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I bought, as it said, 100% pure Aloe Vera juice and today I sprayed Zak with it and he seemed to enjoy it while it lasted but afterward he seemed so anxious. He was acting really strange like something is irritating/bothering him,very much unlike after a normal bath. First I used pure juice and the last spraying was Aloa juice with some water. He looks very soaked. I am worrying because regardless it says 100% Aloe Vera juice it also says lemon acid and preservatives: sodium benzoate and potassium sorbate. Is this in any way harmful to my bird? He is a talking now but still shivering a bit. But the initial reaction was something I never saw before. He was acting very strange. His wings are still down.

Please share your thoughts.

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I have seen Rorschach do this when I soaked him down with just water... his wings will drop and sometimes he pants. One time he actually laid on his back on his own and started grabbing his tail I really have no idea why he did this and he normally hates being on his back. I have not used aloe yet so I can't say if that is the cause but I can say I have seen my guy act like this with only water. From what I can tell it seems like he had such an awesome time and he is still excited. Rorschach does shiver if he gets excited like if me and David were gone out for a few hours he will shiver when we come home. Unless he gets spooked because he is alone, he isn't home alone very often so when we do both go out it's not normal. Anyway I totally got off topic... from my experience with Rorschach when he acts like this he is usually overly excited and at times he will do his mating stance. This probably didn't help because of my lack of experience with the product. Hope someone else has something else to offer.

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I would not use straight aloe Vera juice. I always add it to water so it doesn't give them that sticky feeling. Maybe you could try spraying him with water as a rinse. The straight juice is heavy, watering it down makes it a lighter feeling for them.

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I also think that pure aloe vera juice is very heavy so maybe that feeling spooked him. I can tell you, for sure, he wasn't overly excited after his bath. He was anxious. He was very excited while bathing but when bathing stopped I think he got a bit scared/annoyed with this heavy feeling and I got paranoid because of the conservatives. I still want to know is this harmful to him. I will probably use aloe vera juice mixed with water from now on.

However, Zak is fine now:-) Talking cheerfully and playing :-)

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I spray my parrots with Aloe Vera juice and water all the time. My zon and tag love it and open their wings and feathers so that they are totally soaked. They even turn in the spray to get their backsides all wet. Now my ekkie just tolerates it but he really doesn't complain much. I never spray them with straight aloe vera juice, what a sticky mess that would be!!!!! About 2/3 water to 1/3 juice is what I use but absolutely more water than juice.

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