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My Sweet Shelby


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As those who read my previous thread know, I joined this forum with the intent of finding out more about Greys. I currently have a sweet baby Cockatiel, however, and I'd love to say a bit about him, and introduce him to all of you!


This is my four month old male white faced pearl cockatiel, Shelby




Shelby is a passionate, intelligent bird. He is already spouting "Pretty Bird", because he knows he, ah, "got swagger". He refuses to let me listen to my beloved Bauhaus or the passionate lyrics of The Decemberists. Instead I must subject my ears to the like of Ke$ha and Lady Gaga, because it's the only music he will dance and sing to.


He lives in a fairly large cage. It's not nearly as large as the one my seven rats live in (which I dare say is taller than I), but he likes it all the same. He spends his time courting my Cthulhu fanny pack, believing it to be the love of his life. Unfortunately I do not know the laws of marrying bird to elder god.




I love to write, and often times I will read my writing to Shelby. Shelby loves to listen to his ninteen year old mother read to him. Can't you tell?




Well, that's enough about Shelby. I hope you enjoyed this way-too-long post!

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Along with Corky our cag and Cricket our bfa we have two cockatiels if fact we have had tiels for 39 years and Willie our normal grey tiel has been with us for over 21 years old and Little One a pied female has been with us for over 6 years. They have big parrot attitude in a tiel body but we love them to death.

Size is the only thing defferant between our tiels and the grey and zon.

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What a cutie :) I don't have a tiel but I know what you mean about the music. Rorschach my CAG likes all music but he is more vocal when listening to the Glee soundtracks or anything you can really sing along too So metal and rock are out... I do prefer punk and rock but I will embarrassingly admit that I watch Glee and enjoy it as well as the bf (questions sexuality :P jk) so it isn't that horrible. Rorschach does hate Pantera, not sure what is going on there but when we played them one day he kind of freaked out so we had to turn it off. I sadly can't get him to dance, I was really hoping he would, I have tried all types of music especially with strong beat but if I dance around he tries to regurgitate for me. I guess he is more a singer then a dancer :P

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What a cutie :) I don't have a tiel but I know what you mean about the music. Rorschach my CAG likes all music but he is more vocal when listening to the Glee soundtracks or anything you can really sing along too So metal and rock are out... I do prefer punk and rock but I will embarrassingly admit that I watch Glee and enjoy it as well as the bf (questions sexuality :P jk) so it isn't that horrible. Rorschach does hate Pantera, not sure what is going on there but when we played them one day he kind of freaked out so we had to turn it off. I sadly can't get him to dance, I was really hoping he would, I have tried all types of music especially with strong beat but if I dance around he tries to regurgitate for me. I guess he is more a singer then a dancer :P


I am into rock, my boyfriend is into folk metal, yet we both happily sit down on Tuesday nights to watch Glee. There isn't any shame in it! I think Chris Colfer is am amazing actor.


Shelby is starting to bob his head slightly, but he mostly just sings along to music, and does his 'heart wings'.

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Rorschach doesn't even bob his head... he either tries to regurgitate or gets hot and bothered. He is about 2 so it could still happen I guess.


I see you also have rats, we have 4 female rats, they are not named though. My niece named them one day but I can't remember what she named them. We usually refer to them by colour or size... the dark brown one, the fat one, the one that's afraid of the cats... you get the point. They are super cute and cuddly.

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haha yeah like their constant trying to maneuver their way out of the cage!!

all but one of ours is completely ok with the cats we have even had one hanging out on the cats back. The cat loved it because her nails was scratching the cats back.

For the most part ours are just snuggly, they like to burrow under my hair and sleep and they giggle when you tickle their belly

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First off, Shelby is beautiful, that first photo of him is lovely! And he sounds like quite the personality. :)


Secondly, how do you keep your seven rats in one cage?--the most I could ever keep together happily was two males. (Sigh!)


Last but not least, I had a good friend once who was into the Decemberists. Saw them live with her hubby for an anniversary present, I believe, and she went on and on and on about meeting one of the band later and getting her picture taken with him. I think it was the highlight of her summer. ;)

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My rat cage is called a 'Critter Nation'. I have my five males in the top half and my two girls in the bottom half. he levels are separated by a pan, plexiglass, and a ladder that hooks up to the pan. It's a very large cage, and I daresay they are all very happy in it.


I've never seen The Decemberists live. It sounds like she had a blast, though!

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