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I am new here and want to introduce 2 very spoiled Macaws.

Shelly Yokum

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I have a b/g whose name is Prince, and I recently adopted a ruby, His name is Roy. I have only had him a couple of weeks now, and I got to cuddle him a little while this evening. I was so excited and happy. This poor birdie, hasn't been abused that I can tell, but put up as a trinket for a while, he is slowly coming around.



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It makes me sad that people who have birds as a "trinket" as you called it, they truly don't know what they are missing.


I am glad to see that fids and kids can live in harmony. I don't have children but hopes that maybe I will someday so seeing the picture of your son and Prince chillin' together shows that it may not be traumatic for my Rorschach. When my niece and nephew are over Rorschach behaves different every time, the first time he met them he seemed to love them. I think it was because I was spraying the kids with his spray bottle so I guess he related to them in some way. (I'm not a mean aunt, it was hot that day and they loved it) He even made a lot of noises when they were there which he usually doesn't do when new people are around. Last time they were over I think he growled, I had my face close to him and I swear I heard a growl. They don't bother him and Rorschach just seems to sit on his perch and watch the show.


:) it's great that Rudy doesn't have to be a trinket anymore and will now be part of a family he deserves.

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Roy, the ruby, has came a long way. Today he got on his play gym, without and help or coaxing. He came to me later without pinning the eyes. I want so much to just cuddle him and tell him that his a better life now, but I am a bit afraid of him just yet. He doesn't like to be petting much around his back and I am not brave enough to try the top of his head, except when he is in the cage.

My son Austin was so jealous of Prince when I first got him. I slowly worked the 2 together. My son loves to play with him. Prince isn't to wild about him holding him, but goes along sometimes. I have lots of pictures of the two playing in the floor together that I just love. I will have to get them uploaded and share them with the group.

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