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well last night i was watching tv with the wife, and out of nowhere mojo farted lol.... my wife thought that it was me it was hilarious! so now he mimics the sound of a loud fart and because my wife and i were laughin soooo hard at it he does it alot. now i need to teach him to say excuse me....


also, i got laid off of my job. So now i am with him all the time! this is greyt for him as now he is starting to practice speech. still not talkin yet, but he is practicing. as it turns out my unemployment check is going to be comprable to what i was making so i am going to have to hang out with the kids and the bird this summer.


they cut me from work over a misdamenor from six years ago!! i was with the company for about a year!!! what a load of crap. anyway they said i was rehirable in march of next year. since the kids fly out for the summer.... well y not just enjoy lol


Mojo is doing greyt though and i am looking forward to all of the bonding time i shall have with him!

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I can relate to that, "blushes" as Josey does the same thing, it is so funny how they can sound like the real thing but you must quit laughing so much when he does it or you will never hear the end of it.

Sorry to hear about the loss of your job but when handed lemons make lemonade, that means you have more time to spend with Mojo, he reaps the rewards and who knows maybe you will find a new one that pays more.

Thanks for sharing that with us as some would find that so embarrassing they would not want other people to know they actually fart but they do, everyone does at some time or another. LOL

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Ahhhh yes our sweet greys can always pick up the words and sounds we wish they wouldn't!!!!! Thanks for sharing your story with us, it is very funny!!!!! Reminds of when I let out a F--- it! (sorry but it hurt!!!!) when I stubbed my bare toe and Ana Grey said the phrase for weeks!!!!!!

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tee hee Rorschach makes fart noises all the time but we think it's pretty hilarious and mimic him which he then responds with the noise again. It's a very entertaining sound in our house so we don't really mind if he ever stops.


I would enjoy the time off too if I were you, it would be so awesome to be able to spend extra time with your friend and the summer off with family would be top notch. The boyfriend is off from work til summer so he gets to stay home with Rorschach all day while I am either at work or school. It's great to know they don't have to spend the day alone :) We actually feel bad if we are both gone for the day and until the weather warms up and we get him a harness we can't really take him with us.

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Ha,ha too funny! Don't worry Mojo is not the only farting parrot! Biscotti farts regularly & then says "who did that?", to which I reply "Biscotti did you make a stinky?" then he says "PU"!!! Once in awhile he'll switch it up & say "PU!! That was stinky!!" And of course he gets laughs, so I am sure I will have a farting parrot forever!! Gotta love the little smarty pants, their just to smart for their own good! :)

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kallie farts and burps!! when she first started burping, we'd laugh. but then she started talking in a burping voice, that was hilarious. we're also trying to get her to learn to say "excuse me", lol!! we think its funny and i'm sure the grandkids will too!!!

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