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Few pics of Rorschach *hope the images display*


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We thought the name was perfect because of the colouring and the third day he was here we knew it was a great pick because we played a youtube video of the character "Rorschach" from the Watchmen and it was the first time he made noise for us. I was afraid he wouldn't learn the name, we changed it after we re-homed him because he was named after a hockey player and I don't even remember what it was but he picked it up and says it all the time :) The only words he had picked up from previous owners was "Hello" but he had a lot of different whistles and a cell ring.


He loves to try and get the camera but I'm pretty careful to keep my distance... Thank god for zoom lenses lol

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his red feathers are really cute :) he has them on his back too but we can only see them when he drops his wings.


I will definitely try to get more photos up I think I have too many and it is really crazy to go through them all lol

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Mine get the unsweetened apple juice, and orange juice with calcium on a rare occasion


I usually try to water down juice if I know he is going to have some but of course fruit you can't water down and he LOVES him some oranges lol

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