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Gilbert is home


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I loved reading this!! How exciting not knowing what he may come up with next!! Love, love the Lulu stuff- so funny! Maybe he heard the nasty sounds in one of Biscotti's videos! Lol. Biscotti is so fond of his potty humor, just like a little kid! " Brrrawpt, who did that?? Phew,phew, phewwy!" :D

Can't wait to hear what Gilbert let's loose with next!!

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Thank you Kitty, I never knew how much I was going to adore this little character. As he opens up and gives us glimpses into his past and his sense of humor, he keeps our family and friends laughing and asking what he is up to next. In the beginning outside our family of four many people asked "How could you keep an animal that would bite you that hard for no reason?" Oh, he has a reason, I just have to work harder to understand and help him find other ways to express himself. Then there were the comments, "He is so ungrateful when you cook for him and dote on him and he makes such a mess etc. etc." Nope, I don't take care of him because he is appreciative and sweet, I do it because I made an agreement to do it and his behavior doesn't drive my resolve to do my best to give him what is right, not just what is fun. Of course, now that we have reached a new hurdle and it IS fun, they are giving Gilbert all the credit. LOL. As for Biscotti, I know when to replay the best parts of his video and not let Gilbert and Java (Or David, for that matter) hear his naughty moments, but I have to say, I put on the earplugs and laugh myself silly. His "Santa, I been goooood" is the oft repeated phrase and most forwarded video clip of the season. The little pip has stolen all our hearts with his antics. I love how all our parrots have a built in fan club here on the forum and the best parts go forward to others as well.

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Even in the beginning when I was ready to accept Gilbert as is with no reservations and no expectations that he would "change". From the second I saw his little face and the fear he had of humans, I loved him with all my heart. I really didn't have any idea he was going to become well loved by the rest of our household the way he has become such a fun and humorous little character full of stories only he can tell us. His recent changes have been so remarkable that I can hardly believe how lucky we are to have found each other. When I see how he and David have become so close, I wonder.... Here is a guy that used to come home and the dogs and I would dash to be the first to meet him at the door and now he walks straight past us to greet Gilbert first. Hahahaha.... I can take a back seat when I see the growing affection between the two of them.

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  • 3 weeks later...

That is so funny, this morning I was up early and cleaning a mess I left over in the kitchen and first I was humming the "just breathe" that I heard from Acapella and then I was smiling and thinking of all of Biscotti's banter and I knew I was missing my time on the forum. Gilbert had a great Christmas, the love of his life was home for four days in a row. I have discovered a secret weapon and will use it judciously, but it really made me laugh. When I come and go, my dogs and parrots give me nary a greeting or seem to even notice. But, boy howdy when dad's car pulls in the driveway, especially after a business trip of a few days, you would think he was Santa coming to the Christmas party. Well, Dad got a new car and we kept the old one to tow the motorcycle trailer. That means, he parks in front of the garage doors, so when I needed to run an errand while he watched football yesterday, I took his car. As I came in through the garage door, I got the hero's welcome because they mistook it for David coming home! Hey, I know I tricked them but it was magnificent for a few minutes until I realized it was only the sound of his car that got them all delighted, and I won't hesitate to use that tactic again when I need a moment of affirmation. LOL.

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I have a new trick up my sleeve. My family got me a juicer for Christmas. I have been using all sorts of devious methods to sneak veggies in on my husband for thirty years, but Gilbert has resisted all my efforts to eat more veggies. Last night I put tomatoes, carrots, celery, cilantro, green bell pepper, lime, jalapenos and other goodies in the juicer then used it to make a brown and wild rice. Gilbert is actively begging me for more. It is awesome to see him devour veggies and he doesn't even know that is what I am up to. He was in such a hurry to get more this afternoon that he was gobbling it right up off a spoon before I could add it to his dish. The tables have turned, I am having so much fun thinking I am getting one over on Gilbert for a change. Hee hee hee ho ho ho.

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I have been the only one home for a few days and Gilbert has been my little buddy. It is the funniest thing when he has had his night time snack, is all tucked in for bed, but when I turn off the light, he tries calling me to come back for some more head scratches. One night, I was in the dark in bed watching videos on my little Kindle and he knew I hadn't gone to sleep and was out in the living room in the dark asking "Hey LuLu, what are you doing?" Last night he was out of his cage on his floor stand and Java did a strange thing. She has stopped swooping and dive bombing him and getting on his cage. This time, she climbled down my leg and got on the living room floor and was kind of stalking him from a new angle. He let her know she was aggravating him and climbed as low as he could get on his cage. I have removed the basement apartment for a short time while we are caring for our daughter's dog. Java almost never walks around on the floor and I know she was doing it just to be provocative to Gilbert. He went back inside his cage and started flinging pellets down on her. At first, I thought he just was frustrated so he was flinging pellets helter skelter. Then, there was no doubt about his intentions when he went to the grates of his cage to find a couple of almond shells to fling at her on the floor. He was definitely using tools to bombard an intruder. Then, she grabbed his artillery and flew above his cage and dropped in back on him and he got the same shell to fling back at her. A parrotty little game of volleyball was going on. They may not be friends but they seem to have found a way to "play". I am trying to stay out of it, but couldn't help laughing at the antics of the two of them.

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LOL! That's especially funny to me, because yesterday Timber, who is always trying to get the cats' attention, was on top of his cage. When one of the cats passed underneath, he grabbed an almond shell and threw it right at the cat. Hit him in the back. It was empty, so the cat just looked around like "what the heck" and strolled on. You could almost see the disappointment in Timber's eyes at the lack of reaction he provoked. They are so funny...

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Cats just don't make the fun worthwhile sometimes with their pretending not to notice. When David came home this afternoon I was telling him about Gilbert and Java having their little battle. Shortly after that, Gilbert decided to have a renactment and first he flung all his pellets in a tizzy, then started looking for an almond shell. He really does know what we are talking about. Oh, and that bit with taking his car so I get an excited greeting... yeah, that worked exactly one time. Makes me think maybe I imagined it. Today when David came home after a few days away, they gave him a full ticker tape parade and the keys to the city. What's up with that? It was the same when our kids were little... maybe I am the one to give him an excited greeting and they pick that up from me. LOL. We are about to celebrate 33 years this week and I still feel the same way when I hear the garage door open and he is home again.

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LOL So Gilbert was demonstrating. Funny! As to the car, fool me once and you know the rest. You might be on to something with their reactions mirroring yours though. Tell David to start hopping up and down and verbalizing his excitement every time you come home and see what happens (don't forget to video...). Seriously though, I wonder if they do match their reactions to yours at some level. Interesting at any rate! Congrats on your anniversary. Hubby and I are coming up on 30 the end of the month.

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If David ever demonstrated excitement the way Gilbert does, I will certainly want to videotape that. @Timbersmom, more and more, with Gilbert and Timber declared cousins or long lost hatchmates, your family is on a parallel to ours. Congrats on your upcoming anniversary too. Gilbert has been exploring and getting into mischief more and more. Of late he will get on the outside of his cage and work to get the grate and lining drawer out of his cage. He has been fixated on it. At first, I thought he had dropped something down there and was trying to get it back, but his cage has been cleaned several times and it doesn't matter if it is fresh, he is still trying to pull the paper up out of a corner from the outside and he is still bracing himself and pulling the drawer and grate out a couple of inches. He has been a lot friendlier to me lately so when he refused to come out while I was getting ready to clean his cage, I leaned in and kept mindful that he was above my head. I cleaned and got everything back in its place while he watched but he didn't try chasing me off this time. Then, I dropped a quick link as I was reattaching a boing and it startled him and he flew right out the door over my head. As usual, he did a leap and flapped furiously to slow his descent. He hurried to hide under a chair and was happy to step up for me. Then he tried to fly off my hand. I thought he just lost his balance and was falling so I put out my other hand and he stepped onto my palm. This time, he was flapping hard and he came up off my hand almost like a helicopter, rising up about three feet as he propelled himself up and forward. I am getting more and more optimistic that he may regain flight. The feeling I got when I felt him leave my hand and watched him rise was indescribable. He was directed toward the wall where the stairs go up so he may not have seen the banister or he lost his strength to get enough lift, had a crash landing but wasn't hurt. When he got back on my hand, he gripped tightly and flapped and I could feel him lifting my hand. This was a great day.

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How exciting for Gilbert & you! I can't even imagine what he must be thinking & feeling to realize that his wings are actually working again! He is acting like a fledgling!! Amazing that he let you clean his cage with him in it! Biscotti pecks my head, pulls my hair & I had better not touch HIS toys, so he always comes out when I clean his cage where he can watch & supervise, lol.

So great to hear that Gilbert is being more receptive to you, that really makes me smile! :D

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I know, when Gilbert refused to come out, he may have been thinking I would give up on the cleaning business and leave his "stuff" the way he likes it. He was trying to thwart my efforts for most of the day and I decided it was time for a good cleaning and would do it with or without his cooperation. He was still mad at me at bedtime and not only refused his night time head scratch but he flung himself at the bars and showed me his momentary wrath just for standing close and talking to him. Then when I turned off his light, he was begging me to come back. I did come back and he was ever so sweet again. It is hard to know when to approach and when to hold off, but I think we are getting far more good times and the rough moments pass quickly. I keep trying to take his picture and he will have nothing to do with that. I have hidden around the corner so only half the lens is peeking through and he knows. I have tried the telephoto lens and he still looks so defensive that it is better to wait and not provoke him. I would love to record a video of him at his best. That is last thing before bedtime and first thing in the morning when he tucks his head and asks for a scratch. After I touch him he pulls back and looks at me and makes the sound of a crying human baby and then tucks back down for another touch. If he had come to me being one of those sweet greys that would accomodate me, I wouldn't have known the joy of breaking through his gruff exterior. I love this little guy! It is uplifting to see him tolerate me, just a little. LOL. I believe he will fly someday and that is going to change everything for him.

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I keep cautioning myself to dial back the observation that he is going to fly, but anything is possible. His plucking was so intense before he came to us that I saw for myself it was likely to have included follicles and I was resigned to accept he may never fly. For the longest time he was still chewing and damaging feathers from stress. Just a few short months ago, I didn't expect he would come out of his cage or play but he is slowly getting more courage and now he may have a quiet day or two spent recharging in the safety of his cage. Then he is back out on his playstand, the cage top and all over the outside of his cage. His feathers are a little ragged here and there, but he is filling in and much less fervent in his grooming. The idea of him someday flying and choosing where he would like makes my heart flutter. Maybe out of hopefulness, but a little out of understanding he could be a handful if he chose to go rogue on me. LOL. He is a little rogue all right. The feeling of his weight lifting off my hand to the wonder of my astonished eyes as he got his first real lift is so enthralling, I may lose my usual calm demeanor when he deliberately and intentionally really and truly flies. I have had many great days with him, I can only dream of the exhilaration of his flight potential.

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Maybe out of hopefulness, but a little out of understanding he could be a handful if he chose to go rogue on me. LOL. He is a little rogue all right. The feeling of his weight lifting off my hand to the wonder of my astonished eyes as he got his first real lift is so enthralling, I may lose my usual calm demeanor when he deliberately and intentionally really and truly flies. I have had many great days with him, I can only dream of the exhilaration of his flight potential.


Oh Dee, You and I both know you would welcome a little going rogue. When, not if, he is fully flighted! I look forward to the day I can spit coffee on my screen as I read your posts of getting eye watering neck pinches from a rear "Drive By"as you have had many chances to read of mine. :)


Speaking of which, I just received one Sunday when I was bent down vacuuming behind Dayo's Cage and he decided to jet over, bite the hell out of my neck and then jet back to his T Stand!! Damn that hurt!!! But, no blood, just a good sized welt now. So get your laugh now and I have no doubt I will have the same at you in the not to distant future.... :P

Edited by danmcq
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Dan, you bet I am laughing now. In fact, I was going to mention the coming of the potential neck pinch from Gilbert as karma for laughing so many times with you, then I thought, no sense calling attention to it. But since you have, I laugh until tears run down my face at the shock of a stealth attack from Dayo on the back of your neck. When it is Gilbert's turn, the tears will be mixed of laughing because he CAN do it and crying because it hurts darn it. LOL. I can handle a few neck pinches and mischief, Gilbert has well earned his freedom and a little naughtiness. He has fought so hard to be brave and to find his way through so many changes in his life. If today is any clue, it is going to be mayhem around here until we all get accustomed to the new order if Gilbert can fly. I need to cut 275 strips of fabric to get ahead of my sister. She comes tomorrow and we are making a quilt in a weekend. It is getting down to the wire so I gathered the dogs and took them with me and shut the door. I could hear Gilbert up there telling me all sorts of things to coax me upstairs. He called the dogs and exhorted them lets go outside. When that didn't produce my instant response, he shouted over and over his naughty word of what they did on the floor. Well, they were with me, I knew better. Then he got quiet. Until I heard a bark, I had not realized one of the dogs really did have to go outside, so up from my hideaway I emerged. Gilbert had been quiet a while, he was on the floor at the top of the steps peering under the door. It is already like having five toddlers in the house when I try to get something done.

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