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4 year old CAG talking


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Hi guys, it's been a few months since I adopted my 4 year old CAG Rubi. She's my first parrot and is the sweetest bird. I just have a question about her speech ability. She has learned a few new words since I've had her but mostly repeats the same things over and over. She goes through all of the same words every day, most of which are sounds and whistles with some words. Is she still too young to have a more expansive vocabulary? There are things I say to her every day that I would think she'd pick up and say by now.


Also there are certain things she used to say that she doesn't say as much anymore. For example she would always make beeping sounds and say hello whenever the phone rang, but has stopped doing that now. She loves to say ready, are you ready, whats up. Sometimes she gets stuck trying to say whats up Rubi as you can see in the video haha. By the way this is where she sleeps it's not her actual cage. Here are some videos!





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My parrots say what they like and what they want to say. I have heard words once and never again. If a parrot likes a word or gets a reaction he want or likes from it, that parrot will use the word more often. I have tried for over two years to get Ana Grey to say, "Hello gorgeous" (for some reason my oldest daughter wants one of my parrots to say this phrase) but it is not working! My grandson tries every time he comes over to get them to say, "Gabriel is a genius" not happening!!!! I stubbed my toe and said " F... It! (well it hurt dog gone it) and Ana Grey said this phrase for days!!!!!! They say want they like no matter how hard you try or don't try.

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Since your bird spent more time with others and you have only had her for a few months she is still saying a lot of what she used to hear but that should lessen over time as she no longer hears those words and phrases. They do tend to repeat what they like hearing and the others are right that it seems that words and phrases said with emphasis are picked up more so than others so keep that in mind when you want her to repeat something.

She is cute as a button and thanks for sharing the videos with us.

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Totally cute!! Rorschach makes a lot of the same noises and also will say hello when the phone rings. I think they will repeat a new word or phrase over and over when they first learn it, like practice maybe. Rorschach use to call the cat "Here Fatguy" but wont say it anymore :( it was so cute, but like everyone else said, they will say what they wanna say.

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Her videos were adorable, I found myself eagerly awaiting every beep, whistle and her chats. She has the ability to talk and seems relaxed with you. If you leave a voice activated recorder in the room with you while you are gone, you might be very surprised at the things she is saying. Every day is a new day with our feathered friends. Rubi is fantastic.

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Loved the videos. Rubi is a character. The first video seemed to indicate she was "antsy" in the sense she wanted out. thus the words related to getting out of the cage and the "dancing".


The second video she was more relaxed, enjoying the echo chamber and obviously using sounds and words related to the phone you had with you.


There is no telling how many words she actually has stored in that majestic mind at 4 years old, but you will hear many over time as she thinks and uses them. It is common when they are just sitting and chilling to seemingly have a mental replay of events, sights, sounds etc. constantly calibrating them and also experimenting with them in different orders or mixtures.


For her to say something she finds useful that you say, will take some calibrating time and may or may not be in your voice. Only time will tell. Be consistent in your use of words and phrases at correct times when certain events are happening or you are offering a food item, going to another room, leaving etc. The know when and what these things are and will ultimately decided on their own if it is something useful to them and spend the time calibrating to correctly use it.

Edited by danmcq
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