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a little urgent, hope nothing serious


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i notice that amigo keel bone is a little sharp and she feels thin

but she eat alot, drink alot too and definately poo alot


she poo very very often, and it can be like once every few minutes. so the cage paper get very dirty within one day


she is very active and always move around the cage. the poo also look healthy.

her weight is 378g before her breakfast.


is there anything to worried about the frequency of poop and her keel bone?

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I think you should weigh her weekly at the same time of day. chart and compare weight to see if she is holding even or loosing. I would suggest a Vet. visit though if she is having that many droppings it is not normal to go so often. A nervous bird passes more droppings than a calm one so do check to see if there is something she is afraid of you can move away from her view. Please give us an idea of what she is eating as well, perhaps we might have some suggestions to improve her diet. Here are some weight guidelines to refer too not all birds fit these statistics though.


  • Congo Grey
    Body Length: 12 to 14 inches
    Body weight: 375-600+ grams
  • Timneh Grey
    Body Length 10 inches
    Body weight 300-375 grams
  • Maximum Life Span: 40-60 years

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The keel bone should not be prominent and certainly not sharp so I think a vet visit is in order to make sure she is ok and Jill is right about weighing them weekly, you could start out by doing it daily for a couple of weeks to get an average and then check it weekly for that is one of the ways you can check for anything wrong as they will lose some weight when sick.

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Thanks guys

The weight today before Dinner is 397g(crop is empty) but she have heavy lunch n breakfast today.

I will monitor the weight twice a day.


I ask the previous owner and she said that it's like that all the time. Pop often and alot.

I asked the shopkeeper, they suggested to deworm

They suggested vitafarm deworming gel. Anyone has experience on that one?


It's not very easy to get a good avian vet at here.

Most vet are for dog and cat.


Thanks for the input guys

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Greetings, If I may, you said she is drinking a lot, this and to much fruit can increase the amount of poop and lack of weight. To much fruit and liquid doesn't allow food to stay in there system long enough. What is your baby's diet? Drinking to much fluids are also a sign of many illness. Weigh your baby after the first big bomb each morning....DE-worm, See a vet.....Jayd

Edited by Jayd
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hi jay, thanks alot...

the weight stay around 380. it goes up and down around there....


she eat mostly pelet as she dont really like vergie and fruits...

i am still working on her to get her to eat more variety of food

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she originally eat seed mix.


then manage to convert in to kaytee natural pellet and zupreem natural pellet.

so he will only, ONLY eat the zupreen and kaytee pellet and sunflower seed as treat during training


she doesnt eat any other thing.

she statrted eating mung bean sprout and vegie. occasionally apple.


she eat alot of pellet. she really love her pellet.

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so far i have been ensuring the food is available all the time. but my grey's weight is not increasing.

it goes around 365 in the morning and 390 at night.

i am not too sure why the weight fluctuate so much or is it my weighing scale?

i tried the consistency of the scale. the machine doest seem to have problem.

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This is just a guess but it could be like when we humans weigh ourselves, in the morning we usually weigh less due to not eating anything yet and then through out the day we eat which could weigh us down a little more.


Also wanted to add not to get discouraged with offering new veggies, like everyone else said they can be picky eaters and if you keep offering they will eventually try it and possibly like it. From all I have read so far, converting their diets from an all seed diet to a healthy diet can take time.

Edited by Butttaxi
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thanks butttaxi.

actually my grey dietis prettymuch control in term of the ammount. the food will ussally be finished by 3-4 pm and the grey will not have the food untill i come back, usually is about 7-8 pm.

usually i will start the training and bonding after i come home and he will have alot of seed treat during the time.

before sleep, she will be offered another meal.


but i am trying to increase her weight. thats is why i provide the pellet to be served all the time for the whole day. he will still finish the food by 6-7 pm. and still take seed during play time and still have the supper in the same amount.


in short, he have 1 extra meal during the period of 4-8 pm.

the weight just dont go up.

may be i will try derowming him. i will be looking at the deworming gel from Vitafarm.

any of friends here have experience on that medication?


i give him vegie everyday becasue my other birds do take vegie. all the vegie will get tossed all over the cage and i am certain that nothing is eaten,

it tried removing the pellet and feed only vegie. she choose to starve herself then to eat the veg.

i tried serving it in different manner too. like chopped, minched, whole, cut big, cut small, all rejected,, steamed,raw,all rejected

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If you have an avian vet in the area, get a fresh stool sample and take it down immediately. They can tell you on the spot IF your grey has worms, which is very unlikely.


Also, if your grey is a small frame, the weight will not go any higher. A bird will not starve itself and that may just be the weight your grey will remain at + or - 10 to 20 grams. You cannot not "Fatten Up" a bird most the time and if you do by feeing it "Junk Food" it will just be overweight and not healthy. If your grey constantly stays at the weight + or minus the above, it's fine and healthy.

Edited by danmcq
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