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Ray P

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If you have a bird for over a year(the age of the bird does not matter)Other than you haveing it more than a year and you start to know it`s personality what would you nickname your bird and why.


I will start with my cag Corky


Corky is my Congo African Grey and she is 10 years and 3 months old and we have had her all her life.

Her nickname would be Queen Bee.

She has no trouble letting anybody know she is #1 and she is willing to prove it in no uncertin terms.


Cricket is my Blue Front Amazon and she is about 15 years old and a rehome and has been with us for 2 years and 3 months.

Her nickname would be Contradiction because she is a walking contradiction of what a amazon should be. She is very sweet and gentle and loves to play and be around me.


Little One is my Pied Cockatiel and she is about 7 years old and we have had her about 6 years and she is a rehome.

Her nickname would be Floozy because she is very sweet and will go to anybody that comes close to her


Willie is my normal grey cockatiel and he has been with us for over 21 years

His nickname would be Old Man of the North he just sits back and takes every thing as it comes. He does not like to be bothered much.


Each is their own and they have a special place in our heart and they each bring something to our home.

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Cute thread Ray!!!! So let's see:


Ana Grey (TAG): Booba - She is just my little love muffin - I have had her for 2 1/2 years


Louie (ZON): Big Guy - Well, he's a big guy!- I have only had Louie for 6 months but he is part of the flock/family!!!


Sully (EKKIE): Ole' Man - He acts like he has the whole world on his shoulders and it's weighing him down!- 1 3/4 years

Edited by luvparrots
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Hmmm, where to start!


Dixie - 3 yr old CAG with me since May 2009 - Fickle - one minute she loves me, the next she doesn't want to be around me.


Beau - 21 month old CAG - with me his whole life (almost) - Cuddle Bug - because he loves to just sit and cuddle.


Morgan - 10 month old Panama Amazon - (with me since September 30th a rehome) - Brutus - he's big and uncoordinated and dominates by getting "big"


Yoshi - 2 year old TAG - Lucy - she reminds me of Lucy holding the football waiting for Charlie Brown to come kick it and then she yanks it away. She's like that with me, wants to be close but quick to go in another direction.


Sterling - 14 year old U2 - with me for 2 years - a rehome - Velcro - he's the epitome of a U2 - stuck on you all the time!


Blue & Bean - 20 & 18 monts respectively - I'm their only home forever - Phobos (Bean) and Damos (Blue) which means fear and chaos. Bean is afraid of his shadow for some reason and stays near his cage unless offered a shoulder to ride on. He refuses to step up unless he's somehow managed to reach the floor. I think he has an affliction to bare skin, the shoulder must be covered! Blue is chaos in every sense of the word. Flying chaotically and frantically all over the place, creating havoc in his wake.




PS - Thanks Ray, making us think again!

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I would have to say this is very interesting.

I have nicknamed Roy, my ruby macaw crabby bird. He is always growling like a dog, and bluffing like he is going to bite ya.

Prince is Prince, he struts like he is top bird. He flirts and cuddles and just the sweetest b/g ever.

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Josey - I guess I would call her Nervous Nellie for she is so skittish and easily frightened.

Sunny - would be Hitchhiker for she is always wanting to ride around on my shoulder when she is outside her cage.

Gyspy - is Jet setter for she loves to fly.

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@Shelly, I thought you were calling Ray a crabby ole bird and thought I had the game all backward. LOL. You meant Roy, your macaw... oh... nevermind... LOL. So for my house, Java a five year old poicephalus, red-bellied hen, have had her four and a half years. I would call her Jackie Chan 'cause she is witty and unpredictable, but when there is a stranger in town she goes into her sheriff mode and is ready to take on any intruder, human/feathered/furry critter with a ferocity and attitude that makes her small size look like a megasize ornery gorilla.

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I love how every bird has their own personality!


I know this has been posted for those who have had their birds over a year and I have only had Rorschach for about 6 months but as we sit now I would have to admit that he would have the nickname of Bratty or Saucy Face lol Mainly because you can tell he is purposely being a mischievous brat lol Maybe it will change in a few months, I'll get back to you after he's owned us for a year.

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