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Hello, My name is Shelly I am from Ky. I just put a deposit down, on a baby CAG. I have wanted one for years. I am currently owned by a b/g Macaw, and a Ruby Macaw. Is there a lot of difference in the care of a Gray? I am sure I will have a lot of questions before he/she arrives. I have name it Valentine, because, you guessed it.. it hatched really close to the day.

I still have a child at home that is 4 years old, and I know that my babies will out live me, so I am hoping that my youngest son will grow with these birdies, and one day be his and they all just grow old together.

I welcome any information and suggestions

Thank you

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Hello Shelly and welcome to our family and congrats on getting your baby grey.

I know a grey is one of the quieter of the parrots so there should not be as loud as your macaws, greys require some attention from you and your family every day as they are a flock animals. They take slowly to any kind of change in their environment, new toys have to be introduced gradually which can sometimes take weeks for them to come to accept and some of them turn out to be one person birds meaning they have a favorite.

You can read thru the many threads here for lots of useful information and do ask those questions you may have and we will help you in any way we can.

We have an other birds room where you can share some pictures of your macaws if you like.

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Thank you, and I just left a post there as well. Getting a Grey, is a dream come true. I can't wait for him/her to come home. I am a stay at home mom, my husband is a truck driver, so its like being a single parent most of the time. I have plenty of time to spend with the birds.

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Hi Shelly, welcome to the Greyforums. I checked out your Macaws and they are beautiful!!!! I have an amazon and an eclectus so I can't help you with how greys and macaws differ but I can tell you that greys are amazing and intelligent parrots. I know you won't be disappointed. My Ana Grey is a real companion to me as I live alone. Can't wait to travel your grey journey with you. Are you looking for a Congo or a Timneh African Grey?

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I am getting a Congo. Thank you, I think they are beautiful. I never knew how much love a bird could give until I got my macaws. My Prince b/g is my pride and joy. He cuddles more than a too. I hope to have one of them one day as well, but for now I will wait for my gray.

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Welcome Shelly and flock!


Congratulations on the new baby grey you put a deposit on. You will certainly see many personality differences between a puppy dog B&G macaw and a grey that is aloof and cautious of everything. In regards care, you pretty much know what living with parrots require, however you should check out our health and food rooms. :)

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