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Sully FINALLY started saying his first words!!!!!!

He'll be 11 months old in two days, and I've been waiting and waiting for him to begin talking!


Last week, he started saying "Sully-Man!" in a super high pitched tone (that I do it in) and he's been saying it over and over and it's getting clearer!

Then, yesterday he started to try to say "Hello?"... again, over and over... it's getting better.

This morning, I was beatboxing for Zoe Ann (she wiggles and nods her head in unison) and I heard Sully doing it in the other room!! And he hasn't stopped! AHHHH!


Sorry, I'm so excited but I've been waiting for this moment since we put the deposit on him back in May when he was just two months old!!! haha :)

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Oh, I know the feeling I will be the same way once I get Valentine. Prince finally said Love you today as well. I had the doors and windows open letting in the fresh air and he started chattering, and finally he said love you, just as plan as day. I did my happy dance over and over.

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Woot Sully!


Merlin was around the same age, and he said Hello & Peek-A-Boo for months afterwards....then he really started talking. I stopped counting several years ago at over 200 words.


I'm sure Sully will be Beatboxing with you soon too :D It's very cute when they try!

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For the time I have been here, I keep looking at all our birds as "greys", hadn't really thought much about TAGs or CAGs, but for some reason today I am attracted to all the pictures and stories about TAGs. Sully is the poster boy for taking a second look and taking the plunge and going for a TAG. Perfect timing Sully. Thanks.

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  JDS5607 said:
Thanks everyone!!!

He has started beatboxing....

I could possibly have made a mistake by teaching him that one :) He likes going through all of the things he has learned over and over again....


Starting at sunrise :P


Id rather hear random talking than a macaw vocalization at sunrise lol ... Congrats sully

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LMayes, I think I would too, lol.


Sully has really started to talk A LOT! Lol, day before yesterday he started say "Romeo" (Our PF lovie's name) and this morning he said "Whattareyoudoin?" (and yes, just like that lol)

It's amazing how much he's learned in the past few weeks. He also dances when he beatboxes now, moving side to side :) He won't let me capture it on video yet though >:(

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Congrats! The pandoras box has been opened! :)


I know exactly what you are experiencing :) Cosmo is about the same age Sully(hatched 4-11-10) and now talks constantly(quite literally). It starts out with that first word or phrase and snowballs from there. Everyhting is now "What?!", "Good boy!", "Hey baby!", "Kiss Kiss!", "Thank you!" its so much fun just listening to him talk to himself while he goes about his day :)

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