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Time Out of the Cage and Possible Boredom?


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Hello! I hope this is the right section for these few questions. My apologies if it isn't!


Our one year old TAG Ruffles (who also goes by "Lord Ruffington" as my husband calls him ;) ) has been acting rather peculiar lately. We let him out of the cage (actually, we try to keep his cage door open all day if we can) and he seems like he would rather stay inside at times. I know Greys tend to enjoy their own version of 'alone time', so we don't force him out, but I want to know if this still counts as 'out of the cage' time? His cage door will be open, but he'll stay inside and preen or just watch us. Which leads me to another question...


Is he a little bored? I know excessive preening can mean he's bored, but he isn't plucking himself bald. I also know that a Grey just sitting there doing nothing (or napping) may also mean he's bored.


The last thing I want is for him to become bored and unhappy. We bought him a new toy, which he seems fond of, and I've also started cutting up newspaper and hiding treats for him in the clippings so he can forage for them. Is this enough? Or should we find some other means to keep him entertained?


Oh! And also: are Greys content with just sitting on a perch next to you while you watch TV, read or play video games? We often bring Ruffles with us whenever we're in another room so he doesn't feel lonely. He'll either sit on his perch and talk to us, preen or nap... Or he'll sit on my lap and demand a head scratching. :) Is this enough to keep him happy and make him feel like he's a part of the flock?


Alright! Twenty questions is over now! :P I must sound like a concerned first time mother, lol!


Thanks in advanced! :)

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My grey also plays inside her cage even though her door is open and she comes and goes, she loves to bang a heavy bell that hangs inside and she will get her a snack or a drink of water but she does spend a good part of the time playing inside her cage. She is not flighted so she comes out and climbs all over her cage and usually sits on a back corner for vocal sessions. How many toys do you have for Ruffles, they need more than one or two and foraging toys help keep them busy also?

I wouldn't worry too much about him sitting on his perch for a while, each grey has his/her own personality and some are more active than others but when you are home with him try to engage him in activities to keep him from becoming bored.

It is normal for them to nap some during the day so if you see him doing that do not be concerned, lots of times I would love to be able to nap a little in the afternoons myself.

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Rorschach use to do this, we would keep the door open and he would climb in and out and sometimes just sit in there and sometimes he would play with his toys. NOW he never wants to be alone, as soon as we open the cage door he will run up to the top of his cage and perch, when I go to sit at the computer he flies to me. His favorite spot to sit is on my head. I give him a variety of foot toys to chose from which he will throw on the floor and make me fetch them. When he gets bored of the toys he will start preening, chatting or he will just have a nap. He does this with the bf when I'm not home and the last few days he started plucking out David's arm and chest hair, I guess he is preening David. I am afraid he is going to get bored too but he is always interacting with us, he has toys if he wants them but he would rather come hang with us then play all the time.

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Judy gave a good response. They choose when they wish to become active.


Our grey mostly just sits either on us or on a T-Stand while watching TV or Movies in the evenings. He will watch along as well and sometimes, laugh or comment on what is happening, but he is usually just kicked back with a leg up chilling or on a lap getting scratches.


During the day when out of the cage, he will have his pterodactyl screaming fly-by's and kill all toys routines, then settle into a nice sit and chill position.


Some like their cages, some view it as a prison, which Dayo thinks the latter. :P

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Your grey may just like sitting with you and to enjoy your company and watch what you are doing and are content just doing that and thats not bordeom it`s called bonding.

If they have toys to play with can come and go as they want and places to check out and at times want to be with you and want to enjoy your company than it`s sounds like you have a happy fid.

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Cool! Thank you everyone for your responses! I'm glad to hear we're doing right by Ruffles :)


As for screeching and fly bys and killing all toys... He's doing that now! Of course he's loud and screechy when the hubby is trying to get some sleep and I'm packing for a flight in a few hours! :P

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