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Pasta good or bad?


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My Angel loves curly pasta. She will drop anything else when she sees me coming with her baggie of it. It's kinda like me with chocolate! Can you give too much pasta? Does it have any nutritional value for her at all? It's almost amazing how much she loves it...

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Different pastas are fine for greys. Most do like the that food. Many like it with tomato sauce or plain. Avoid putting butter on the pastas. Don't give it everyday because your bird will come to expect it all the time and ignore other foods. The best type to get is some that be held with the claws while being eaten.

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Rorschach is the same with pasta, he gobbles it up like a dog who has stolen a piece of meat. If we are having pasta he will fly over to me and dive right into my plate.

I don't think it should be a main source of food but it is ok for them. If you get multi-grain it might be better and be sure to add veggies, maybe even a little pasta sauce for some flavor.

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Josey loves her pasta, in that respect she is just like her mama for I love pasta myself, if she sees us eat spaghetti you had better share some with her or she will be very upset. I also put some dry pasta into her food bowl from time to time, she likes to crunch it up, I doubt she eats much of it that way.

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Thank you for all the posts! I have found the curly pasta is easy for Angel to hold. The other day when I mixed up her breakfast, I set the baggie of pasta on the end of the couch by her cage and forgot it there. A while later my son walked through the livingroom and saw Angel sitting on her perch just staring at the baggie, almost mesmorized! He thought it was cruel and unusual punishment. Poor Angel baby :o)

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