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Guest Monique

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Guest Monique

Hello! We are taking a week to Miami in November and I wondered if anyone had any advice on places to go/things to do? I have a conference down there for two days so I'm dragging my Honey Bunny along and we're making it a vacation. It will be the first vacation in 6 years with us and no kids (except for the occasional overnight)!!!!!! I'm excited!!!! :side:

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That sounds like a great time for you and your hubby.


Miami and surrounding areas offer a ton of things to do and see.


Not knowing what you enjoy doing, such as the Space Center, Disney Land, Epcot ( I love epcots multi-cultural villages and fireworks!!), drive down to the Key's...too much to mention.


I have traveled to Florida many times on business trips and of course visited many places of interest each time. There are forum members, like NevJoe that live there and would be able to suggest even more.


But, it all boils down to your and hubbies interests. :-)<br><br>Post edited by: danmcq, at: 2007/09/01 15:18

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Guest Monique

Well so far what we have planned are:


- Snorkeling in Key Largo

- Haulover beach

- Maybe a Miami Ducks Tour to see all the Millionaires homes

- Maybe a Everglades airboat Tour (but my hubby's not so sure he's interested)

- Maybe go out to a club one night (except usually I cannot stay awake that late :laugh: )

- Maybe surfing lessons

- Maybe a drive up one of the coasts either up to Ft. Lauderdale/Palm Beach or up to Sanibel Island and go shelling


Of course we'll have to go shopping somewhere. I often like to pick up an art piece of picture for our house and this has made our house full of memories over time.


And we'll have to try some Cuban food.


So lots of ideas but not a lot of plans yet. I have a conference two of the days I'm there and those two days my husband is going to see the Holocaust Museum, Spanish Monastery, and then either rent a Jet Ski and go on a Jet Ski Tour or rent a Harley and drive up the coast. At least that is what he is thinking right now.


Planning is fun! :)

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That all sounds like tons of fun Monique!!:woohoo:


So you two are more into the sports/outdoor adventures, which there is a ton of stuff to do, as you have listed.


I would add one thing to the water sports "Must Do" and that is take a on a Faaassssstttt Cigar Boat...WaaaaHooo. :-)


Cuban Food is delicious, I especially like the way they prepare their Beef and Chicken dishes, mmmmmm mmmmmm and if you can find a nice place with a Cuban Band playing, you really feel like you are in Cuba.


You guys sound like kids again, all this stuff to do and explore and only so much time to do it ALL :woohoo:

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Guest Monique

Yeah - that is the kind of stuff we like!!! Oh there won't be time to do it all and I intend for this to be a relaxing vacation!! All but the shopping will be relaxing for me. I like to go shopping if I am in the mood but I would never call it relaxing :).


A cigar boat - I never heard of one of those. I just googled it. Sounds like a real speed demon of a boat!!!!

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Guest Monique

I love Disney but it is like 3 hours away from Miami and with so many things to do there we'd rather spend our time doing than driving. We'll definitely take an Orando trip in the future - my absolute favorite thing there is Sea World!!!

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Did I hear someone mention my name? (Dan) Like you said Monique, there is a lot to do in Miami, but with some good planning you can get a lot done. First and foremost is how much of a budget are you working with? Not for me to know, but keep in mine its not cheap. You’re right not to live in a car going here and there. Here is a good site to use to get started. http://web.miamibeachfl.gov/visitors/ I can fill in some of the blanks for you if you want me too. Anytime



Make sure you leave some time for a little ROMANCE. (MAKE IT A LOT)

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Monique wrote:

I think there are bunches of alligator zoos! Sure ... er .. you can come. I'll meet you on the corner by the beach ;).


that's date then :silly: I'm that lady with those shining eyes (from being happy I'm in Miami & meeting you of course :) )

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Monique wrote:

- Maybe a drive up one of the coasts either up to Ft. Lauderdale/Palm Beach or up to Sanibel Island and go shelling




Sanibel is right in my area, maybe a 20 minute drive. It's really nice there but it's 6 bucks to go over the bridge. My favorite beach is Venice beach about an hour or 2 North or Sanibel. The place is covered in shark teeth. If you bring a sifter and go only a few feet in you get some real nice ones.<br><br>Post edited by: BMustee, at: 2007/09/20 16:23

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Hee-hee! Joe, you're funny...

I've been to Sanibel once, it's very nice. It is QUIET. If you want quiet, Sanibel is the place to be. Personally, I would hit the Keys. I've never been to the Keys but I just imagine it's very cool there. For some reason it makes me think of history. Pirates & stuff...

Hope you all are having a good day!

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