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Gilbert is home


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Thanks! We may get to that point some time but for now, she gets wigged out over the camera or phone if I try to video. Actually, she is just getting brave enough to move about with me close to her. As soon as I can, I will get her on video and post it for all of you. She is looking lovely these days. Her feathers have regrown on her chest and she looks much more sleek and elegant now that I know she's a girl. LOL. It is still a two steps forward, one step back process but the two steps forward are more emphatic and the one step backward is showing signs of becoming a half-step in the dance that is Miss Gilbert coming to terms with her awakening.

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Oh, I so enjoy reading about Miss Gilbert and her new antics.

If you look around our house you can see signs of our Miss Corky`s carpenter work, and we live in a log cabin so she has been very busy.

May Miss Gilbert get to that point too, with her autographs all over your house.

Welcome to the real world of greys. You may want to go back. Nothing is safe.

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I have a miter saw and extra baseboards to fix anything Miss Gilbert decides to redecorate. All I have to do is move her basement apartment and she can still have lots of room out of her cage to play without getting down and destructive. Of course, I find it so endearing to see her climb over to slide down the bars like a little fireman on his way to the fire, then do a little hop at the end to get to the floor. I sit in my chair and watch as she goes from one safe little corner to the next, ducking and hunkering down to explore the great unknown. Last night I had a couple of lady friends over. We were on the screened back porch when I decided to open the doors, turn on the attic fan and air the house out with cool fresh air. When I turned the fan on, my friend closed the door and it created a huge gust of air when she reopened it. The airflow caused a small toilet tissue roll on the bottom shelf of Miss G's play area to flutter and it scared her real bad. She has been cautious since I put it there, but now the thing really did try to attack the poor girl. She fell right off the top row of branches on her floor stand. Although she caught herself on the way down, she was panting and frantic. I offered her my hand and she stepped up willingly. She climbed up on my shoulder and I walked slowly to the screen porch. She sat on my shoulder and she got down and walked around on the back of the wicker sofa. My friends were amazed. They have been here many times and she has never interacted with us like that. She is so unsteady on my shoulder, her balance isn't good and she slips around and falls even when I am sitting still. I offer her a steady hand and she permits me to steady her. That is major progress. After our successful encounter she returned to her cage when she asked to go back. Then she was singing and whistling and it was just joyful. The one thing I can never get enough of is when she is on my shoulder leaning against my ear, I feel the warmth of her body and I smell her sweet fresh linen scent. I want to bury my face in her back and just inhale her. It smells like sheets fresh off the line. After that... whats a few splinters on a ole china cabinet? Antique is another name for old. LOL.

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Sounds like you need to invest in one of those camera-that-doesn't-look-like-a-camera cameras, so that we can all enjoy Miss G's antics. Of course, it will also have to be a camera-that-doesn't-look-like-it-needs-to-be-chewed-by-a-bird camera! Lol


GreYt idea! We can also then watch as Dee in her tactical gear tries to interact with Miss Gilbert. That should prove to be a viral live show. :)

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Funny you two. LOL. The last time I tried to use my phone camera to get a video of her playing, she snatched at it through the bars of the cage and got the flexible case and ripped it right off the phone. I think she was saying she is not ready for her close up just yet. After seeing how quickly she chewed through that case, tactical gear is a good idea. It is interesting to see that she will get brave and go on explorations and come back to her cage on her own. Nothing in her exploration seems to have startled her or made her nervous, yet the following day she hunkers down and just wants to sit still. Today is a still day and she hasn't been talking nor has she come out of her cage all day. At first, I would get kind of worried and wonder if she was getting sick. Now I have come to realize she just can't take a lot of stimulation and she just withdraws and settles herself down and by tomorrow she will be out and about again. When she is quiet like this, she looks like a little angel. It makes me wonder if it was my wild imagination that she was just chasing me and trying to bite my toes.

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... I have come to realize she just can't take a lot of stimulation and she just withdraws and settles herself down and by tomorrow she will be out and about again. When she is quiet like this, she looks like a little angel. It makes me wonder if it was my wild imagination that she was just chasing me and trying to bite my toes.


I used to think that too. Took me a while to realize it's actually another tactic from "How to Take Over Your World". Chapter 1, entitled "Greyt Strategies for Keeping A Parront Off Balance... Literally As Well as Figuratively". Those quiet days are times when she's assessing her progress & hatching her next it plot.


She's had years to work this whole thing out. Face it, you're out of your weight class & you don't stand a a prayer! Like the lady said, "Resistance is futile."

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Since early days, I knew she was an advanced evolution way above my level. I was hoping to find a way to ingratiate myself to her but it is evident she is preparing herself for the final takeover. All I can hope for now is appealing to her empathetic side for mercy. LOL. She may have been denied flight ability, but she is soaring in her heart as she triumphs over her limitations and teaches me to do her bidding and fetch the things that take too long for her to acquire and carry back to her den. She has me on a mission this morning to go to the bird fair and acquire the necessary components to build her empire. With all kidding aside, she is making great strides in her newfound confidence. At night I split a half slice of cheese between the two dogs and now she gets a tiny tidbit after her evening almond offering. She sits quietly and allows me to scratch her head for a few minutes as she winds down and gets ready to go to sleep. It never fails to make me laugh when she says "hey" every time I turn off her light. Sometimes she knows it is coming as I start to withdraw my fingers from her cage as I am scratching her head or massaging the back of her neck. As soon as she senses I am starting to pull away she spins quickly and bites the air where my fingers were a scant second before. I usually softly say "ooh, you almost got me" or "ooh, you scared me". Now for ten minutes after the house is dark and quiet, as I am about to fall asleep I hear her out there exclaiming "ooh" followed by a chuckle. There is no end to the amusement value I give her with my never ending quest to find a way into her heart. I can imagine her turning the gears in her mind that she has me just exactly where she wants me.

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I have been unfaithful and I am proud of it. Hahahaha. Today I went to replenish my bird food and supplies. I held a little Timneh and I liked it. It was a ten month old and it just jumped into my arms and was playful and gentle and solicited attention with those silver grey eyes. There was also a baby Goffin and it was just as cuddly and loving as its baby reputation. Yes. And I am not finished yet. There was also a baby zon and I held it too. As long as I am admitting my failings, I have another not-so-guilty little pleasure. At night. When Miss Gilbert is ready for bed. When I turn down the lights. Her pupils become big and black and I pretend she is a sweet little baby who would never ever bite someone or be grumpy. Its all true. Then I took a deep breath, shook off my cloak of wanton unabashed parrot loving and I know in my heart Miss Gilbert needs more time and she will someday be exactly what she is meant to be in my life. No replacements, no regrets, but oh what a glorious moment of baby lovin' in three dimensions... or species?

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Deary me, after the previous post, no wonder Miss Gilbert has been quiet for a few days. I was only "thinking" about babies, no chance of bringing one home. After a couple quiet days I welcome her chatter and playfulness today more than ever. It seems such a short time ago, the quiet days huddled on a perch were her "normal" and I wished and wished for her to find her mojo and come out to play. There is nothing quite as satisfying as for her to pull a strip of adding machine tape down through the bars of her cage top where I just threaded a tiny piece so it would be non-threatening and available when the moment was right. This morning she has been practically swinging on it. She also has "discovered" a wooden toy that was with her when she came to us and has been quietly waiting on the outside of her cage. She banged it around last night and actually did hang upside down from it. She made a sport of removing all her "birthday" foot toys from the cage top, from the top of her basement apartment and from all the little porch perches on the outside of her cage. At least it proves to me that while she may have looked like she wasn't budging from a perch for a few days, she obviously left evidence that she was stalking her new playthings methodically and cautiously. She has ridden herself of the intruders and it was with great drama and emphasis when she flung the last one down with a loud punctuation mark.... "Yeah, and there's more where THAT came from!" I tried again to offer her a ceramic baking dish filled with water and a couple of ice cubes hoping to entice her to play in the water. Nope. Not yet she says. She always has such a way with her communication. She snuck up on it. She watched it carefully for a few minutes. Then she perched on the edge, turned around deliberate and calculating as she deposited her droppings into the fresh water. "And that dear madam means no thanks on the bath, why don't you hop right in though, the water is fine... and I conditioned it for you." We have moved from a phase of "will Miss Gilbert ever come out of her cage" to wondering what she is going to do today. It is lovely to see her move around and especially to see her getting a little playful with the stainless steel measuring spoons and a few of the hanging toys. Life is good with Miss Gilbert.

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" It is lovely to see her move around and especially to see her getting a little playful with the stainless steel measuring spoons and a few of the hanging toys. Life is good with Miss Gilbert."


Isn't amazing how fast this has transpired over the last few months? I am so happy for you and Miss Gilbert. The description of her cleaning house and her thoughts on the bath offer were GreYt reading. :)

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I have followed this thread from day 1, March 24, 2011.

You have given forth a tremendous effort to make Miss Gilberts life a safe and happy one.

You have shared with us her steps forward along with her from time to time regression.

We have shared your happy times and your times of doubt.

You never gave up on Miss Gilbert and you are both better off for it.

I knew from the start this was going to turn out OK

You still have a lot to look forward to including a step back from time to time, but they will be small steps because now she is running, so try and keep up.

On this forum Miss Gilbert is the star and you are the rescue Queen and I believe all the members on this forum will agree.

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Aww, you guys make me feel teary for happiness for Miss G. She has been so interesting lately. Along with her new activity level she has started closing her cage door. At first I thought it was getting closed accidently or that I was forgetting to let her out. Then I started noticing it was closed while she was out on her play stand and I know I wouldn't do that to her. Once I started watching, she will come out walk around the back side of her door and push it closed. When she goes in, she hangs upside down from the inside of the door frame, pulls it close, then moves to the ceiling of the cage to pull it again to close it. It isn't latched, so she still can come and go as she pleases. She just seems so pleased to be able to control her surroundings with that small gesture. This morning I was awakened about four thirty with her hooting and calling out and saying all sorts of things I had not heard before. I was hoping I had been dreaming, but no. Hubby had gotten out for his early morning run and left a light on. Miss Gilbert was apparently giving an ongoing commentary on the sad state of affairs that he left an inside light on and awakened her. It may be my imagination but since we have discovered she is a girl, daddy seems to be more doting and she is really responding to him in a big way. As long as she is happy, I will remain her domestic help and she will continue her takeover plot of hostage turned queen. @Ray, thanks for the vote of confidence but I have seen the depths of love and devotion by so many of our members to the rehomed and rescued greys and other parrots that I am humbled in their presence. It just happens I have more time to write about it and I am loving so much the subtle changes in Miss Gilbert that are adding up to be remarkable progress.

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I love this story of Miss Gilbert closing her door and controlling her cage environment during the day. She is so smart and it seems like she is realizing more and more each day that she truly does have control she has probably never experienced in her life. The verbalizing this morning is also a good indicator that she is relaxed and really opening up. The progress of late seems to be exponentially increasing week by week so far. All I can say, is she was in a very dark place mentally that it took a long time to see the light and trust enough to walk forward in to it. :)

Edited by danmcq
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You might never really stop being at least a little in awe of the most simple, normal things from here on because they were so hard won. But maybe part of Miss G's accelerated growth also has something to do w/your getting more used to living w/a more normal grey. As your confidence is also growing, the both of you are feeding each others' progress. One thing's for certain. It's a pretty wonderful time in your relationship & I'm so happy for you both! :D

Edited by birdhouse
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It is pretty wonderful and I will never catch up to be able to predict what she is going to do or say next. She continues to open and close her door at her choice. It has to be the cutest thing she has done yet. "This is mine. Don't go in there when I am out. I have things to do. I want all my stuff left alone. Don't clean unless I ask you. Don't feed me until I tell you it is my preferred time. Above all, don't go in my house without permission. In fact, do not come in when I am home or even if you do think I have given you permission. I have not given permission. None of this hostage crisis was my idea. The years of being held captive are liquifying my mind. I'll tell you what, I will make you a list of what to bring and where to put it. Sigh. I have tried so hard to train you to please me LuLu. You are hopeless. Just leave my stuff alone and I will figure out if there is anything you might do right to serve me. I don't think so. But perhaps there is something. I may have to ponder that for a while." Yep, she is sounding just like a normal grey to me these days. She really is seeing the light and opening her heart. I have tried so hard not to set a timetable of expectations but every time she gives me a little opening, I stick a wedge in it and use the opportunity. She's on to me. That's why she is closing the door. LOL. It really is a joy to see her play with toys and bang on the spoons or the puzzle toys with reckless abandon. I even heard a Pterodactyl scream today. Well, it was either that or she was mocking David's sneeze again. No, it really was a Pterodactyl scream and purely lovin' life. We are coming to the home stretch of my wearing braces and I am planning for when they come off, she will recognize me again as human form and accept me back into her good graces. Thanks for all the affirmation and good will to our continued evolution. I may just pan out to be an okay place for her to roost a bit.

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It's really time to find a camera position that you can quickly hit the record button and get her in action on her walk abouts. I would love love to watch them and the longer the better! Oh and I think it's about time to get Miss Gilberts antics out of the rescue room and in the general population area of the forum now that she's out of solitary confinement!!!:)

Edited by danmcq
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Excellent points Dan. I will give it my best effort and I will keep some updates here as Miss Gilbert progresses but will find a way to video her progress and post with all the other normal greys. Our daughter came home last night to watch a baseball playoff game and came in late at night with her dad. Miss Gilbert was positively social as she elicited scratches and asked for more and more attention. She now will shove that door wide open with attitude, then reach out and grab the "porch perch" attachment to slam it closed again. She couldn't garner enough attention from that so she snatched out the stainless steel bowls and flung them to make more racket. She has come a long way from the furtive and tentative motions to asserting herself and the "I am woman, hear me roar" attitude. We still have plenty of room to soar even though her tattered little wings may not carry her high into the wind.

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...I think it's about time to get Miss Gilberts antics out of the rescue room and in the general population area of the forum now that she's out of solitary confinement!!!:)


When I read this my first thought was, "Yes. This really feels like a natural place to begin a new chapter." But given a minute to think about it, maybe not.


Without a back story, Miss G's shenanigans may be charming at best. They aren't the awe inspiring example of our resident poster child finally come into her own. And I think that's exactly why the Rescue Bird Haven was created.


Gilbert is the face on a journey from dark & twisty to unimaginable triumph for members who are starting out w/their own Gilbert. It's the promise that w/love & commitment, the life they dream for their fid really can happen. And in those very many darkest days, this is a place to find hope when maybe theirs is wearing down.


30,000 hits say Miss G is far from isolated in this thread. This is where people come to read a story w/a happy ending that goes on & on. This is where she touches hearts & inspires the world. Which makes me think this is her place on GF. When I think about it, it really feels to me like (Miss) Gilbert is Home.

Edited by birdhouse
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Well said birdhouse, You hit the nail on the head!!


When I read this my first thought was, "Yes. This really feels like a natural place to begin a new chapter." But given a minute to think about it, maybe not.


Without a back story, Miss G's shenanigans may be charming at best. They aren't the awe inspiring example of our resident poster child finally come into her own. And I think that's exactly why the Rescue Bird Haven was created.


Gilbert is the face on a journey from dark & twisty to unimaginable triumph for members who are starting out w/their own Gilbert. It's the promise that w/love & commitment, the life they dream for their fid really can happen. And in those very many darkest days, this is a place to find hope when maybe theirs is wearing down.


30,000 hits say Miss G is far from isolated in this thread. This is where people come to read a story w/a happy ending that goes on & on. This is where she touches hearts & inspires the world. Which makes me think this is her place on GF. When I think about it, it really feels to me like (Miss) Gilbert is Home.

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You have effectively rendered me speechless. My husband would pay handsomely for that superpower. Fortunately, I have immunity, so... I started this journey out of heartbreak and I kept the thread running because I could look back and see the nearly imperceptible changes that add up to a transformation in Miss G. Every one of you who have gone before me have given me the tools and encouragement to win over this precious little soul. I want new people embarking on this undertaking to know I have been discouraged and worried that I didn't have it in me to help this little character feel safe and loved. The only glue that held us together sometimes has been that from the beginning, I carefully considered if I was going to make this commitment nothing could deter me from carrying it all the way through. The stakes were too high, she has already has seen so much and I fear she would not rebound from another rehome. Even with that plus all the support, I often had a secret worry that I was not the one and it was beyond my ability to be what she needed from me. It was every word and every click on the thanks that kept me hanging on by a thread. (oops, no pun intended) I will continue to keep this thread going but I will also work hard to get some video of her sneaking up on that door and flinging it wide. I was so close today but the second I moved from my chair, she retreated and it is going to take some serious stealth work to set up a camera with a remote to capture her in action. For someone new, this thread can be a little too much. I just haven't mastered the art of the summmary. But obviously, I wasn't speechless either. You all make me feel humbled in your presence of caring and loving your parrots and giving to this forum. Thank you.

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