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Gilbert is home


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This is the fourth night in a row for Miss Gilbert to look over my shoulder while I read the forum. We went back and watched all of Chelsea B's videos of Biscotti. Gil is intent and makes comments at the funniest times. When I switched back from videos to this forum post, she said "hey". She has more ways of saying hey than Uncle Si on Duck Dynasty. It was a hey, what gave you the idea I was finished watching Biscotti? She is talking and chuckling now that she is getting more familiar with being away from her comfort zone. She is still reluctant to join me, but doesn't take a lot of convincing and has been with me for a record time of more than a half hour. She is preening and relaxed and I think we are changing our relationship for the better.

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Isn't that the truth Ray? My little Southern Belle is being such a treasure lately. Apparently I have not displeased her too greatly. I did steam clean her cage and floor stand and moved it a few feet. Once I cleaned the floor stand, I pushed it over by the sofa while I cleaned her cage. She was not nervous at all but she did launch off the stand to land on the back of the couch a few times. She knew just where she wanted to go and had a soft landing. She also got on the floor and played under the furniture and refused to come back out. Usually when she gets on the floor she is in a big hurry to find someone to give her a lift. She has been especially interested in getting lots of head scratches and will sit for twenty minutes begging for more when she knows it is bed time. Now that her cage is on the opposite side of my bedroom doorway, she can get in one corner and peer right into my room and tell me "Get Up!" at the break of dawn. She is more outgoing every day. For a while I was doing a "sock puppet" thing with my left and up my sleeve and she would quickly offer me a step up with my right hand. Now when it is evening and she wants to be out and about she is offering me a step up as soon as I ask her and I take her around the house, show her a few things, let her have a few minutes on my shoulder and take her back to her playtop cage with a little snack for a reward. It is getting to be so much of a positive exchange I think she looks forward to it nearly as much as I do. What a difference a few weeks has made in her confidence.

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She has been on a long journey and is nearing her potential for happiness now. She seems to be taking you all along for her ride of a lifetime overcoming fears, obstacles and travels with some trepidation and a step back when needed but always moving steadily forward. The Swamp queen will prevail, all hail Gil girl.

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It does just get better every day. I wake up with the biggest smile thanks to Miss Gilbert. This morning, she peered around to where she could see my face while I was asleep. About five am, she started making quiet little "hey" and "whoo" sounds and when she saw me stir she said "Who dat dere?" "Hey li'l lady LuLu" "Pretty girl" "Wanna treat?" I thought I had a full life up to this point, but realize I just haven't lived until I open my incredulous eyes to see if it truly is this bedraggled little grey girl encouraging me to join her beautiful day. LOL. Today she was aggressively shaking her clear acrylic puzzle toy to make it release the very last pine nut. She has become so much more outgoing and active. I'm finding bird poop in places it has never been before. Hahahahaha.... and I don't even mind that she is making messes. It means she is getting out and about and more adventurous all the time. She hangs upside down by one toenail and beats her wings so hard it makes all sorts of tiny torn paper create an indoor snowstorm. She seems to be exercising and getting stronger and more secure.

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Miss Gilbert and I are taking a step backward, it is brief and not nearly as breathtaking as former lapses but she chewed some feathers yesterday and today. I didn't try to pick her up yesterday because it is a sign she is stressed. Today she was a right little beast. She bit David after coaxing him close and tucking her head for a scratch and he is her favorite. She asked for a "cracker" and when I opened her little food door to put in her favorites, she tried to jump right out to take a swipe at me. She flung her food like a little tornado. She has been cussing up a storm and she is gleeful about it. I have been doing some spring cleaning and its possible that the vacuum cleaner is part of it, but I got a quiet, small Shark that barely makes any noise. I think it just made her nervous to be asked to step up and she is giving me an attitude adjustment. I am giving her some room to back down until she shows me she is ready to come forward again. We still have come a long way. There were just a few severed chest feathers on the floor or I wouldn't have even noticed she was irritated until she bit David. Man, when she gets in a mood, she is a little tyrant. She has been telling the dogs to shut up and when they ring the bell to go outside, she tells them stop it. Why my little darling is downright surly.

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This morning Charm screamed at me nonstop before I brought her breakfast. Then she tried to take my hand off when I reached in w/the water dish. Kura pinched me twice while I was cleaning her cage. Phenix only got a hold of my sleeve. But he proceeded to pull & grind in that way that makes you think how very lucky it's not a finger!


In other words, it's our favorite time of the year!! ugh Some of Miss G's lapse may be hormones, unfortunately. Which may mean a little longer recovery period &/or even more dutiful servitude required. Too bad about the timing if it is. You guys have been doing so well lately.

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I never gave it a thought about hormones. Most likely she is irritated by my cleaning and pulling furniture out to scrub well. I had to change light bulbs sixteen feet up today and seeing the ladder was particularly upsetting after the fact. Maybe she thought I had the highest perch. LOL. I am patient with her even when she is a snot. She did knock a blood feather and it bled a little so maybe she has a pin feather crosswise. All I know is whoever coined the phrase "hell hath no fury..." Must have met Miss G on a bad day. She has been cussing and making every danger siren ever created. She was better today than yesterday. When I changed her food and water she grabbed a five ounce stainless steel cup, wrenched it from its ring, flung the water and then banged the bars with the cup. We have these ebb and flows in all our relationships. What I think about is that right when she is evolving and changing the most she seems to scare herself, pull back and then take the next step. I'm glad the rest of you have the occasional mutiny and snarkiness. My husband would probably tell you that I do as well. I will keep up the sweet talk and offerings and eventually she will get back to being pleasant and funny again.

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Sorry for the feathers, but kind of giggling with your description of your "snot", especially the banging of her dish on the cage bars. Dorian does that with his toys when he's in a temper as well. It's too bad she scares herself like this, but at least you know the dance. Give her a pine nut from Dorian and me, when it's safe for your fingers that is.

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In the past if our little princess was disturbed she would shear off all the soft feathers from her neck to her feet leaving her in tattered looking underwear. So, yes, she is having a mild setback. In the past she would direct her anxiety at herself and she has progressed in that she is not so much afraid and anxious but able to express her frustration outwardly now. I really think she was obliging to allow me to take her out of her cage but it was bothering her more than I expected. After a couple of days of not requesting any interaction, she is calming down. She really did very little damage to her feathers. I have been plying her with oatmeal a couple of times a day and that seems to be the only time she is not looking to take an eye out or something. When she hears me in the kitchen fixing her breakfast, she stations herself at the ready for me to open the food door and she tries everything she can to get my fingers. I have thwarted her by installing twice as many food cup rings as I need. Then if she is staking out one, I can swap another one quickly and efficiently. She is so incredibly intelligent and cunnning. She has caught on that I have to take away the wet food cup after a couple of hours, so when she sees me coming, she stakes that one out. I have to up my game and wait until she is out of her cage, then I close the door so she can't get inside to get me. She scowls at me from the top of her cage and plots her next move. When she realizes that I am getting into her cage to clean it or add clean water, she flings toys off the cage top. I am sure if she had boiling oil to thwart the intrusion, I would be a cooked goose. Today has been better and she does take pine nuts from me, but I am very discerning about when to offer a treat. Usually after big warm gulps of oatmeal. She will go from being on the offensive to tucking her head and asking for a scratch. We have had much more happy interactions today but I keep it brief. To be fair, I am really doing some deep cleaning after nearly a year away from home. I have been climbing ladders, washing windows that are sixteen feet up and vacuuming cobwebs from the ceiling fan and vaulted ceilings. I have a really small Shark vacuum that is an "over the shoulder" portable, and that is what I took with me to my sister's and vacummed around her cage every day so that is nothing new. All in all, this is just a little blip, it is just a sharp contrast from her compliant joyous few days. She is just reminding me that we are still on grey time and she isn't ready for that just yet.

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Every now and again she just needs to remind me I just have to do things "right". Slowly she is getting back to being calm. It is so interesting the way her verbalizations change to suit her moodiness. For all the sweet things she usually says, she has an equal repertoire she drags out to express her displeasure. She is letting me earn my way back to her trust but its hands off for her until she is ready. I can give her that safety zone and bide my time in grey time.

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Slowly she is coming back around. She is still thoroughly annoyed with me personally as she shows by attempting to take a swipe at me when I walk past the cage to take the dogs outside or when I change food or clean her cage. While I am biding my time and remaining consistent with her, I have also changed out the puzzle toys with different ones. The challenge distracted her for all of fifteen minutes, but it was a good sign when she went directly to the toys and played with them and figured them out. There is a bird fair either this weekend or next and I am planning to see if there are any new puzzle toys on the market. Distraction and redirecting seem to be the best coping strategies for her. This too shall pass, we are seeing a weakening in the storm front which is Miss Gilbert.

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Hay Dee, I think Miss Gilberts swipe s at you are more normal than you think as Corky who has been with us all her life will do the same thing at us from time to time.

Corky loves us and she always wants to be near or on us all the time, but some times she will just take a swipe to make sure her aim is still on the money.

I believe it`s a grey thing when it comes to keeping her skills sharp.

She has been with us all her life, 13 years, but some times she just wants to reach out and touch some one. if you get my drift.

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Thanks Ray. Java on occasion will whack me with her beak unexpectedly, or have a vendetta toward a visitor or pet that seems relentless and "unprovoked". In fact, yesterday she was enjoying a little head scratch when a ruckus arose and it was due to a sharp pinfeather. With her, I can usually pinpoint quickly what the issue is and how to make it better for her. With our divine little Miss G bird, it seems to come on suddenly, is breathtaking in it fury and focus. She is winding down. I do suspect she may be molting. With Java where I have her on my shoulder or lap and can rub her head, I can feel the feather shafts coming in and see that it is a molting process causing her distress. Last night she was eager to go inside her cage at bedtime and hurried to her perch for her almond treat. But, she was looking for an opportunity and she quickly whacked that almond from my fingers and attempted to bite me. Then she postured for a head scratch, but was poised for a strike instead of a stroke. After I turned off the lights, she was soliciting me to come back and when I did, she genuinely tucked her head asking for a long head scratch. She does not seem to be directing it only at me, she is uncomfortable about something and is mad at the world. I am still under the impression its a natural process such as molting or spring hormones and will pass soon. She spending a lot of time on her tailfeathers and preening gland. In fact, it really does ebb a little daily and I see her playing and talking with less angst. But, I do have a dirty little secret. Shhhhh.. I went to the bird fair yesterday and held the most adorable little Congo grey and got a card from the breeder. He is six weeks old and really was above and beyond the other six in the brooder. But, no. I am not going to adopt him. I have my hands full and wouldn't want to adversely affect my little Gilda.

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I understand what your going through as I often stop to talk to and play with baby greys and amazons at the pet shop that I deal with.

It`s nice to see and play with them before their brat stage.

I love my brats as I made them that way. I take full responsibility.

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Hi Dee, I have not posted much on the forum lately, but I do check in & try to keep up with the group, especially the antics of Miss Gil :)

I was checking in this am & saw your post about her watching & commenting on Biscotti's videos. I love that she still enjoys them! I have new videos of him, I need to get uploaded.

I will have to go over to the "lounge" & post an update on Biscotti soon.

I am so glad that Miss Gil is doing so well with all your love & patience, I love reading about her daily life & adventures with you!

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We have had a better day. There are definite signs of molting here. There is a marked difference to seeing chewed and barbered shards and the sudden gust that blows downy feathers off right before our eyes. Little Miss Gilbert has tried to fly, come to sit with me and tonight while David played ball with the dog Gil said something we didn't quite catch. Then she pulled up real tall and with the voice of authority demanded "you hear me?" She has never said that and it was very clearly enunciated. We laughed with delight and she repeated "Hey. You hear me?" We assured her that we hear her. Then she laughed. She will be thrilled with new Biscotti videos. The iPad on a shelf makes for good entertainment for her. Don't worry, I got a baby fix and fondly recalled the pure adoration I had for Juno for the time we had him, our first, or baby. Then I realized I have that same momentary thrill when Gil shows us she is complex and wonderful every day.

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As we have our ups and downs in the life of Riley, oops, Miss Gilbert, I see progress. She was chatty, let me pick her up today and was just a downy little feather this side of charming. I told her she could expect to see Biscotti again soon and I know that's what she is buttering me up for now. When she takes a turn on the foul side, it's hard to see progress. But when she rides out the internal tempest I then can reflect that it didn't last as long nor was it self destructive as earlier in our path. She is more able to express frustration and move past it. She does have a bit of a comical dramatic moment when she has been cranky recently. She goes in her cage and forcefully SLAMS the door closed behind her. Sometimes I don't notice and just before bedtime I will realize she has opened her back door (nesting box door). She makes a drama out of only coming and going from the door too small for me to bumble through and mess up her house. Hahahaha. If I put a voice on her door slamming, she would be rubbing her grubby little talons in a gesture of final "washing" her hands of a nuisance. "Get out and stay out. There's more where THAT came from missy". Easy to make light of it after having a lovely warm head scratching and a kiss on top of her head through the bars. I like to live dangerously. She's baaaack.

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