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Gilbert is home


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Yes, Val, how soon I forget, that fence and trees HAVE been problematic for us! In just two years, two trees fell and knocked out both sides. Then, a landscaper got close on a bobcat and the ground collapsed and he took out a few sections as his machine toppled over an embankment into the creek. We only put the fence up to protect our 12 pound dogs from the neighbor's chow dog because they let it out unsupervised to roam the neighborhood. But the electrical surge from this direct lightning strike took out all the internet, phone and cable lines on this whole side of the neighborhood. They still don't have it fixed. Lucky for me, my husband left his mifi jetpack home so I have a connection. I'm hoping the satellite tv powers up once the internet is restored. Gil's plucking hasn't lasted long. She was totally feeling secure today and hasn't plucked any further. She was gently taking popcorn from the hand of our four year old neighbor today, through the cage bars of course, but that was a first.


I have to say I was sitting by the window when lightning struck that tree and it was closer than I thought, about 40 feet away. There was a huge pink sphere of pure energy and sizzling snapping sound before the blast explosion. I found tree bark on the roof and over the house in the front yard today. We had more thunderstorms today and Gil was all happy and Zen in her tattered grey fluffy underwear. I am grateful nobody was hurt!

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It`s good to see how well Mrs. G has progressed over the years when it comes to how fast she can get over her personal trauma and get back to her self.

I have reread many of her trials and tribulations and she has come so far thanks to you.

Edited by Ray P
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  • 3 weeks later...

So how long did it take to get power back after that dramatic lightning hit? I'm amazed at Gil's fast recovery. Maybe one day even the stress plucking will go away, although she still looks cute in her underwear. She's surpassed Dorian in toy play. He's still only interested in bells and cardboard. I'm going to use the wood pieces I bought when I first brought Dorian home with visions of toy making, and make some toys for my groomers birds. I don't have much hope that Dorian will ever progress in his toy play. He does do what Gill is doing with her toys with his big bell. He gets it swinging and then uses it to scratch his neck. It's really cute. Give Gill a kiss for me, in whatever way doesn't put your lips in immediate danger of piercing. lol

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  • 5 weeks later...

Believe it or not we are still fixing issues from the lightning strike. It blew the circuits from the garage door openers. The irrigation contractor still has t come to replace the computer panel for that. But... I got distracted from that by trading my ten year old Suzuki for a bright red Ducati superbike. I had the best week of my life. Then... I had a seizure and scratched my new bike. Of course it could have been worse, I was at a stop sign one minute following David and to make a long story short, I am recovering from shoulder surgery. It was an ugly week and still don't have seizures under control. Miss Gilbert sees me lying around in bed, and worse and she has plucked her feathers worse than ever. David brought her floor perch to my room and she has been calm all day. I'm on the mend, getting my brain regulated again. This is a minor setback and I will have a full recovery in about six months. It sounds a lot more shocking than it is in reality. Good thing I learned grey time. I will be patient and will get Miss Gilbert calmed down. She is much better today. Me too!

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Oh no! Have they taken your license away? I guess they must have. I'm glad to hear you're going to be ok, but that must have been very scary. How long did it take David to realize you were no longer behind him? The seizures must be very scary for Miss Gilbert. See, she does care about you! I just wish there was another way for her to show it than to pluck out all her feathers. Miss Gilbert, mom's going to be ok, don't worry sweetheart. Just keep her company like you're doing.

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Georgia law requires a six month waiting period to drive after a seizure but it seems to be self regulated. I wouldn't risk other people or myself so will adhere strictly to protocol and to my doctor's advice. I had David talk to Gilbert and tell her what's happening. He was patient and kind and promised to look after her. She stayed in my room for a couple of hours and seems like she is happy. I think we just lost track of days when we were at the hospital every day for a week. It's all looking better today!

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Thank you Howardine, I am feeling fantastic. Gilbert has been so sweet once she realized mama is not going anywhere. She has been so chatty. She makes jokes by mocking David blowing his nose and she laughs and makes a sorts of new whistles, hoots and adorable new songs. Everything is looking up.

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Then... I had a seizure and scratched my new bike. Of course it could have been worse, I was at a stop sign one minute following David and to make a long story short, I am recovering from shoulder surgery. It was an ugly week and still don't have seizures under control. Miss Gilbert sees me lying around in bed, and worse and she has plucked her feathers worse than ever. David brought her floor perch to my room and she has been calm all day. I'm on the mend, getting my brain regulated again. This is a minor setback and I will have a full recovery in about six months. It sounds a lot more shocking than it is in reality. Good thing I learned grey time. I will be patient and will get Miss Gilbert calmed down. She is much better today. Me too!


Where I come from, that's shocking enough. Especially since you're likely downplaying it. I bet you did more than just scratch your new bike! ")


Anyway, I'm glad to hear you're on the mend. I think the nicest thing anyone can do for you right now is wish your entire family a completely uneventful rest of the year.

So, may you & yours be totally bored out of your socks for the rest of 2017 & then some.

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All is well. My new red motorcycle barely has a few scuffs. I was so considerate as to be wearing protective gear and hang on tight to take a few scuffs myself. I actually do enjoy solitude when I don't feel frisky so I have a plan with my family to text before I get up. The local fire department is only a half mile away and they have a direct number to call if I am not back in my bed confirming with a text in fifteen minutes. Once a day I will go to the garage and fire up my machine when I have a "live spotter". So far I am tapering off seizures, they are 48 hours apart. I have a second post op appointment Monday morning when my guardian angel surgeon can get a look to see if the lasso technique with the hole she drilled in my collarbone is holding. She is a golden find and so articulate and fun. She said I am more complex than her usual patients, but we work well together. I have no doubt that I will be as good as new by February. Its just a different path than I expected to travel. I like challenges so while this is a bit off my makeover Weight Watcher/yoga and a personal trainer style, I have already lost 60 pounds and am near my personal best physical condition. That's a good starting point for this detour! We are moving parrot perches next to my bed so they can be reassured all is well. I'll tell them I got my wings clipped for an attitude adjustment.

Edited by luvparrots
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All is well here. Seizure free for six days. I can sit up for short periods of time. David heard me laughing about sitting on that bike in the garage and he moved it so I can't get to it! He has to go out of town next week so I may enlist help from a neighbor to stage photos to set his hair on edge the way he did mine when I went out there to discover his treachery. Bwahahaha! Okay.. I do have to admit I planned carefully for ten days to procure staple removers... a bright light... an ice pack and kind of trick him into removing the staples from the back of my head... maybe he isn't actually ahead of me so far that I need to get even.


I was able to get up and feed Gilbert and Java and they calmed right down. It was no comfort at all to them to bring them in my room to visit. I imagine them thinking "Oh gawd, she is sleeping on the bottom of her cage... this is no good" But once they saw me come wash their dishes and feed them they are reassured. I got a weekly FitBit report saying "Friday was your best day, you got 35 steps!" Ha ha, very funny FitBit computers. It takes me two hours to shower and get dressed, but of course I have to leave off my FitBit for that. its really handy for sleep tracking and heart rate. It would be great if it could be programmed to detect seizure activity. Its a little disconcerting to become aware that the falls I have thought were balance or vision issues in the past three years were more likely seizure related. I had gotten so used to dismissing every odd thing as atypical migraine that it didn't even register as a reason to panic when the sky turned green and the grass looked black. Things like that are part of my seizure aura. I still get that but the medication stops the electrical "storm" from spreading and involving the rest of my brain. The medication makes my brain calm and my thoughts slower and more sequential and "normal". Its very relaxing actually.

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I was concerned when you said seizures were only every 48 hours. SIX DAYS is much better I sincerely hope the time stretches on to no more ever. Please be very careful as you resume your activities. And do you really need to get even with David??? Gilbert and Java will do well as you progress. It is just doing at at Grey time

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All is well here. Gilbert and Java are relaxed again now that I am the one feeding them every morning again. Still seizure free for two weeks now. I'm getting upwards of 1500 steps a day now and stopped taking pain meds which keeps me behaving much better to avoid unnecessary discomfort. Oh yes... it is imperative to make sure David doesn't get away unscathed. LOL... I'm kidding. I do have a lot more hours in the day to do nothing but think.... kind of like Miss Gilbert. We did have a very funny moment with her over the weekend. Slowly I plotted to get showered and lovely even putting on lipstick and earrings. I assured my attentive husband it was for a photo shoot to reassure family. But....As long as I am looking presentable.. lets go out for an early dinner? Technically... the doctor did not say I had to stay in bed... immobilized leaves a little room for debate. So.... after I got a little overextended and David was helping me get back innthe house. As we entered the living room he suggested a restroom stop and I said, "No thanks, I just really need ýou to get me into bed." To which Miss Gilbert piped up "Ya ho!" in her inimitable and unprintable Cussin' Cajun style. Then she laughed uproariously. She hasn't used foul language in so long and was so spot on.... I indeed needed to stop in the restroom to avoid calamity. What an amazing mind she has, ýou just couldn't make this up. What a character. Her of course... not me.

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