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Isabella's talon?


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I will feel much better after a vet check. I have contacted the breeder by e-mail and pictures. the sad thing is that the last picture I posted of Isabella that the breeder sent to me is obviously not a real picture of the grey I received.

Edited by luvparrots
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So the vet, of course, can only more or less guess what might have happened. The toe is a deformity, if not an owie when she was a very young that was not corrected. And yes, a problem the breeder would have been aware of. Isabella is able to use the toe to a degree but the avian vet says it may have to be amputated if it gets caught on something or just dries up. I have not gotten an e-mail back from the breeder yet. The fact that the pictures the breeder sent me are not of my grey are also disappointing. So for right now I am just watching Isabella closely. I did not have her micro-chipped as planned I have to search my soul first.

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I feel so sorry for you, and your bella. I hope all goes well with her. Remember Christ with Lucy? She had a talon problem, but all is better now. I hope you hear from that breeder, if you don't please make us all aware of who it is, so that we don't buy from a dishonest person as well.

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Janet I hate to say this but this is one reason I would never buy a bird sight unseen, the breeder obviously knew about the toe and may have sent you a different bird from the one in the pictures she emailed to you, if this particular one was meant to be yours then they should have told you about it as soon as they knew. Its not that the bird has a deformed toe but the fact they didn't tell you about it first. My sun conure has a beak that was damaged by her sibling when she was still being handfed, I was given the choice of the two conures but I chose the one with the hole in her beak because she responded better to me, the difference being that I chose and you were given no choice, that breeder owes you an explanation.

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I have to disagree with Judy's post. I bought 2 of my birds sight unseen. One I was given a photo of, the other one not. It was never an option in my mind to return them if all was not perfect. I would take the same 2 birds no matter what condition they came to me in.


Although it is not fair that you were mislead Janet, you have the most adorable bird ever. She needs a special person to love like only you can. To send her back because of a physical deformity that she has no idea she has is sad. I hope you find it in your heart to do what is right for you both.

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If the baby is, indeed, a female, then I'm sure that they will have the perfect relationship.




She really, really had her heart set on a female. If this bird turns out to be a male, she'd be spending the next 50+ years with a bird she didn't want. I really hope the breeder in this case does the responsible thing.

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How could you not fall in love with any bird in your home...male or female? Just my opinion.


I'm not saying I wouldn't, personally...but there has to be some retribution from the breeder for A) Not sending the correct pictures, B) Not telling about the hurt talon, and possible C) The question of gender. I'm sure if the Grey is a male she'll love him no matter what, but this breeder has some explaining to do.

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I think I would feel cheated as well if I was provided with pictures of one bird and given another, I would really be more upset with the dishonesty ... I just hope the deformity doesn't affect the bird :( we all know how much they are on their feet, poor little thing.


Rorschach has a deformity with his spine and I am glad that it doesn't seem to bother him. I am not sure how the deformity happened because I didn't get him from a breeder and neither did the person who we got him from.


As for loving less, I agree how could you not love them?? lol I love other peoples birds that I haven't even met haha

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Knowing Janet, Isabella is not going anywhere. There will probably be words with the breeder regarding the deception and lack of information regarding the injury, however, I'm sure Janet has already fallen head over heals in love with Isabella and wouldn't trade her for the world.


A responsible breeder will explain the injury/deformity and should compensate Janet for any and all medical bills associated with it as she was expecting a healthy, injury free bird.




As an aside - Dixie has a missing toe on one of her feet (back toe) and it doesn't affect her at all. She came to me this way and I didn't notice it until it was pointed out by the vet at her first visit. The store owner offered me a different bird - but it wouldn't have been Dixie, it would have been a different bird, and I had already had her for three days! Just consider the personality she will have before looking at the number of toes on her feet and determining what type of bird she will be.

Edited by rbpittman
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The breeder and I have mutually decided that Isabella should be returned to the breeder. This has been a hard decision and one that is in the best interest of Isabella and my established flock. I am the only one who really knows my flock, the circumstances of this decision and the only one who has to live with the decisions made here. This will be the end of this thread as far as I am concerned.



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