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Gilbert is home


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Well in all the wonders of her exploration and exercising her wild side, we did have a jaw dropping moment as only Gil girl could manage. We were sitting quietly in the living room late in the day. Gil climbed to the top of her playtop to the to top of the shepherd hook. She hasn't been up there in ages. When she comes down she usually spirals around looking a bit like a fireman coming down the pole in a big hurry. This time, she started her descent, hung on sideways, peered down at me with one beady little eye locked right on me and I swear on all that is important to me she said "yo bch" in the calmest voice. It is not something I have ever heard from any human we have known. It has to be another blast from her long distant past along with the "who dat dere" she started up a month or so ago. The difference is when she was startled and did the "who dat?" we were laughing and encouraging and repeating it with her. We both sat there in silence and gave her the impression we had gone deaf. We got up and went out of the room to say "did we really hear what I thought I heard?" There has been no repetition so I am hoping she reaches into her bag of tricks and pulls out another attempt with something a little less objectionable. Of course there is somewhere deep down inside that the pure shock value made it really hard to keep a poker face and not laugh. I am just shaking my head and wondering where she has been and what is just around the corner for us.

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Yes, it does make me appreciate the sweeter side of her vocabulary. It also puts a reference point on what I thought was totally for annoyance. She reminded me it could get worse if she has some other hidden gems to articulate at just the inappropriate moment. I just can hardly stand myself watching her as she changes and opens up to new possibilities. This morning she has been on a mission. First, she was startled and tried to fly from her cage. She took the opportunity to go from room to room and explore. I have seen her launch off her cage enough times that now I have strategically placed a box filled with shredded paper and foraging toys and treats where she will see it soon after she hits the floor. Originally I did this so if I didn't actually see her launch, I had time to get to an observation point before she had time to get to the furniture she was intent on splintering a while back. Since then, I have added some more boxes of paper in a trail that will take her around the living room and back to the ladder we just found for her to get from the floor back into her cage on her own. It such a lovely addition to our living room decor, hahahaha. Seriously though, it is a gradual coaxing to get her out and moving and her confidence is improving every day. She moves with an abundance of caution, takes one step, stretches tall and looks in every direction and then looks a little more closely at her box of treasures. If she is pulling out a little piece of paper and it makes a sound, she jumps back and waits a long time before her curiousity gets the better of her to go back to the box and try again. She has been on the move for over an hour. Its a lot of fun to watch her broaden her horizons.

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Phenix still tends to get from place to place by hiding under the furniture along the way rather than directly across bigger open spaces. Many birds are instinctively uncomfortable being flat footed. A little harder for a timid bird to be grounded out in "wide open" space like that. Double bonus points for Miss G because under the circumstances, it really does take even more courage for her to be willing to explore from the floor like this.


Phenix' man cave is under the couch. I'm always finding things he's dragged under there when I clean. Wondering what would happen if you tried adding to that birdie decor by overturning some boxes or finding something to create hidey holes that Miss G might seek some illusion of refuge in & on? If they didn't scare her they could help & also be another place for her to explore. Also something else besides "funiture" for her to chew on.

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She does dodge and weave and hide under chairs, ottomans, the sofa and eventually works her way to where I am on the computer to step up for me to hitch a ride back to her cage. Where we previously had her travel cage, we have been tripping over it. I found a really tall ladder that is perfect for her to get up and down from the cage and she is still a little leery of that. When I take her back, I put her up one rung from the floor and she climbs right up. It has only been there a week or so, she will get the hang of it. Great idea on the little hiding spots, I was putting out items of interest to get her curiosity stimulated and maybe when she is out stimulation isn't what she needs. I have some boxes I will cut to make little "cabanas" for her to hide under and see if that makes a difference. Although it has taken almost a year to see her first come out of her cage, then to the floor stand, then to play with toys and finally to start exploring, it is still very exciting for me. The things that seem like small potatoes are huge victories for this little girl. And for her very funny, very colorful expletive, I have come to recall she didn't have her usual southern drawl. Here's hoping she doesn't repeat it, but since we were away with all my grown nieces and nephews, if she says it again, I may be able to recognize if one of them said it trying to get her to repeat it. They all have assured me it was most definitely not them but I do believe if they were in on it, they are starting to sweat it just a little.

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She wouldn't have screwed up all that courage if she wasn't ready for a little excitement. But if you don't give Miss G what she's looking for, you know she'll find it on her own & we all know how that goes. Just it might help some if all that excitement came in slightly more manageable increments. The Grey Control Thing, always.


It might be good if the boxes turned into pavilions or arches for the moment. Miss G shouldn't need much to hide behind or crawl up on given her current state of mind. This being hormone season & all, cave-like places might generate a lit-tle more excitement than you'd like, though.

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Great ideas Val. I was already looking at materials and discarding one idea after another. I have been wondering about the materials and nixed the idea of wood or cardboard because when she starts chewing up stuff like that I have already considered that she might attempt to build a nest. She does like the security of being in her cage and she likes a smaller cage much more than a larger one. We are actually considering to move the big cages down to the sewing rooms and getting much smaller cages for upstairs where they would be more likely to have freedom and family interactions, mainly just for sleep cages. I was thinking about getting the plastic fruit baskets from a local farm. The gallon size would be just about the right size and I could cut out one side so she could have a little open cabana and then they will stack neatly on a shelf under her cage when she isn't in a mood to explore. She has been so much fun lately and asking to get just a little closer so I am trying not to get too excited but inside it is pure elation. Our little girl is making big strides.

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I enjoy reading all your new posts on miss G's antics. It is so wonderful to come and check up on what's new today. I am so happy for you and Gilda. Many good times a head is what I see when I put the karnak hat on. :)

Edited by danmcq
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Thanks Dan, I love to see what is happening for next too. As is her usual behavior, she will have a day or two of activity, then she is withdrawn and quiet like she is just processing and adjusting. She is watching my every move and is friendly to take food from my hands while she is outside her cage now, even during the quiet times. Since we have been home again she is really smitten with my husband again. He gets up way earlier than I do to battle the gridlock traffic in his commute. She is in the living room in the dark just chattering away at four in the morning. She calls out to him "hey" and answers herself "what? what? what?" When he goes out the door to run at the obscene hour she gives him a shout out and then continues to ask if he is outside and tries to enlist him to come back in. If anyone would have ever suggested I would lie in my bed at that hour and laugh, I would never have believed it, but she is so funny. She does most of her "growing" and becomes adventurous when he is home on weekends. She relies on me and trusts me, but I do believe he may turn out to be her very own love muffin. When the day comes that they both realize that, they are going to wonder what took them so long.

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You know how we talk about grey time? I think where my hubby is concerned, he is on the slow track. LOL. Seriously, he travels extensively and for the past couple of years Gil-girl and I have been traveling too, so you can't blame him for not seeing what seems so obvious to me. I know deep down he gets a huge satisfaction from her walking right to him when she gets scared, or the way she will duck her head and let him give her a scratch when she is outside the cage. Since Java has given him some vicious bites to the bone, he is understandably once bitten twice shy, but Miss Gilbert is helping him get over that. It is the sweetest thing when he has a banana just before bed time and she gets excited to share a bite with him. He lets her take the first bite, then when he gets to the end, he breaks off the last bite for her. She knows the difference too. The first bite, she takes like a lady. Its a tiny gentle nibble. But when she knows its the last bite she tries to wrench the whole piece out of his grasp. Ever so slowly she is working her sweet swamp magic on him and I wouldn't doubt if we stay home for six months, they will be best buddies.

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I played catch up with Gilly Girl this evening after being gone. So much has happened to that sweet, wonderful Miss Gilbert (her formal name)! Thank you for the reports. Without them I would never have known the spectacular progress she has made. And remember her fan club isn't located only in the East and South. I am homesick for Precious, but I did have three wonderful weeks with her.

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How wonderful you were able to spend time with Precious and family. Good timing to come home and catch up with Miss Gilbert too. We had the best day! I walked over and asked her for a step up and she went into a fright that ended with her attempting to fly. When she went to the floor she ran right to me for the step up. I moved her to the arm of my chair and she was anxious but not upset so I talked to her, offered her pine nuts and kept her happy for a few minutes. She then offered me a step up and although I knew she was desperate to return to her comfort zone, I put her on my shoulder instead. She said "hey" as in she was onto me for that slight of hand. She talked a little and it felt so nice to have her near me just warm and almost relaxed. She got so excited when I asked if she wanted to go back. I walked to the kitchen and got her a peanut. She scampered off my hand and into her cage and immediately said "want a treat?" Of course she got one. She continued to play happily and didn't seem stressed by her little outing. I am so proud of her trying so hard for me. She acts like she wants to open up and is still really scared and timid. We are steadily making progress. It felt so nice for her to be close. Well, nice for me anyway. Hang in there Gil girl. It gets better all the time.

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I am taking advantage of any opportunity she gives me. She is sitting on my shoulder right now making beak grinding noises. I am nearly beside myself as she says "hey" into my ear. She was so chatty this morning, I could barely believe the vocabulary she was using. Most of it I have heard in our time together, but not all at once like she was doing today. When she has a burst of growth like she has had in the past three weeks, I see so many possibilities for her. I think we are on the cusp of adding toys back into he cage. Slowly I have been moving things from her play stand to the outside and top of her cage. She has been playing inside and pulling things in through the bars. It seems like it has taken her forever to just come sit near me, but she seems calm and natural sitting on my shoulder. She has moved to the back of my chair and climbed back on my shoulder with the enticement of a pine nut. This is the first time I have seen her look relaxed. What a great step for her. Her chest is calm and she is breathing steady. She does have a little wide eyed and nervous look but a pine nut or two is helping her get past that. This is just awesome. She has blasted off a couple of warning sirens in my ear but she is also talking a little and has been with me twice as long as she was comfortable staying last night. I can hardly stand it. She leaned way over while I am typing to put her face close to mine and said, who dat dere. I laughed, she laughed and I am trying not to jostle her off my shoulder with laughing some more. I feel like we are turning a corner and there is nothing to stop her now. Thanks for being with us as we get to a monumental new milestone for Miss Gilbert. Life is good.

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As I fell asleep last night, I could still feel Gil's warm feet and body weight on my shoulder. It was magical. I awakened to think about how many of us have a grey that wants to be near and just how much this girl has to overcome within herself to put that one foot forward. She is beginning to see the benefits and they are overriding her steely conviction that humans are up to no good. This morning, as I gave her the first spoonfuls of my oatmeal, she put her foot up to come out. I think that might be a first for her to step up to me from inside her cage. It seems like the more she comes forward, the more she wants to come forward. Also, while she was sitting so close to me last night for an extended time, her pupils were dancing and more expressive than I have seen. There were a few minutes where they were huge and she had her feathers down tight looking on the edge of panic, but I turned my back toward her and she found her pine nut path up to the back of the chair and then back onto my shoulder. When I was able to be close and watch her for a long time, I noticed her pupils are not round, but tear drop shaped. One is more pronounced than the other with her left one coming to a point, more like a comma. It has a look almost like a solar flare swirling off the top of her pupil. Since they are different and since she has had a wing injury that the vet says has been broken at some time, I wonder if she may have had a head injury long ago. It isn't something that we could change now, but I will ask about it the next time she has a vet visit.

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It's so hard to know when to push a little and when to give her space. She is real quiet today and withdrawn in her cage. It is a very delicate balancing act with her. When I see other greys being rehomed and making a quick adjustment, I am so thankful that it turns out that way for them. We don't hear much from the less successful pairings. All I know is that when she takes one step forward and reaches a new milestone, it is magnificent. The things that seem simple and natural with our other parrots are such a challenge for Miss Gilbert. When she succeeds, it is miraculous. She is really very bright. She is also very suspicous, cautious and timid. Its the small things like ripping up adding machine paper tape and playing with a new toy that lets me see her progress with inanimate objects that keeps me from taking it personally that she is still holding back no matter how steady and predictable we try to keep her interactions. I am just elated with recalling over and over how she walked around and stayed close and then came onto my shoulder last night. She holds a very special place in our family, we are in awe of how far she has come and can't wait to see how things progress for her.

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One more time I have a little time with Gil on my shoulder. I have to confess that when I went to her cage to ask her to come with me, she headed for the hills. I put my left hand up my sleeve and reached behind her and she couldn't run to my right hand fast enough to step up for me. Once she got here she shared a bit of my tortilla and she has been talking and whistling while sitting on my shoulder. I could get used to this and she is more relaxed each time she comes to me. She has been with me long enough to be sitting with one leg tucked up and isn't going to sleep but is very relaxed.

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Just to show you how difficult life has been for Miss Gilbert, first we have called her a boy her whole life. Then she gets stuck with a companion who apparently is hard to train. Would you believe it has taken me three years to learn how to prepare oatmeal? In the past few days as she is most receptive, I finally got it right. She likes steel cut oatmeal. She likes it with a touch of unsweetened almond milk to get it to just the right consistency and just the right temperature. But boy when I finally got it right, she is little miss piggy. She taught me to turn the spoon just so where she can then twist her head nearly 180 degrees to use her bottom mandible (is that the right word?) as a steam shovel to take great big honkin' gulps. She is making the biggest slurps, sighs and happy noises. For three days she has almost forgotten that I am distinctly NOT to be trusted. I am over the moon. See, I AM trainable but she has long complained she has to have the patience of Job to put up with the likes of me. Hahahahaa. I have the most intense appreciation of the small things in life today, 365 grams of tattered feathers and attitude small.

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