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Anyone else start to speak Parrot-ese?!


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I think I'm mimicking Spencer more than he's imitating me! I've picked up his "Oooooo!", his clucking sounds, whistles, and I find myself doing them not only back to him but to myself and other people lol! I was in the grocery the other day and was making tongue-clucking sounds going down the aisle without realizing it.... I'm not around babies much, but recently I was talking to a friend's baby like I talk to Spencer.. "Oh you're such a good boy!" LOL... I'm definitely on the road to becoming "that crazy bird lady!"... especially when I start to take him out in his new carrier this summer.. oh my! Anyone else pick up habits from their fids or is it just me?! LOL


While I'm here, here's a couple recent pics of the little guy :)







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Yeah when I am home I may imitate some of what Josey says but I never do that in public, guess I am just a little more self conscious than you are besides everyone would look at me funny and maybe call the guys in white, LOL

Those are some great shots of Spencer, I especially love the second one where he has his head turned sideways and you got some good action shots too, thanks for sharing them with us Lori.

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HAHAHA YES! I mimic Rorschach ALL THE TIME!! he makes such awesome noises i can't help myself. As for in public, does calling your co-workers "bird" count? lol I have a bad habit of calling Rorschach Bird or Birdie bird and my new fav "bude" (it's a made up word, cross between bird and dude) The other day I was yelling to my friend/co-worker to "COME ON BIRD!"

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We mimick corky all the time in her in her language and she will mimick us back in her or our language depending on how she feels. Now this is always at home because it`s bad enought we have bird streeks down the back of our shirts if we forget to check before going out.

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haha yes we mimic ruby all the time at home. it's hard not to bc she makes some really funny sounds. i try not to do it in public as most people already think i'm crazy for having a bird in the first place ;)

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I too am guilty of repeating sounds & words Biscotti makes, he is such a clown I can't help myself!! Something else I have caught myself doing is explaining things or labeling things even when I am not with him! I have always talked to my animals, but I keep finding my self giving explanations in more detail as to what I am doing, what it is, why etc... The dogs just pretty much ignore all my explanations unless the words- ride, goody, walk or toy are included!

I know Biscotti listens to my explanations because he repeats alot of them in context, so I am sure I will continue to explain myself to whoever is in earshot. Now that's probably a ticket to the funny farm!! Lol, I already live there!

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Yes! Someone else who admits to speaking parrot in public. Wherever I am in the house, I will make contact calls and yes, I have found myself in the grocery store making a quick whistle before I realize how ingrained it has become in my life to do it without thinking. Probably worse than the whistle is the laughter afterward. I take the long way back to my car in case the nutcatchers are in the parking lot waiting for me. Your pictures are beautiful, great job!

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