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Gilbert is home


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  • 2 months later...

Whoa, where has the time gone? Miss Gilbert has been great, leveled out, in a bit of a rut. Between David's broken ankle and subsequent surgery to full recovery of motion, and our eye surgeries, we had about 25 doctor appointments in two months. It would seem that because of my 'youth' I have developed a protein layer on the membrane surrounding my 'bionic' lens implant. I return Monday and will soon have the first tweak with a laser surgery to break up the protein and adjust my distance vision. It's a process.


In early December I started walking daily on a local trail and have clocked enough miles to get almost halfway to Pennsylvania. In my virtual travels to mark my progress I am in Wytheville VA and thats where a favorite quilt shop entices me in real life. Along the way, I have lost 30 pounds and in the best shape in 20 years. Of course that led me back to the garage to revitalize my user-namesake Suzuki! The ole girl is eleven now. Three dealerships, two racing teams and one private mechanic have been asked to please adjust my throttle for a higher idle speed. Nope, best you can get, its the carburetor, this bike wasn't made to run ethanol and it gums up the jets. I have tried to trade it or resign myself to a more refined lifestyle without her. It is not meant to be. I finally got my knickers in a knot and pulled out my service and repair manual. That is less than useless. I finally remembered how to get back to the bike forum and there was my answer! Yes I can adjust the idle throttle. Yes I can run ethanol gasoline with a fuel supplement. Yes I can get her to purr at exactly 1100 rpm idle. I am beyond free again! As an added bonus... my FitBit gave me credit for a half hour of manual bicycling because my heart rate was in cardio zone on my first ride!!! HA, I finally cheated FitBit after that wench has been vexing me for months!


I am also having computer issues with figuring out a new tablet so for now I am pecking around with one finger. Will put that on my ToDo list. Thank you so much to Val for reminding me to get back to my friends!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Thank you all for welcoming home the prodigal sister. Tomorrow is the sixth anniversary of bringing Miss Gilbert home. It seems like a lifetime ago... in grey time. One sweet thing she has been letting me do is to hold her talon through the bars now when I give her a head rub. I ask 'want a kiss?' and I kiss the back of her gnarly little toe and she says "Hoo" like its a big surprise. Then she lets go of my finger, grabs the bars and bows her head for scritches. Tonight I noticed she got red faced with blushing and then she pumped her heard to gurge for me. That's not her usual behavior so maybe we are starting a new phase of trust and acceptance.

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Phenix always seemed to make at least one good stride during mating season. Unlike some, he gets super sweet & friendly by any standards, let alone... I always used to push just a leeelte harder then. Maybe Miss G has a similar thing going on & you'll be able to take advantage too.


Congratulations on your anniversary. Many more!!

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  • 1 month later...

We are packing for a return to Houston for Grrrandma time. My daughter was asked to give a work presentation in Bogota Colombia and asked yesterday if I can come stay with my grandson for two weeks. He is fifteen months now. We plan to safeguard parrot cages from little fingers and pack up my critters for travel. I had to make a visit to my friends here for an amazing report. Miss Gilbert has been having a very slow, very cautious renewal of spirit. She has been moving toward me for a couple of months. I have been obsessed with learning to write on eggs in the Ukrainian batik style. She sits close to me watching. She has offered me her foot a few times and sat on my knee, very curious with the measuring and drawing. She has taken an interest in playing with several toys that she has evaluated upwards of two years! The only things prior to this she would viciously tear apart was adding machine paper, a few sea mats filled with shredded paper and almonds. Well today was a changing day. She discovered a wooden bead on a parakeet size rattan doll. She was curious. She lifted it. She twirled it. She made soft sounds of awe. She lifted it and dropped it. Miss Gilbert was engaging in play for the sake of playing. This is huge for her. My little girl is untangling her pearls as Inara would say. This toy has been in her cage for five years. Now that's human time counting and has nothing whatsoever in common with grey time. She also has been whistling a new tone. We have never heard it before. It is soft and whimsical. She may be remembering a sweet time from her past. I hope so. She has endured her self imposed isolation long enough. I would love to see her open her heart just a crack so I can put my foot in there to find a way in.


As I am pecking away with one finger to update her thread, she softly went to her toy to play with the wooden ball again. This is me feeling bliss. PS... Weight Watchers is working, I have lost forty pounds and starting to see collarbones again. ?

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Congratulations on the weight loss! That is tremendous, and you are right, Weight Watchers really works. And it's so easy now that you can download the app to your phone and track everything!


It's really all about the little things, isn't it? I have yet to see Gracie Lou play with a toy, and I have spent a small fortune trying to find something that might intrigue her. She has slowly adjusted to the few I have put in her cage - i.e. she doesn't climb all the way to the bottom and back up again to her bowl on the other side in order to avoid them! It would make me equally happy to see her playing! I can just imagine how you must feel!

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  • 4 weeks later...

Gil has been doing some really cute stuff since we came back to Georgia from

Texas. She has played with every toy in her cage. She is chewing wood blocks and destroying things and making messes! The cutest of all is the way she gets any toy just a swinging, then bows her head so it feels like the toy is "petting" her head. She clutches her throat with a talon and slowly rubs her neck. She has always been afraid of storms and loud noises. On Saturday lightning hit a tree about thirty feet from the house. A huge pink sphere of energy burst and the debris flew. Gil's cage faces the window on the side of the house where it hit. The aluminum fence around the back yard conducted electricity and the force blew the metal caps off all the fenceposts. It blew circuit breakers, knocked out internet and satellite tv equipment. It came through the sprinkler system wiring and blew the computer control panel right off the wall and scorched everything around that box in the garage. Since then Gil has chewed all the feathers off her back and one wing. That's her stress reaction and golly, if I had feathers I would have chewed mine off too. Hopefully tomorrow morning there will not be another pile of feathers around her cage. If it weren't for that you wouldn't know she was stressed. She is gently touching my fingers when I hand food to her. She has been reticent to come out of her cage at all for a few months now. Since she is outgoing with her play and more engaging to allow me to stroke her head through an open door of her cage, I don't pressure her too much to come out. But those times when she does, I make a big deal about it. I take her to the kitchen and feed her grapes which are her favorite treat. All in all, she is thriving.

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Holy Moly!! That's pretty dramatic. I take it no one got hurt...? But still. Wow And she must still be able to smell it, poor girl. Which is probably not helping a thing.


Why does it seem to me like fences are particularly problematic for you guys? Have you thought about maybe planting a nice hedge? Or going all out on a stone wall maybe? ")

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