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Gilbert is home


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Oh now I get it, he is learning from my husband, after 33 years married he still doesn't want for me to know its a sure thing. LOL. Gilbert is getting this calmness about him that is such a balm to my heart. He still will startle easily but it is a far cry from being vigilant and on guard all the time. I would settle for knowing he feels safe, but I do see glimmers of his personality wanting to emerge and become more interactive in the household. On those days when he surprises me and stays off his cage for a while, eagerly steps up and chats me up in the kitchen, I just can not get enough of him. I have learned to give him a lot of space and let him come along at his own pace and the rewards have been tremendous. It is all the people on our forum who have gone before me to pave this path and I am keen to listen to their wisdom. Slow and steady progress with a few hiccups and we are on the road to becoming a home with a very active grey. I'm only one neck pinch away from being "all in". LOL

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Just ONE neck pinch? :P


A few hiccups are expected. But, with your and hubby's loving care that fear is slowly melting away. All creatures crave a sense of love and belonging. Your starting to win your hearts desires because you are providing that since day one. :)

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We are getting so close its hard to contain myself when I think of the possibilities for Gilbert. I try so hard not to get ahead of myself and not to build unrealistic expectations that might me feel like he is "less" than he could become. Times like this I am still elated at seeing him come to the kitchen twice in one day and ask me for a step up by waving his little foot. The thing I keep thinking was when he got scared and launched off the kitchen counter, he cleared the whole island at the same altitude as the spot from which he "flew". It was a little alarming because he was so distraught that he bounced off the handle of the oven and held his wing away from his body so I was concerned for him getting hurt. That consumed my attention as well as his breathing that in just seconds from being relaxed he was gasping and his lungs sounded horrible. He threw himself against me and was also growling and very upset so I was focused on getting him through his 'crisis' and I hadn't really processed that he had just accomplished a major feat, for him. He has been a sedentary grey for more than five years, so I am going to see if his vet has some suggestions to build his strength now that he is becoming a little more cooperative.

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Encourage him to flap his wings every chance you get. That will help the muscles get strong. On days that Jake wants a bath he really splashes then flaps hard to shake the water off before going in again. I use a clear pyrex baking dish and Jake likes his bath water ice cold (as in there is a crust of ice on the top of the water jug in the fridge). Maybe you could put a pan of water down for him in the kitchen and see if he is interested. Let him see you play with some toys in the water.

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Greys will get "Winded" sometimes when they are in chill mode and then go from 0 to 60 in the blink of an eye. Their Air sacks are not filled and ready for that adrenalin rush and muscle use that direly needed oxygen all of a sudden. Even though day fly's around all the time, he gets winded if startled while he's been relaxing and then rockets around the room for a few laps. When he is playing and active flapping here and there, there is no hard breathing at all. It's all about getting those air sacks filled and plenty of oxygen in their system.


I agree with wingy, try various things to entice him to fly more often and no I don't mean scarring him... Offer a nice tempting Neck shot several times a day. :P

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That makes a lot of sense. I have been giving him lots of room and encouragement to flap, he has been working on that a while. His favorite is to hang upside down in his cage and flap like a maniac. I moved all the perches and took out a boing before we traveled and when he started the flapping in travel cage, I have picked up on that. We tried giving him a ride on my hand, then gently lifting him up and letting him flap on the slow ride back down. He is so off balance and it makes him fall, but if I try to hold his toes, he gets into a real panick about that. So, when he started this flapping I cheer for him and tell him "dance Gilbert dance". My sister started that and he responded in a big way, so we are keeping it up. I had never heard him rasping like that, but he did go from zero to 60 as you said Dan. You have no idea how close you are with the neck pinch hypothesis. I can not be more pleased that Gilbert has been coming down off his cage and walking around on the floor again. Today though, I had some procedures with my braces was half asleep on the sofa when he came to the floor so very slowly and cautiously. Soon I heard him flapping and thought he was having a panic and was on my feet immediately. Instead to my great surprise he had gotten up on the chair near me. He had to have "flown" to get there, the legs are high and smooth so he couldn't have climbed. You know Dan, he might have a point, he may be planning the neck pinch implementation and just testing to see how close he can get before I catch on. I had another "first" with him, when I got up to help him back to his cage, I stepped in bird droppings. I may have exclaimed my displeasure because he then launched into his potty mouth of you-know-what on the floor. Looking at what we have now and thinking of where he was coming in, I had little hope of him being so interactive and no clue he was going to be such a character.

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Dee, Dayo does not have a raspiness when he breaths hard. It just kind of sounds likes a winded human. You may need to check with your vet on that and see what they think. It could just be the air sacks never being fully used for years and dander etc. build up. But, thats just me hypothesizing. Only a vet could determine if all was well in that area.


LOL at the step in poop potty mouth at your disdain of stepping in it. They know our emotions instantaneously and respond to them. I would half to hold back the laughter at such an outburst. i know it's truly not funny, but it is. We just can't let them know it. Dayo came out with a not heard for around 5 years of "Oh Shxt" when he knocked over a standing surround speaker the other day. It took my utmost most strength to keep the belly laugh in.


I have a feeling you will receive a Toe pinch before it advances to the neck pinches. It is impressive that Gilbert is already gaining altitude from the floor to the couch. Those muscles are building and will continue to at a fairly rapid rate I would expect. Not long before you have a flying Pterodactyl screaming in flight on your hands. :)

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Thanks Chelsea, I have channeled Biscotti's happy chatter that has gotten me through many days of uncertainty. "Santa I been goooood". Grey time may move ever so slowly but it does change. Dan, I do have a vet appointment next week for Gilbert and this time will remind them to get an extra blood draw for his DNA testing. When he comes out with his one and only naughty word, I try so hard not to look at him, not to laugh and to give my family the stink eye to tell them don't encourage it. It is right on the money EVERY time, he doesn't just spout it out all the time for the effect. And... okay... I have to admit I have said it once in his presence when he bit me and his beak went right through the pad of my finger and into the nail bed from the inside. In fact, that was the day I "reminded" him of the word. He obviously knew it because it is in the most endearing Cajun accent and male voice. Also, while I am telling tales about myself, I said it again Sunday. I was having some problems with my motorcycle and took it to the shop. In the meantime we got a new one and it is taller. While I can reach flat footed on a level surface, Georgia is not a flat state. I went on my first real long ride Sunday and had to stop on a steep hill. When we started through the intersection, someone in front of me stopped suddenly and my foot would not reach on the slope and when it started to go, down I went. I was able to hit the kill switch before I tumbled down the street. Luckily I was in protective gear, the bike had a roll bar, no harm no foul. We rode about a hundred miles home and just before I went to sleep my husband mentioned that I said Gilbert's naughty word... I had forgotten we just put the communication devices in our helmets. Oh, lets not forget we rode the last forty miles in driving rain, lightning and wind that knocked a tree down in my back yard. The Billy Joel song "You may be right" is usually what I sing when I get caught in the rain. So now you know. At home with Gilbert, I sew quilts, I am kind, quiet and gentle. I have an alternative stress buster but dog gone if Gilbert can't read my mind from a hundred miles away. I bet he was chuckling.

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So funny about the naughty word!! I reserve my sailor talk for the out of doors, which is where it most often spouts out anyway. Don't have to worry about the cattle or horses repeating things. :) The one naughty word Biscotti says has almost disappeared, thank goodness. It will pop up once in a while when he drops something to the floor of his cage, I have to stifle myself from laughing. They sure are entertaining.

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Oh jesus Dee! A new Bike does take a little time to learn the new "feel" and handling characteristics. I am so glad you had full riding gear on and came out of it unscathed, well other than pride. :P


Does it have a mono shock? If so, perhaps you could adjust it so the bike will squat a little lower to the ground for you. The only draw back, is when your going through some humps in the road or maybe even doing some jumps, it will bottom out depending on the compression strength of the mono shock.


I sure love reading of Gilbert. I just can never get enough. :)

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There is an option for two positions on my seat, I am reading the manual to see if it is on the lowest position. Second, there is a place to make custom seats to give me a shorter span. My theory is to not stop on a slope again... LOL... or... if I lose 30 pounds, will that make my legs longer? Hahahaha. And my dear Gilbert. He is ever changing. He has been such an affectionate fellow lately. He wants long head scratches at least twice a day. He has never stopped asking to go to bed about 8:30 every night. "Time to go night?" If I say, yes its time to go night, then he says "Want a treat?" in the sweetest little voice ever. If I say yes he can have a treat (and I always do) he will scamper across his floor stand, up the side of the cage, down the front and he swings in from the top of the door frame to grab the vertical bars and slide down like a little fireman on his way out of the station house. When his feet hit the favored night time treat and head scratch location he does this little gymnast landing with pizazz and he leans out to get his almond from my fingers. We have graduated to having this exchange with no bars between us and 99 times out of 100 he takes his treat like a gentleman. My favorite part that happens every single night is when I scratch his head, say our goodnights, sweet dreams and all that, I move away and he watches me go. Then, I turn off the light and in the pitch black, he always says a surprised little "hey", like he wasn't expecting that. I always laugh and turn on the light and he laughs, moves over to this sleep perch and then I turn off the light again and he is silent. Sometimes he waits until I am in bed and calls out "hey", wishful thinking, but I don't come out again. In the morning, he moves to the favored scratching and treat perch position and waits while I feed the dogs and bring food to him and to Java. He stands quietly watching me, lets me fill his dishes now without a challenge, then he says "hey" and tucks his head for his morning head scratch. I can smell the earthiness of his warm beans mixed with red palm oil and I can stand so close I can smell the fresh linen scent of his feathers and feel his body heat because he will stand for a long session before breakfast. I just can't get enough of him either. He is my last smile at night and first smile in the morning and we always wake up ten minutes before the alarm to greet the new day together. When David comes home from work, the dogs greet him at the door, he heads straight for Java and Gilbert for their greeting and I wait my turn. Its magic to see a happy home.

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Oh Ray, he didn't have to read my mind, David was all to happy to tell him all about mama using the bad word she tells him not to say. He did a right funny comedy routine over it. I came in soaked to the tips of my boots and David was too but he was in a big hurry to tell Gilbert his tales. Why, I thought David was reading my mind. Turns out the intercom is voice activated. LOL. Gilbert has an annual vet visit on Friday and a bit after that we should get confirmation of his gender. They don't do a blood panel every year on a healthy parrot, but he needs one this time and it will help us be sure the wheezing raspy sound isn't something besides sudden exertion. While I eagerly await them seeing Gilbert's improvements since last year, I am thinking he is not going to be too jolly and entertaining for them. That little fellow is full of surprises, so I would be better off not guessing how he will respond to any situation.

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It must be getting real close to time for a visit with Precious, September? It has to be bittersweet to have her where you know she is happy and thriving but missing her so much for how she came into your life with your husband. Who knew how these grey parrots would work their way into our hearts and into our very souls. We are going on a visit next week to see our girls in their new lives in Texas. I keep thinking I want to cancel my ticket and drive so Gilbert can go with me. I am spending days in my sewing area in the basement and coming back up to check on him and he is fine all day. I suspect he will be ornery after a vet visit at the end of the week. He knows my friend and will be fine and perhaps even the time away will allow him to miss me just a bit. Yesterday was a lot of fun, I had a new quilter over learning a few things and Gilbert was eliciting our attention and regaling us with many questions "Whatter YOU doing?" It was really cute. He comes out with new sounds from his former life because we don't have any star wars sound effects or the like that he suddenly started practicing yesterday. He is still loving the "Maaaaaa" "Hey Maaaaa". I can't stay annoyed with him but he sure knows how to take me to the last thread of a nerve with that one. Then when he laughs, I can't stop myself from laughing too. I know it will only encourage him but he is so darn cute about it. His cage and the floor around him is messier than I have ever seen it. I love it so much. He is really getting to be a normal parrot.

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Gilbert is blossoming in front of my eyes and it is so subtle that I can't really point to when things change. I keep responding to him with the same attitude and keep trying some new things that should be good for him and he will suddenly decide it is the most wonderful thing he was ever offered. He had his annual vet visit today. I could have been standing there with my jaw dropped to the floor, I really couldn't tell you. He first stepped up from his cage to go into his backpack. He chatted in the car on the way. He talked to the receptionist. He stepped up from his backpack and I put him on his table perch to be ready for his vet. He stepped right up for her and then to the tech and back. He talked and was a regular little charmer. Things went south just briefly when they had to draw some blood. One good thing was that even though he got worked up and screamed and growled and struggled.... but he never got raspy like I heard in the kitchen last week. She said his lungs sound clear and normal. We wouldn't have needed any blood work this time, but since I was concerned about what I heard, she said it would be a good idea to run a panel to make sure there wasn't a respiratory issue. We made a stop at the motorcycle shop to pick up some paperwork and Gilbert stepped up for two people there and had himself a look at the new bike he put on his Christmas list. LOL. He was such a little social butterfly today. I am bit surprised at how much he was talking and waving his foot to ask for step ups. On the way home, I absorbed what his vet said about the possibility of flight. She saw him when we got him and the feathers that he pulled. Her colleague saw him last year. She fanned his wings and pointed out the gaps that have never filled and she said it has been too long, that if they were going to regrow it would have happened by now. I want to believe he will fly, but sadly, we may have to help him find other ways to lift him up to see the world. Luckily he is getting more mobile and I would string perches up along the ceiling in every room it that gave him a better perspective. He is amazing. He is Gilbert. We should get his DNA gender results in about ten days and you'll be the first to know when they confirm its a boy. He has to be. Otherwise we have to call him Berta.

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Gilly, my daughter would love that. She already calls in Gilly bear. He has really taken a turn toward confidence lately. He was a little quieter last night, but was still moving around and didn't resort to any of his anxious behaviors whatsoever, so yay on that. He did refuse to go inside his cage for bed time and that is a first. He tried to bite David and that is a first. When I came to bring him a helping of warm beans before bedtime, he came at me and tried to bite me. I love the long rectangular glass tray I found for carrying his food dishes. I can hold that above my hand, he can see me, but he knows he can't get to me and he will back off instead of trying to bite my hand. Once he got a tummy full of beans, I thought he might go to bed then, but nope. He was just being obstinate. I turned off the lights and went to bed thinking he would climb in when he felt like it. When I came back out after a half hour, he was still on his open door. Finally, I went to take an Aleve and that was the magic. When I shook out the tablet, he perked right up to the rattling sound. Maybe that sounds like his almonds or pine nuts when I shake the container. He hustled into his cage but he refused his night time almond and then right in the middle of being a little pip, he tucked his head and asked for a scratch and everything was peachy with him again. This morning all is well in his world and he is back to being wonderful again.

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Gosh you would think that someone had come in and replaced the grey you called Gilbert with this new wonderful one but he had it in him all along, he just needed the patience from someone willing to put in the time to bring it out of him. Now that's a thought, what if he turns out to be a she, we have all referred to him as a he for so long could we get used to her if it turns out that way, well I guess if you can we certainly should be able to, heres to Gilbert or Gilly or even Gerta, hear hear.

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