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Guest jules420_91

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Guest jules420_91

Hi I live in Ontario, Canada. My husband & I have 2 grown kids, 3 dogs, 2 cats, a female White-Fronted Amazon & we are just waiting for our first baby CAG, Louie who is male to come home. Louie is almost 14 weeks old & is still asking for his night time formula. We are hoping he will be fully weaned in the next couple of weeks so he can finally come home. We have been visiting 2 times a week for at least 2 hrs per visit. Louie is a sweet boy & seems pretty fond of his mommy & daddy too. Any advice on bringing home a baby Grey would be appreciated.


Thank you,

Julie, Greg, Tarzie & Louie :D

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Welcome Julie! congrats on your new baby Louie! I have a 13 week old CAG, Isabella, who will be coming home, Wednesday of this week. I can't wait to compare notes on our babies! You should post about your White-Front Amazon in the Amazon Room. We love to hear about our zon clowns. Glad you decided to join the Grey family!

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Hello Julie and welcome to our family, so glad you are joining the ranks of grey ownership, it is a decision you won't soon forget.

You want to bring Louie into your home and allow him to settle into it and go at his own pace as it will all be new to him and he may be a little frigntened to be bombarded with all new things, new home, new cage and such. Don't force a relationship and allow him to come out of his cage on his own and he will let you know when he wants more interaction. He will know there is another bird in the house and you can introduce them but don't let them get to close to one another as they may not get along, greys are notorious for shunning other parrots and even another grey.

If you are putting him into the cage he will be calling his home and he is still a little clumsy you can put his perches down a little lower in his cage and put some towels or blankets down to cushion any falls until he gets more steady, be sure to cover the soft cushion with newspapers so it doesn't get so dirty with poops.

You will find lots of useful information in our many threads so do read thru them at your leisure and ask any questions you may have and we will help you in any way we can.

If you have any pictures of Louie you would share with us we would love to see them and we have an amazon room where you can put some of Tarzie, I assume that is your amazon.

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Guest jules420_91

Thank you for making me feel welcome. I was reading through the Amazon section earlier as well. Thank you for the advice. I have had Louie's cage all set up for him for a few weeks already lol. Not that I am anxious or anything. I have a smaller sized Winnie the Pooh stuffed animal for him as well as a few toys to start. I have the perches lower in the cage & the bottom padded with towels covered with paper. We just got DNA confirmation on Saturday that Louie is for sure a male. Daddy is very happy because if he ended up being a girl I was going to change the name & daddy picked it out special lol. I will see if I can attach a pic of Tarzie Louie is in my avatar photo with me. I will keep everyone posted on our progress in getting our little one home.


Julie, Greg, Tarzie & Louie


Tarzie & Momma.jpg

Copy of IMG00304-20110223-1825.jpg

Copy of IMG00307-20110302-1613.jpg


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Hi I live in Ontario, Canada. My husband & I have 2 grown kids, 3 dogs, 2 cats, a female White-Fronted Amazon & we are just waiting for our first baby CAG, Louie who is male to come home. Louie is almost 14 weeks old & is still asking for his night time formula. We are hoping he will be fully weaned in the next couple of weeks so he can finally come home. We have been visiting 2 times a week for at least 2 hrs per visit. Louie is a sweet boy & seems pretty fond of his mommy & daddy too. Any advice on bringing home a baby Grey would be appreciated.


Thank you,

Julie, Greg, Tarzie & Louie :D



Hi, I too have a baby 11 week old congo african grey. and just yesterday, put a deposit down on another little one. i learned that two greys will get along as long as they are the same age. i also, have 2 dogs, a mini pomerain and a teacup maltese and 4 cats. i am an animal lover from the start.

In just the two weeks we have our little grey, its great. he is just marvelous. of course he cant talk as of yet, but he is constantly yacking away. one thing i just learned, do not whistle at him or her. even if they whistle just ignore them. because they will not talk, they will think that whistleing is the language they should learn. so, remember do not whistle - but talk to them constantly and eventually they will learn our language. the best of luck on your new addition as well.

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I have never heard that you should never whistle at you grey/parrot. I have always whistled at my grey since I got her at 4 months old. She has a mean bomb whistle and wolf whistle. She talks and whistles and can carry a tune, kind of. So that must be some kind of old wife's tale.

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one thing i just learned, do not whistle at him or her. even if they whistle just ignore them. because they will not talk, they will think that whistleing is the language they should learn. so, remember do not whistle - but talk to them constantly and eventually they will learn our language.



That is hogwash, greys will still talk even if they start out whistling for the wolf whistle was the first thing my grey learned to do and she talks a lot and she still whistles from time to time. I don't know how this myth started but it is simply not true. There are a few greys who will not ever talk, just because you have a grey there is no guarantee they will talk so maybe the ones who never talked did whistle so some people think that if they learn to whistle they will never talk.

Another thing about having two greys, there is no guarantee that they will get along, just because they will be close in age doesn't mean anything so if you are getting another one so they can play together you may be disappointed so be prepared for that.

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Welcome... I am pretty new here too :) but it's a great community here!


Rorschach loves to whistle and we will whistle back, it has not stopped him from picking up words and phrases. His vocab isn't huge yet but he is only 2, I am also not concerned with how much he speaks because he is beautiful the way he is. I think their personality will draw you in more then how much they talk... at least that's how I feel.

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Guest jules420_91

Thank you for all of your replies. I have learned that there are a great deal of issues in regards to being parronts that cause great debates. Anything from whistling & talking ability to diet & wing clipping ruffle the feathers of passionate parrot people lol. We follow the advice of our breeder who has almost 30 yrs experience in care & breeding of parrots & our wonderful Avian vet who visits our area on a monthly basis since we live in a very rural area with no avian vets. Our neighbour is a vet & has experience with birds which is comforting since it is at least an hrs drive to a city. I adore my WFA Tarzie but she unfortunately hates my husband lol. At least through working with her using clicker training has improved their relationship. I love to hear her chat away to daddy while she sits on his arm without biting!!!! Tarzie has been a real challenge for us since she was terrified of everything when we rescued her from a pet store 6 yrs ago. She loves her momma. Louie seems comfortable & loving with both of us which is wonderful. I am sure this will change over time. Since I am the one home all of the time it makes sense I end up being all of our pets favorite human lol. We are hoping through our regular visits with Louie that we have built a good base of love & trust with our wee boy. We are hoping that even if he picks a favorite human he will still have a good relationship with our friends & family. My maternal instinct has always been in overdrive. I am even called mom by some humans that are older than me lol. I love my pets & I love helping others. My greatest dream (fantasy) is to live in a world that understands animals & that every pet has a good, loving forever home. I think that is the ultimate blessing of forums like this. It is a great way to offer help to parronts & a wonderful source for education & friendships. We got confirmation today that Louie will be coming home on March 30!!!!!!! We are so excited.


Love to all,

Julie, Greg, Tarzie & Louie

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I think this forum is a great source of information regarding our greys for who knows them best but the people who own and love them, we all live with one or more on a daily basis and you can't beat real life experiences as a resource, we are a greyt power.

Congrats on being a little over a week until Louie comes to his new forever home, bet you can't wait.

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Rorschach picked me as his favorite so our bonding didn't take very long. It has been taken David (bf) a little longer even though he is home all the time but I am glad to report that time and patients on Davids part has paid off, Rorschach will fly to hang with him when I'm not home. Scratching his head was a big deal for David, Rorschach would NOT let David scratch him, I remember how excited David was the day Rorschach decided "hey you're an all right guy, I grant you head scratch duties". So now Rorschach will sit with David and BEG for head scratches :) only when I'm not home. Yesterday morning while David was still in bed, Rorschach flew from me to Davids computer chair and it seemed as if he was looking for his Dad. He was looking around and even kissing the chair. It was super cute I had to bring him in the bedroom to see him.


I have no experiences with other birds really and we have had Rorschach for less then a year but I think if your hubby keeps working with Tarzie, he will be her best friend :)

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