'zon I acquired Morgan. Talk about a life changer. Today was get everybody through the shower day (all at once) and while it's a labor of love (3 greys, 2 of whom don't want the bath) I watch in delight as Morgan makes it playtime! It puts a totally different spin on shower time for everyone and makes this chore not a chore at all. He spent the afternoon singing and playing with much more vigor than the others, because he was all clean! Made my heart sing.



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There is nothing like owning an Amazon. It's something you will never experience in any other relationship, be it, pets, humans, other birds, etc. It is a life changing appreciation for their species that is very hard to explain to others who own different types of parrots. But if you own an Amazon, well, we all understand exactly what you mean when you are lucky enough to bring one into your home and bond with them.


They can give your love back two-fold every day. They show it to you, not in cuddles only, it's the kind look they give you, and the gift they send thru your soul when they look into your eyes on those special moments they give you. There gift of communicating to your inner being without words is indescribable...:)

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