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Sick again


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My baby girl has got another gram negative crop infection. :( She has been on ciprofloxacin for 9 days now and I don't see any improvement yet. Yesterday she didn't eat anything except for a little handfeeding formula with her medicine and maybe 5 or 6 harrison's pellets. She's chewing feathers again and hasn't said a peep in days and days. I am so worried about her!


I asked the vet why this is happening and she said it could be stress related. Well nothing has changed since the day I brought her home as a tiny hatchling. EXCEPT it became winter. The more I thought about it the more I came to realize that it's the snow that is upsetting her. We had a warm spell when she was doing great and you could actually see the grass for the first time since before Christmas (when she got sick the first time). Then we suddenly got a foot of snow and wham - Kito is sick again.


I've got a humidifier and UV lighting, she's on an excellent diet - veggies, bean/grain mix, harrison's and pretty bird african pellets, birdy bread made with red palm oil, plenty of attention and out of the cage time, tons of toys, and daily aloe vera juice baths. If you can think of anything else let me know. We've got a follow-up appointment with the vet on Thursday.


Please send good thoughts for my little girl. She's such a sweetheart and it makes me so sad to see her not feeling well. And think spring!!

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I think you should be asking about other future treatments if this doesn't work. You should tell the vet about present conditions and also ask about how long it takes to see results. Crop infection from stress? Normally, stress doesn't cause that type of problem. You should stay in constant contact with your vet as far as changes that are going on. Stay on top of things. The diet sounds fine but that diet has nothing to do with curing a crop infection. I can't much about the feather chewing because parrots do that for a multitude of problems. I also don't think that the weather seasons has anything to do with your bird's ups and downs. Your bird is inside and is protected by indoor elements.

Concerning contact with your vet------Not to insult you but many people walk away from a vet's office visit and really have little satisfaction from the vet. Some people are to timid or shy to get into it with the vet so they just accept what's been said on that particular day

Look at this way----if you had a medical problem and went to your MD and he/she found out what the problem was, that MD would tell tou about the problem and he/she would treat the problem or prescibe meds and or treatment for that problem and would normally tell you that if it doesn't work, a follow up visit would be necessary and yours is which is good. He would tell you about possible side effects. He would also ask that you contact him if any problems arose from the treatment or medication so he could continue another course of treatment. Your vet should be doing that with you or you should be doing that with him. Avian treatments costs a lot of money.

Edited by Dave007
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Not sure if this helps because I am a newbie but the heaters in the house really messed my bird up so I got a warm vaporiser and kept it on straight in her cage day and night. I got up several times a night to fill it so it would be constant and it really helped. My bird did not get to the point of not eating though so Your situation sounds much more cridical. I am sorry and hope your bird gets better. I have also read about probiotics and apple cider vinigar in the water and am doing that as so to fight off illness.

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I can't reiterate what Dave said any better than he has already but it is very important to keep the vet informed of any change as he needs any and all information to diagnose or treat her properly but I am holding good thoughts that she gets thru this present illness with flying colors and back to her old self. Keep us informed.

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I called first thing this morning and she told me to take her off the antibiotics. If she still doesn't start eating better in a day or two I will take her in on Wed. instead of Thurs. as scheduled.


Thanks for the good ideas Ellen, I'm going to go get her some yogurt in a few minutes here. How much cider vinegar do you put in the water? I think I will wait on that idea, I change her water at least twice a day and wash the dish with dishsoap every time.


Thank you Judy!

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Follow up exam showed she still has the infection. We did another swab and that will be sent in to the lab for a culture (bacterial and fungal) to see exactly what we are dealing with. In the mean time she is on a low dose of SMZ. I should get some results back by Monday but the fungal will take longer.

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I am so sorry that you and Kito are going through an illness. The cold weather must make it a little more challenging with getting her in the car and taking her to the vet. Although the logistics of warming up a car and keeping her out of the weather isn't so much of an issue, knowing you are vulnerable during that time is bound to add to your own stress. I hope you get some good news soon and she starts feeling better. Take good care of yourself too, you can handle whatever comes your way. If the feather picking and quiet are what you meant being stress related, it could be she is stressed by not feeling well and when the vet gets the medicine in order for the underlying condition, she will perk up and be her old self. Sending lots of heartfelt wishes and prayers for her speedy recovery... and for your stress too!

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Until I met my first baby grey and then came to this forum to learn, I would not have understood just what the members here provide. I have been an animal lover all my life, but getting an African grey, or any parrot for that matter touches our soul in a different way than any other pet or family member. The great joys and delights are matched by the depth of despair when we don't know what to do to help them feel better. There is something magical about the way they do know you are giving your whole heart to them. You are among friends here who do understand where you are today. Take good care and thanks for your cyber hug right back to us.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I finally got the rest of the results back today and the news is not good. Aspergillosis. I started her on a 60 day regimen of itraconazole this afternoon and she's still on the SMZ until the 31st. I ordered some Avi-culture probiotics for her since she will not eat any flavor of yogurt that I can find cold or warmed, plain or camouflaged. I'll keep offering it anyway. At least she has gained back 5 grams and is whistling and talking a little. I spent the entire evening cleaning and scrubbing and sanitizing. Again.

Please say a prayer for Kito, she doesn't deserve this and I can't stand the thought of losing her. 239.gif

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Malikah, this is not the news I wanted to hear but it is what it is, I am so sorry to hear this but you are doing everything you can for Kito and no she doesn't deserve this, no animal does but we here are all pulling for Kito right now, I will keep you both in my thoughts and prayers, hang in there Malikah as we are here for you.

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I am so sorry your bird is sick! The important thing is that you are doing your very best to keep your bird as happy and healthy as possible. I know many a pet owner that wouldn't even take their pet to the vet. You'll be in my thoughts!

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So sorry to hear the diagnosis. However, with this diagnosis you know what is going on and get effective treatment like you are doing now. I presume this is Kito?


Continue daily cleaning, sanitizing and drying. Don't let things dry on their own - do a towel or blower drying. Also, be sure to regularly use hand sanitizer and wear a mask while cleaning.


Here's some grey healing energy from my grey family coming your way!!

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Thanks everybody. I'm wondering just how contagious aspergillosis is. Is my little poop snarfing dog at risk? What about Charlie? He regularly regurgitates for Kito and she likes it when he nibbles on her tongue. She also poops on his cage occasionally.


Nevermind, just looked it up on the Mayo clinic website, it is not contagious. It's everywhere. I'm thinking maybe she got it from the whole walnuts I bought her. Even though they were sold for human consumption, her immune system was weakened from the crop infection.

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I think Kito may be starting to feel a little better. fingers crossed -----> mX Xm

Last night we had dinner guests and she beat up one of her toys like her old self. Unfortunately she smacked a blood feather in doing so and I had to dip her wing in cornstarch a couple of times to get it to stop bleeding. Never a dull moment!

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We are so sorry, lot's of prayers go out to you. If I may, keep things as dry as can be, if your still bathing daily, you might want to reduce that to 1 time a week. Feed foods rich in Beta Carotene, as Vitamin A is important for good health of the respiratory tract and skin. Yams, carrots, broccoli, red peppers and apricots are all great, as are supplements like wheat grass and spirulina. Humidifiers are known to possibly help cause this disease. Dryness is very important. Luv, Jayd, Maggie, Spock and the flock

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Sorry, I forgot to mention. Most every one knows my love and respect for Apple Cider Vinegar. It is a "Safe" disinfectant that you can use around your bird. It kills most bacteria and fungus, not to mention spores. You can clean cages, non-adsorbent toys and perches, almost anything. Clean your water bowls, food bowls [let them air dry] Put 1 to 2 drops in the water bowl. Vinegar is acidic, it has a low ph, that's why it kills fungus and bacteria. "Note: Ask Talon about her water system.." For use in water bowls and soaking veggies, use "Organic Apple Cider Vinegar", after you clean your veggies, don't rinse them. The odor won't hurt your bird, all our fid's love it....Jayd

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